The supermassive stampede subsided in less than a day.

No matter how many dragon pulses we had, it seemed like we needed a lot of energy to make that kind of disaster, and the flow of power we felt from around here was less than half.

It'll take more than a year to get it back.

Conversely, it can be said that there is no longer any danger of stampede happening again during that period of time.

I don't know what's going to happen... but some boss monsters will be born soon, forming dungeons in each mountain.

That's what it looks like here.

Fortunately, the city has suffered surprisingly little damage. Considering that it was a rare catastrophe, it would be a miracle.

Of course, there are casualties. We will have to perform their funeral throughout the city.

But now is the time to honestly celebrate victory.

I have a lot to do. If you keep looking at what you've lost, you can't improve your morale from now on.


When the sun sets. The adventurers were drinking all over the city.

I myself drink quietly in the corner seat here at the guild tavern.


Still, shut up.

Zamrug's gorgeous laughter seems to have reached the shop across the street.

I don't hate to be busy, but I still didn't like this kind of relationship.

But for some reason, my friends in my previous life were stupid. I'm sure it's a mistake.

By the way, Amu and the others also participated in the alcohol ceremony, but because it collapsed early, I put them to bed in the corner. Apparently, they were weak in alcohol.

"Seika Ramprog! Come here!

Zamrug's voice echoes.

When I was reluctant, I was grabbed by my arm and forced to pull. [M]

"Seika Ramprog! A hero who defeated the monster worm and saved the city from Stampede!!

Cheers rose from among the adventurers.

Somehow Zamrug handed me a glass of liquor. Drink it and the cheers rose even more. Wouldn't you be glad to do anything? These guys.

"You can drink that fire liquor very well. Ramprog, you're as strong as ever."

When I ran off to the table where Lloyd was, I was told that first.

"I didn't want to drink it... at all. It floats here a lot."

"You're going to get a lot of money into the city. I'm guaranteed a life, and I'm floating."

What do you think? Not all materials can be redeemed right away, so if you don't sell them carefully, you'll lose a lot. The dungeon won't be back for a while. "

Naturally, after the stampede subsided, a large number of monster carcasses remained around Rakana.

In other words, a treasure mountain.

They were once decided to become the property of the city. That's what Raqana's old law says. It's a reasonable arrangement, because when adventurers sell together, the market breaks.

Instead, of course, less expensive monthly payments were made to all residents. The number of adventurers in battle naturally increases. For at least another year. If you can live without work, you have no idea what comes to mind.

However, now that the dungeon has vanished, there is no other way for adventurers to make money. I can't spend much more than I spend on living expenses.

In addition, Rakana, who has a large inventory of monster materials, will be approached by merchants who are about to feed him. It seemed difficult to keep the market and sell it little by little so they wouldn't fool me.

Nevertheless, there may not be much to worry about.

Cyrus seems to be an expert, and he's teaming up with Fiona.

Well, it's going to work.

With that in mind, Lloyd's cup caught my eye.

"... that. You're drinking today, too."

"Ah... to mourn my people. I also drink a little at times like this."

That said, Lloyd tilts the cup.

There are likely to be a lot of people drinking that way tonight.

"Oh, Lloyd. Drinking alcohol is fine, but don't be so hard on me! Celebrate the victory tonight! If the party leader looks like a hick, no one will notice!... and, hey, I've got cancer all over the place. I'm going to get in the way of it, and that's how hard it is."

Lloyd tells Zamlug that he is drunk or serious and that he looks a little serious.

"... that's not how it works. I lost my people because of my bad command. I don't deserve to forget that responsibility... even the Mayor will be resigning his seat for tonight's celebration."

"Except for my father. I'm not an adventurer anymore, I'm sure you'll behave yourself as chairman. But how about me and you? You're an adventurer. An adventurer who chooses his own way of life and takes care of it. Even your buddies... yes. It's too arrogant to be responsible for the lives and deaths of all the party members you're fucking with."

"Still, it is. I ignored the adventurers' style and promised them success at the party until I let them bend their freedom of choice. If I don't take responsibility here, my words will be a lie."

"Ha, nh, you're going to start saying sweet things to your people. It's only natural to be protected and rescued, and it's only natural to be looked at with good eyes."

"I don't mind. Rather, I want everyone to live in this city, taking it all for granted. The idea that it's only natural to lose friends, that it's only natural to die young, is absolutely wrong."

"It's you...."

Ah, shut up.

I put the cup down and said it without patience. [M]

"If you have a quarrel, please do it outside. Alcohol is bad."

At some point, the area around the table was a little quiet.

The adventurers around him also seemed to be thinking about the conversation between the leaders of the two big parties led by Rakana.

"... Seika Ramprog. What do you think?

"What about it?"

"What do you... think the adventurer should be?"


Zamurg suddenly waves to me and confuses me. [M]

Turning to Lloyd for help, he nodded strongly for some reason.

"Yes, Mr. Lamprogue. I want to hear your thoughts."


After careful observation, it seemed that they were both drunk.


I can't go out with drunk wasted stories.

"Then let me say it. Both of you are wrong. Neither way is even our ideal. Ideas are not so easy to talk about in the first place!

I was confused by myself who said something.

It's getting strangely hot. My mouth moves freely.

Hey, am I drunk?

"Lloyd, as I said before. Each person is different. Homogeneous education alone will eventually bring out those who cannot adapt to it. Moreover, any non-competitive community that simply leaves itself to its leaders is weak. Everyone can't be saved, but slowly fades. Is such a system really ideal?

Remove your gaze from the silent Lloyd, and then I look at Zamlug. [M]

"Same for you, Zamurg. The freedom of adventurers is nothing but an illusion. There are few opportunities for them to choose something of their own free will. In a dangerous and information-poor place like a dungeon, more than your own ingenuity or effort, just luck decides everything. Calling this freedom is the pride of a successful man who happens to win something. Or do you think this is the ideal situation?

Shut up even Zamrug.

The Alliance's tavern was somehow quiet.

"Then... how do I fit in?"

Eventually Zamurg opens his mouth severely.

"I also know many new recruits who have died despite their talents. If they had someone to teach them about the dungeon, they might still be drinking together... But still, I don't think it's a good idea for Rakana to make a sweet adventurer just to be controlled."

"I don't think my policy is perfect. But if we spread our knowledge and technology properly, we should definitely reduce the number of adventurers who die in boring accidents. At least, rather than do nothing... There is a problem like yours. [M] But I couldn't think of any other way."

Lloyd says.

"If there is an ideal way, please tell me. What do we do?"

"There's no ideal way. As I said before, such things are not very easy to talk about. But... there's a slightly better way."

"Hey, what is that?"

Let me know.

The two of you stepped forward, slightly confronted.

I mean... I wonder what I'm talking about.

Still, my mouth moves on its own.

"It's simple. If you can't help too much, if you can't help... just give them a chance to learn, and then leave it to their own free will."


"... I'm sorry, what exactly should I do?

"I spread my knowledge. What adventurers know about dungeons and monsters… so to speak."

The tavern starts scrambling.

I'll keep going.

"You just have to make it into a book so that everyone can have it. If you learn to succeed by your own will, there is still more energy left for creativity and effort. With that, everyone will have the information they need to survive."

Raqana is a city of ruins, but it has a high literacy rate. In the first place, the literacy rate of the Empire seemed to be considerably higher than that of any other country in the previous life.

So, it's probably going to work.

"Of course, this isn't perfect either. It's not enough to tell the story, and no matter how hard you load your tactics, those who lose their lives in misfortune will never stop. It's just a little better than both of your extreme ways."

Lloyd and Zamurg said that they were somewhat paranoid.

"Yes, no, but that's true....."

"... who writes the key content? My party members can help me somewhat."

"Ask everyone and put it together."

"Hmm... what?

"It's no good listening to some parties because there are so many adventurers. There may be valuable information that only one or two people know."

"But... how do we make sure it's right? Some of you may be lying."

"Before that, adventurers weren't just kind enough to help. Are you going to give me a reward?

"You can associate the information with the name of the person who provided it. If you're an adventurer, there must be a lot of people who want to help you with this kind of honor. And to some extent, we can prevent false or inaccurate information."

Unlike weapons and food, knowledge is not diminished by giving it to anyone. Even with no real reward, there will be quite a few who move.

As the scratch gets bigger, I add. [M]

"If you're really going to do it, you're going to have to pack the details right. People who have been adventurers for a long time will be better off around here."

The adventurers who heard me start talking. [M]

"... isn't that nice? You write about dungeons and monsters, you make books, right?

"Nnah, who gives the money?"

"Send it to the guild. And then there's the senator."

"Who's an idiot who wants to tell other adventurers about the hunting grounds?

"I can help you. If it's next to Zamrug or Lloyd's name, my name will rise."

"Wait, what if the Imperial Agent leaks crazy information on purpose?

"All you have to do is ignore the information from people with suspicious identities. Alternatively, you can compare or verify it with other information."

"I'm such an idiot, I can't remember just reading it."

"Just keep it with you. I don't mind lending it to you, but I want you to keep it as much as you can for the newcomers."

"Books are expensive. It's gonna take a hell of a lot of work to make that."

"No, not these days. Anything, in the Imperial Capital, it's called a typeface..."

Suddenly the noise returned to the tavern - Zamurg suddenly raised a fat laugh.

"Ha ha ha ha! What the hell, these guys are so excited! You think funny things, Seika Ramprog."

Drink your cup and add a word.

Well, I'll take care of the rest.

"What about it?"

Zamurg says astonished to me when I ask him back.

"Hey, don't take care of it so much, you won't tell me you don't know it later, right?

"... that's right. We are, after all, adventurers. I can't learn to make anything like you say. [M] Can I ask you something? You can talk to your guild or congress and get paid."

"Yes... I don't want to, it's troublesome"

Unexpectedly, she frowned.

"I just gave my opinion because I was asked to. If you want to do it, please do it yourself."

Zamrug and Lloyd looked at each other with a subtle expression... and then said.

"You seem wise, but you're stupid at heart. Seika Ramprog"

"What about it?"

"It's just so exciting. In less than half a month, your opinions and opinions will spread throughout the city. And every time I cross paths with an adventurer, I get told. When can I get a strategy book? Where can I see it? Put my name on it! Say it."


"That's right... no, that's fine. Sleeping behind you, your party members may get stiff. [M] If you suck, so will the mayor and other councillors."

"... haah?

I opened my mouth wide. [M]

Perhaps... you've said the most unnecessary thing?

Zamrug and Lloyd laugh together.

Well, give up.

"We will cooperate as much as we can."

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