Then I was sure I was busy.


A room in the guild.

Mabel, who had been writing at the desk next door all morning, said without looking.

"We've become adventurers... why are we doing this?"

I answer to the tone of resentment after a little silence. [M]


From a picture with a table for reception, you can hear the voice of Effa talking to the customer.

"That's right... in the northern cave... ah, ahaha..."

The voice seemed a little tired.

The customer, the old archer, has repeated the same story three times, so it may not be impossible.

One month after that.

By the time Stampede was finished, rumours were spreading among adventurers that a strategy book for the dungeon would be made, as Zamrug and Lloyd had predicted.

Besides, with my name as the originator.

It sucked after that.

It was me who even knew my face because of the work of stampede suppression, but when the rumors spread, I was able to talk to more people anyway.

Besides, it's all about strategy information. There were a lot of idiots on the side of the road telling me about the hidden corridors of the dungeons and the weaknesses of the monsters, and I had to run away every time.

Even the self-evident adventurers are now lurking in the dungeon to spare time. This was natural.

Moreover, it seems that their spear was also directed at the Amus, and they complained that they would do something about it.

At the end of the quote, an Alliance executive came to the inn and tried to leave a large amount of gold coins for the moment. I hurried him back, but the next day I brought him to the Freedom Citizens' Council - I had to give up and shake my head vertically.

However, I managed to withdraw the false assertion that I would build a bronze statue in honor of Rakana's contribution.



I rented out a room in the guild, and I was still in the middle of a collection today.

By the way, the adventurers outside the room are making a line for you to listen to.

I don't know how long it'll take.

"How did this happen...."

Well, that's good.

Amu puts a bundle of paper that he was carrying with him.

"You got the money, right? Anyway, it's better than nothing. Besides... can you make a book like that?

"... just in case"

Even in his previous life, he wrote several books for his apprentices and just a hobby. I still remember how to spell it.

This binding method seems a little different again... but I'm sure we can handle it.

He says Amu is stunned.

"How do you even know that? You can do it."

"Well, I don't know when it's going to be finished. Unless that queue disappears."


Amu finally said.

"But... if I were in their position, I might have caught you and knocked down what I knew."

"Yeah... you, too?

"Even in a tavern, there are people who talk about their adventures in a big voice, right? Everyone's hungry for a chance to talk. It's your fault I made a hole."

"It's a gap. They're such troublesome people."


Amu laughs and then says.

"You didn't help them."


The Mayor came when the sun was near Jomtien and the Amus went out to buy lunch.

"I'm trying, kid."

Silas smiled and said, "I was resting alone, and I looked down."

What can I do for you?

"No, I heard you started something interesting."

"White... you must have rooted it in the guild's executives and senators and made it easier for them to fund it."

Sirus laughs with pleasant laughter.

"Cuckoo! Why did they find out? What, when it came to Stampede, I heard a big, stupid voice saying that I needed reinforcements, and he made me do it. Think of it as a return."

"You've done a hell of a thing to the hero who saved the city."

Wow, let's build a bronze statue.

"... please don't do this"

Cyrus laughs and looks around the room as I look reluctantly.

"You're totally accepted in this city. It's Seika Ramprog."

Really? Well, if you work so hard and can't accept it, you won't be rewarded. "

"No... Stampede has nothing to do with it. You've been part of Rakana since before."

Silent me, Cyrus continues.

"Like Zamrug, let them admit their surroundings with courage and accomplishments. Or, like Lloyd, bring new values to the city and attract people... When I saw you for the first time, I saw you as one of the former... and I thought that at the same time, like the latter, I could change the city. Either way, if it helps Rakana. But... kid. You weren't either after all."

"... if it's neither, I'll say anything."

"Nature and people gather around you."

Silas continues quietly.

"It's powerful. There is also wisdom that no ordinary person can possess. But that doesn't matter... you seem to have been nostalgic to others. Cuckoo! If this eagle mistakenly sees a person's sexuality, it's a busy one!

"Yes? That's not true...."

"Are you off-track? So, how'd it go?

I wonder how it has been so far.

When I think about it, in my previous life... I do feel like there was someone around me all the time.

Friends of samurai and apprentices. A magician from Yin and Yang dormitories who was a hard-worker to the aristocracy of strangers. Song and those who met in the West. A demon who decipheres human language. A pathetic emperor to his sick wife.

Even after I was reborn... or maybe so.

I still can't truncate those who were going to truncate me if I had to because I didn't step on the same path as in my previous life.

"... come on. I forgot."

Hmm, I see.

Silas smiles at me with his nose.

"It's more precious than power and wisdom. Take care of yourself at best."


When Cyrus returned, the silence returned to the room.

The reception will not resume until the next bell rings, so the queues made by the adventurers are now gone.

"... that person is quite a sharp person."

Yuki raised her face from above her head and said.

"I didn't know you were Seika-san."

"Is that, after all...? Honestly, I don't really know."

"What are you saying? Didn't you have that many friends in your previous life?"

"Not in this life either. I don't know how close they are to each other."

"Isn't your relationship with the people of the house you were born in? Besides, it is recognized by the head of the school, nostalgic princess and princess, and admired by the desolates of the city."

"I think the adventurers here are just happy."

"That's not true. Seika-san still has the temperament to be liked by people, I think Yuki."

I assure you, Yuki smiles unexpectedly. [M]

"What is the temperament that people like? If you really have that kind of stuff, thankfully... you can't afford to live a little cunning."

Yuki opened her mouth after a slight silence.

"Um... Seika-san. Don't you regret it?


"about saving this city."

Suddenly, Yuki suddenly became lewd.

"At that time Yuki thought it would be good for Seika-san, and I was afraid a lot of such suggestions were made. However... after all, I think of shallow demons. I wonder if you've put water in Seika-san's deep prospects....."

"What is it, you? Is that what you were thinking?"

I smile, reach over my head, and stroke the little demon with my fingers. [M]

"Never mind. It wasn't obvious, but fortunately I didn't use dragons or great spells. A magician of that magnitude would have just as many people in this world. Not so dangerous as a politician. It's okay."

It seems that some people saw a strange dragon during the stampede, but the rumor soon vanished.

I'm in the middle of that mess. Most people think they saw something wrong with a chimera. If there had been a dragon, the city would not have been safe.

The disadvantage of seeing Mizuchi was also of that degree.

"Besides, I have no wonders or regrets. I'm glad I saved you now. As a result, I was able to protect my life and apologize to Fiona. Thanks to you, Yuki."

"Mm, so... is that so?

Yuki's voice is getting a little brighter.

"Fu, fufu! Well, that's good! Yuki helped you!

"Ah, good to hear you. And... I felt a little bit responsible about that, too."

After that, I thought the last one was superfluous.

Sure enough, Yuki touches it.

"Does that mean you couldn't prevent the boss crusade in the south...? That's right, you don't have to worry so much. There are things that no one can predict."

"Ah, no, I don't really care about that..."

"... Seika-san?

I stretched my neck upside down from above my head and Yuki peeked into my face. [M]

"Is there something you're hiding from Yuki?

"Er... here..."

I say with a distraction. [M]

"There was a deer monster I caught and let go, right?


"Oh, I guess... he was the boss of the North."

"... eh!?

Yuki shouted in dismay.

"Is that right!?

"As far as the flow of power is concerned... probably"

When I caught him, I thought he was just a little strong.

"Yes, it was true that the northern mountains had been devastated since before Yuki came to this city...."

Says Yuki is upset.

"That deer thing got scared and ran away because Seika-san sealed it in phase...? So, is it true that one-third of the causes of that disaster were with Seika!?

"No, that's not true!

I make excuses in haste. [M]

"In the first place, the deer would have been far from the northern mountains at the time of capture! I lost power in the dungeon long before I sealed it off! I'm sure I was going to move in from the beginning! I have nothing to do with my disappearance!

"Then why do you feel responsible?"

"Well, that's... well, I caught it once. I wonder if I could have revived the northern dungeon before Stampede had managed to get back to the mountain without letting him escape at that time...."

It was a while before I realized that the deer monster could have been the boss of the North.

Looking back, it's a long story.

"Of course, I can't do anything. I know I can't help regretting it now, but... if I had been aware of it, I would have done it."

Isn't that right?

Yuki pulled her head back lightly.

Then, let me be clear.

"Now, at best, please encourage us to make books."

"Eh... no, why is that?"

"What can Seika-san do now?

"Ah... you mean this?

"Thank you very much. You should have done it then, but don't regret it next time."

Yuki said with clarity.

"Didn't you like this?"

"... sure."

I smile bitterly and take the glass pen again. [M]

"I can't help it. Let's do it."

A cool breeze blows through the window, shaking the paper edges.

Autumn was approaching.

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