"Dear Seika-sama,

The cold has calmed down, and this time of the day, the blowing season is coming to an end.Would you like to spend some time with Seika-san?

Forgive me for letting you know so late.I heard that Seika-san was able to get to Raqana safely, but unfortunately, I didn't have the opportunity to hold a pen due to various difficulties.Never in my half-life have I ever felt so sorry for myself.

However, it was worth it, and the difficulties were mostly cleared up, so I was able to send a letter.This joy that finally spells out your thoughts is now in the ink.

In the foreword, I would like to say the words that I wanted to tell you the most.

Dear Seika, Thank you so much for saving Rakana.

I actually knew the possibility of a stampede.A few days after I dropped Seika-sama off, I was able to see a gloomy future like that.

However, I cannot prepare you for another place to stay right away, and as I told Seika-san, I can hardly write to those who were in the vortex of the disturbance.So, I managed to change the future... but after all, it didn't work out, and it bothered Seika-sama's hand.

My powers are not omnipotent, and this happens very rarely.I'm sorry, sir.

Apologies, but I have enclosed a useful piece of paper.

Please write any number you like.If you take it to any of the chambers on the list, it will be ready for you soon.

I hear you've started an adventurer.When Chancellor Cyrus heard that he had thrown Seika into the city without much entertainment, his face was stunned by surprise, but he seemed to be very active, above all.

Seika-sama's wild appearance as an adventurer is something I would love to see...

Take care of yourself.

I will write another letter.

From your Fiona. "

I quietly closed the letter. [M]

A room in an inn in Rakana.

As was said in the greetings, the cold here has also eased considerably.

The long winter was over and the country was about to spring again.

In another month, it will be a full year since we arrived in Rakana.In retrospect, what a hasty day.

Yuki, who was hitting on the window, woke up with tears.

"Oh, is that a sentence, Seika?"

Oh, from Fiona.

"Ho, from that princess.It feels a lot more complicated now... but what?

"Thank you for doing something about Stampede."


"I realized what happened after sending me out, but I couldn't tell you what happened."

"Mmm, is that... true?

Yuki said suspiciously.

"I think you're lying anyway.As a matter of fact, the princess knew all about this... and she was using Seika-san?

"Certainly, not everything it says is true."

I look down at the folded letter and say. [M]

"There was a surveillance eye and I couldn't send a letter... but I completely hid the truth about the attack and I don't think Fiona was in such a disadvantaged position.If it was just one or two letters, I could have written whatever I wanted. "

It is difficult to think of a situation where she has the power to see the future and has even the mighty violence of the Holy Knight.

Given her position as the Empress and her ability to carry out the plot, she should have been in a position to actively manipulate the situation.

In the Empire Castle raid, which was supposed to have been overwhelming for everyone, she was the only one who knew everything beforehand and acted as she wanted.

Fiona is now the only one in the court who knows where the brave and the bad guys who let it go.

But I say.

"But otherwise, it's pretty much true.At least I don't think he was malicious enough to keep quiet. "

"Mm, how could you say such a thing?

"It would be suspicious if a catastrophe occurred in a city led by a visionary of the future."

…… Yes, sir.That's why Yuki said so. "

"That's why. If she had known everything, she wouldn't have done such a messy thing."

Whether you wanted to get rid of me or Amu, or simply to save Rakana, I felt very uncomfortable.

"So you really didn't know when you sent me out.This must have rushed Fiona too. "

"Mmm... but that's not why I didn't send you the sentence."

"What kind of letter do you write?I can't suddenly get a new escape destination, so I can't even tell you to run away.I can't even tell you to stay in the city.If she had the potential to change the future, she would have had to bet on you.I think I failed. "

"Can't you imagine... until Seika-san thinks so?

"Do you expect such consideration from those who suddenly destroy the Imperial Castle?

"If you say so... I can't say anything about Yuki."

There must have been a lot of confusion on Fiona's side.

I certainly don't want to lose my supporter, Rakana.At the same time, I would like to avoid buying my mistrust with unknown power.

After all, I had to do everything by myself.

Rakana and I were all right in the end, but she would have failed more than a stampede.This letter would be like a defeat to me. [M]

Somehow, I was able to imagine the struggle of the Holy Queen.

Before she was a politician, she was human.

And... you sent me something a little too good to be in a mood.

I look at the piece of paper that was in the letter. [M]

"Well, I believe her now.I got something like this. "

…… What is it?The paper. "

"Bill of Lading"

That little rectangular piece of paper was the finest piece of paper I've ever seen.

Complex patterned edges, bank name, payment wording, and Fiona's signature, stamped.

However, the amount was blank.

"Write your favorite forehead."

"Um, what is a bill...?

"If you say so, it's paper for money.If you take it to the bank here, or to the branch of the Chamber of Commerce, which Fiona funds, it will be exchanged for gold.By the way, I'm free to decide the amount. "

"Oh! Isn't that amazing!?Are you saying that all the wealth of the world will belong to Seika!

"No, I can't write such a ridiculous forehead.Only the amount Fiona can pay.Somewhat needs to be determined by reading the air. "

Still... it seems like you'll get a fair amount of money.

"Fortunately, I'm not worried about money anymore... but I'm not in trouble.Someday I may be able to help you. "

Thank you, Seika-san.

Yuki opens up and says.

"Sometimes you get the money... but that's how much you trust Seika-san to decide how much you want.Depending on what Seika-san writes, the princess could be destroyed.There is nothing wrong with being trusted by a powerful politician. "

I smiled bitterly after blinking my eyes. [M]

"No, I don't think it'll be ruined because it won't be paid out more than it's in this bank after all."

"Ah, is that so...."

"But... that's right.Do you think so? "

When I say that and laugh little, I get up and take my coat. [M]

"Are you out?Seika-san. "

"Oh, to buy a note.Maybe now Fiona is a little worried about what I think. [M]I'll write you back as soon as I can.It's just.... "

So I frowned and added. [M]

"I don't know what to do with the contents, but...."

"What's bothering you?Seika liked to write sentences, didn't she? "

"That's right... it's like sending this letter to someone you want.It says something more than your Fiona.... "


"Well, this may be the Empress's euthanasia, but I don't know how to return it... I honestly don't know that much about the upper class's manners..."

"Um... Seika-san.That's probably not true.... "

"Hmm? What?

"... no, nothing.If Yuki says so, I'm sure there's nothing I can do about it. "

And he said with a sound as if he was sighing.

"However, Yuki has been thinking for a long time... please be careful, Seika-san"

"So, what happened?"

Yuki told him in a way that he could tell a bad man.

"Please don't just let a woman stab you in the back."

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