Strongest Onmyouji's Isekai Adventure ~ The Monsters are too weak compared to my Youkai Servant

Episode 125 Acquiring the Grade of the Strongest Yin and Yang Master

"Adventurer Rank?"

A few days later, I sent Fiona a reply.

One late breakfast in the Alliance's cafeteria, and the amus who found me rushed in and asked me to step out.

Have you heard about the Adventurer Class?

Ask him back while exploring his memory.

"That was definitely... an adventurer's rating.What's wrong with that? "

"Our rank has finally been determined!"

Amu, sitting in the chair in front of me without ordering, said so with a bouncing voice.

I tilt my neck without understanding the meaning. [M]

"It's finally decided... what do you mean?"

Er... Seika-kun.Adventurers are graded by merit and years of experience. "

Effa, sitting next to Amu with a little concern for the clerk, started explaining, so I listened as I started talking. [M]

"Is that how it works?"

"We all defeated a lot of monsters at last year's stampede, right?So, it seems that we've been discussing in the guild what to do with the ranks of the people who fought at that time. "

"Achievements that qualify for promotion depend on the kind of monsters you defeat at at the party.But Stampede was a turmoil that had nothing to do with the party, so he rubbed it to the point where he recognized it as a success. "

Amu says to supplement Effa's description.

"Is it possible to raise everyone to Grade 2 or 3 because the top monsters were mixed, or is it possible to admit nothing because of the special circumstances, or to take the time to make them Grade 4 or 5..."


If I don't come with the pin, I'll ask from a fundamental point for now.

"What exactly are your grade-up achievements and experiences?"


Amu looks into the air as he tries to remember.

At first, I was in the 10th grade, and if I defeated a lower monster, I would be in the 9th grade.Every year of experience from there, I go up to Grade 1 and Grade 6.But if you defeat a median monster, it will be Grade 5 regardless of the number of years of experience at that time.However, if you have more than five years of experience, you are in Grade 4.If you defeat the top monsters, you'll be in third grade, and if you've had more than a decade of experience, you'll be in second grade. "

Hmm, I see.

It seems to be a hierarchy that evaluates both merit and experience.

However, even if you have strong arms, you can reach the third grade, but in addition to the second grade, you will need ten years of adventurer experience.If you survived so much against strong enemies, you could say quite an old man.

And I have questions. [M]

"Well, how do I get to first grade?"

"Class 1 and Class 2 will not be available unless specifically certified by the Alliance.Mayor Cyrus seems to be a first-class mayor, but there's no one else in Lacana. "

Would it be like an honorary position?

Then the second level is essentially the culmination of the adventurer.

And so Amu adds.

"However, apart from that, there is a party grade, and there are many quasi-first-graders there.Dad's party was like that, and Zamurg's Red Wings and Lloyd's League of Trees were both quasi-final.But if it wasn't for the most famous party, I wouldn't have a grade in the first place. "

"It's so confusing... but I get it."

Party ratings are essentially the result of prestige.It doesn't seem to matter much either.If you succeed, you may get it with money or politics, even if you don't have any merit.

I'll go back to the grade considerations. [M]

"So, I guess we'll admit that we fought at Stampede.Certainly some of them did their best to defeat the top monsters, and some of them may have been hiding for a long time, so it's subtle... what did the Alliance decide to do after all? "

"Fufufu... that's it! That's the answer!"

That said, Amu smiled and sticked out a small metal plate.

Metal plates with yellow fingers are joined by small chains for hanging around the neck.On its surface was a number of five, the emblem of the Adventurer Alliance, and the name of Amu.

"All the adventurers who fought at Stampede were treated as median monsters.We're all in fifth grade! "

The metal plate was apparently a Grade 5 certification card.

Looking closely, it seemed that Effa and Mabel were lowering the same thing from their necks.

"Hmm... can I take a look?"

Borrow a Certification Card from Amu.

The yellowish metal is probably brass.The stamping is more polite than I thought.Regardless of the rank numbers and the guild's emblem to prevent counterfeiting, the name has been deliberately included to prevent theft and takeover.

After looking at the inscribed number five for a while, he returned silently, and Amu sharpened his lips with dissatisfaction.

"What, that boring reaction. Don't you have feelings?"


I can't help but explain why I feel so subtle. [M]

"I thought it was the fifth grade...I mean, you're killing Lesser Damon and Naga, right?Isn't that the top monster?If it's true, you should be in third grade. "

"That's not how it works."

Amu lowers the certification card from his neck.

"I didn't defeat him as an adventurer at that time, and he was only twelve.I can't even admit it to the guild. "

"Ah... so it wasn't until I was fifteen that I was officially recognized as an adventurer."

In fact, some adventurers are younger than that, but I've heard from Amu before that you can only officially sign up for the guild when you're an adult.

Amu laughs and says.

"Plus, you can raise your rank!Once the dungeon is back, we should go defeat it with a proper High Oak.Eldertrent is fine, because I ran away without defeating him once. "

Despite a lower rating than his strength, Amu seemed to be in a much better mood.

Amu, who had been an adventurer since he was a child, had never been able to officially join the Alliance because of his age, so he won the rank for the first time.

That might make you happy.

And then I realize.

"Oh, wait, so maybe I won't be recognized for my achievements?"


"At stampede, I was only fourteen.Because my birthday is autumn.I haven't dived into the dungeon since I was an adult... am I still in the tenth grade? "

"You know...."

He says Amu is stunned.

"Because you've done so much, you won't be recognized for such a boring reason.If you're about a year or two old, everybody's usually deluded. "

Well, I'm glad.

I exhale relieved.

I don't care about grades... but there's only one person who can't dress better than these kids.

I put my gaze back on the table and murmured with my hands on the rest of breakfast. [M]

Well then, I guess I'll be in fifth grade.Then I have to get that certification card too... Can I get it from the guild? Is there a fee or something? "




"Oh, what's wrong? All three of you."

When he raised his face, the three men were silent with subtle expressions.

Not so much, Effa says in a tone she can't say anything about.

"Well, except Seika-kun... he's not with us."


"What do you think you did?"



That said, Mabel, who was sitting on the other side of Effa, gave me a small wooden box.

Seika's share is getting worse.

"For me...? Is this my certification card?"

Attract the crate.

Looking at it in my hand, it seemed quite polite.

Remove metal fasteners and open lid.Then, as expected, one certification card was fitted into a wooden frame.

However, its appearance is quite different from that of the Amus.

It is a yellowish metal, but its shine is much stronger, except for the inscribed numbers.


"One...? This is a first-class certification card!?"

I wondered who it belonged to, but even if I didn't look at it carefully, the letters of Seika were clearly engraved.

Though there was no family name, it was clearly my own.

"No, wait, this isn't the same color as yours... is it made of pure gold?"

That's right.

Amu nodded with a stunned face.

"Certification cards are usually made of brass, but the semi-first grade is silver and the first grade is gold."

"This is such an expensive thing that you can go on an adventure with your neck down..."

"I hear active adventurers don't get much."

If it's a class of honor, I'm sure it is...

Amu keeps saying.

"Well, the chain is not gold, and even if you melt it and sell it, it won't cost you a penny.It's not expensive enough to get killed. "

"It's certainly not that big... why am I the first class?"

"Yeah... why, you don't..."

"It's strange that Seika-kun is wondering...."

"I got the stampede all by myself, of course."

Mabel hit me with the right argument, and I couldn't say anything.

I thought it would be all right, but I knew it was too much...

Grab a golden certification card with a subtle expression.

"I don't care, but isn't this usually handed over by the Guild's branch chief?No matter how many party members you are, don't leave them to others.... "

"Weren't you busy?You pushed the guild to work on the offensive book. "


Amu is right.

For the past six months or so, I have encouraged the creation of a book that contains information useful to the Dungeon's strategy, but I watched the first edition come out after a difficult time and took over all my future work to the Alliance.

As far as I'm concerned, I've returned my work to where I was supposed to be... but lately, some monsters are returning to the dungeon, and the staff seems to be busy.

That's why I don't even know how much I hate you.

Amu says annoying when I look reluctant. [M]

"What, you wanted me to give you an award ceremony?"

"No, not at all...."

Well then, that's good.

"... I feel like the treatment of me in the city has become more and more cluttered lately.It's getting more and more familiar... "

"Doesn't that mean you're getting used to it?It's better than school, you didn't have any friends. "


The amu continued to moan, ignoring me. [M]

"I'm surprised... you're more crude or unusual than a well-behaved aristocrat.You don't look like that at all, strange. "


If I were told... it might have been the same in my previous life.

While I was not familiar with the nobles around me in the official days of Innyang dormitory, since I returned from the West, I have been nostalgic to samurai, magicians, Yamafuku and merchants, and such relationships have only increased.

Certainly, in my previous life, I could never have been born or raised... but this kind of temperament doesn't change even if I was reborn.

"But... I think we're all grateful to Seika-kun."

At that time, Effa said it was sticky.

"Before Stampede, there were a lot of rumors... but nobody's saying bad things about Seika-kun anymore.I'm sure you're grateful for that. "

Is that this certification card?

"Yeah, Seika-kun, you said no to building a bronze statue.That's why I wanted to give you something instead.Not only the guild people, but also the congressmen felt the same way, so I think we decided to recognize Seika-kun as first class. "

I dropped my gaze on the gold certification card.

"Well, naturally, I refused because I really wanted you to give me a break for the statue... instead."

Originally, it would have been a quasi-first stop at best.

Besides me, the only first class adventurer is Mayor Cyrus.No matter how much credit there is, recognizing a respected city chief and a young adventurer as equals could create a relationship with the city.

At the discretion of the Alliance, he must have hesitated.

Nevertheless, the fact that I was first class at the same time as the other adventurers... must have been normally supported by Congress and Mayor Cyrus.

I smile a lot. [M]

"If that's the case... why don't you just accept it?"

It may have been worth saving Raqana at the risk of being seen by politicians.

The Adventurer's rank will certainly help in the future.

I pinch my name on the certification card. [M]

"But you're not going to give me your family name."

"That's what certification cards are.Few adventurers have a family name, and they often want to hide it.And there's no room. "


"Well, whatever, Seika."

Amu says as he moves on.

"The first-class certification is amazing.You'll be recognized by the Alliance, so you'll be treated like a great man wherever you go. "

"Yeah, I'd rather not do that...."

But it seemed like it would happen anyway.

The one who gets this kind of stuff usually has money and status as well.

Although he is finally sixteen years old this year, there will surely be many people who look at his title of first class.

However, I say the certification card in my nose.

Well, it's not going to work for a while.

Even if you have a title, you can't help but have someone to show it to.

Thanks to everything that happened in Rakana, most of the residents already knew about me and didn't plan to go to another city for the time being.

But Amu speaks plainly.

"Besides, if you want to make the most of it, you can.There must have been a bulletin board in the guild. "

"Nh...? What do you mean?"

"Accept the request."


"Don't you know, there are plenty of dungeons nearby, but there are plenty of adventurers who specialize in the rest of the city."

That said, Amu stood up.

"Why don't you go and have a look?"

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