They were brought to Amu in front of a large, old bulletin board that was placed in the corner of the Alliance.

By the way, the parchment with something written on it is pinned down.

"You can ask the guild to do it."

Amu explains.

"This is how it is posted, so adventurers can accept orders if they like it and receive rewards from the Alliance if they achieve it.If you fail, you won't get a single piece of copper. "

"Heh, I didn't know there was a place like this."

"There won't be many adventurers in Raqana who will be hired.If there is a big dungeon nearby, it would be more profitable to defeat monsters and collect materials there. "

That's why I've never heard of a bulletin board before.

Amu continues.

"Dungeons are natural, so anyone can dive unless they have restricted access in an Alliance, but requests often have to be of a higher rank.Especially if the reward is good.If you're in Rakana, you don't have to worry about grades, but if you're in a city that's not there, it can be a direct link to life. "

So, what about the fifth grade, Amu?

When Mabel asked, Amu answered with a little trouble.

"Hmm, it's just normal. If you don't choose, you won't get into trouble at work."


"Look, what kind of request is there?"

"Everything. Really anything."

Answer Effa's question as Amu remembers.

"Easy, you want me to get herbs or ore?Others are caravan guards and lost and found somewhere else.It's not a very cheap job because we have to pay adventurers and list them in the guild. "

"I see... well, the adventurer who ran off the groundwater slime is doing a good job, but will that be a request from the city's council?"

"Yes, but they're always recruiting, so it's not much different from a dungeon.Otherwise... after the demon came out at the school entrance ceremony, there was an adventurer wandering around for security, wasn't there?I think the school hired Rodney's branch. "

I see. Surprisingly, you've been involved before.

Amu keeps saying.

But a lot of them asked me to kill monsters.

"You want me to get the materials?"

"Yes, but there are many people who simply want to go out near villages and streets and periodically reduce the number of monsters in the forest.That's what the village and city representatives ask for. "



Amu looks at the parchment on the bulletin board.

"I don't think there's a very common request.I wonder if nearby monsters will be defeated by adventurers, and if they don't ask me for herbs and ore, I'll get them for sale.There are only distant, highly rewarding requests.These are all copies of the requests sent to the rest of the branch.Requests that are difficult to achieve may be posted in other cities. "

"Which one....."

I also look at the parchment that was written on my request.

Indeed, they were all requests from distant places.It's like going by carriage.The rewards are high, but there are a lot of content that seems to be very difficult.

"Is it eligible to receive requests if it says grade 5 or higher or grade 4 or higher?"

"That's right. If the recipient doesn't meet the criteria, they won't be able to hear more from the Alliance."

"Does it matter the number of people or the grade of the party member?"

"The Alliance doesn't usually talk that much because it gathers people after receiving a request.But adventurers are roughly at the same level as each other. "

Well, I suppose so.

Hey hey

At that time, Effa pointed to the bulletin board and said with a nice face.

"I wonder if we'll take one of these...!"

"Nh. I want to try"

And Mabel nodded.

Both Effa and Mabel look surprisingly behavioral.I haven't been to the dungeon since Stampede, and I've always been alone in Rakana, so I might be bored.

However, I naturally show difficulty. [M]

"You're leaving Rakana....."

We have done too much here to forget, but we are sinners who have destroyed the Imperial Castle and fled.

Well, I mean, I destroyed the Imperial Castle, and Amu is the only one running away... but I also feel that leaving Fiona's prepared asylum is too peaceful for anything.

I'm sorry for both of you, but you should stop.

"Hey, speaking of which, you got a letter from Fiona."

Before saying otherwise, Amu asked me that.

Yeah, I got it.

"Did it say... about the chaser?"

Amu asks with a slightly anxious look.

After a moment, I answer honestly. [M]

"No, you didn't."


After murmuring relieved, Amu laughed.

Well then, I guess it's okay. It's about time I went on another adventure. "

I think about that word. [M]

I see. If there is such a move between the court and the most powerful, Fiona will certainly try to convey it.If you haven't touched it at all... at least there won't be any movement that Fiona can sense so far.

Then, is it a little bit okay?

"... I see. If you're asking for a place that's not too far away, can I take it?"

When I say so, Effa brightens her face.

"Yes! I don't know, Mabel."


Comparing the parchments, I gaze at the women who said it wasn't like this. [M]

"As a matter of fact, if you have a request here, you can accept most of it.Seika is first class. "

So, this is it?

Mabel pointed to the parchment on the upper left corner of the bulletin board.

I'll look you in the eye.

"Um, what I'm asking for is..." The Hydra Crusade in the Underworld Mountains. "

It's getting pretty heavy.Speaking of Hydra, it is quite a swallowing species among the dragons.

Besides, the distance is becoming quite a secret.

"This is the most rewarding."

"Wow, that's true... I'm eligible for an order, and I'm a Class 2 + adventurer.But Seika-kun can take it..... "

Er, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. "

Amu frowned against it.

"It's beyond our control."

"Yeah, that's right...."

"I was just saying."

"Well, that's fine, isn't it?If you want to defeat it, you can defeat it. "

I would have avoided being noticeable in the past, but it doesn't matter now that I defeated the monster worm and stamped it, I killed one or two more of the sub dragons in addition.

But Amu says angrily.

"Until you blow up Hydra and bring the carcass to the city, you're all on your own.What are we gonna do?Just follow me? "

"Ah, sure...."

"That's right, Seika-kun.We have to make sure we can do this together. "

"Seika was a healer."

Speaking of which, that was the arrangement.

I'm a healer and a porter at this party.Should I ask them to take care of the fight?

I stare silently at the three of them talking in front of the board. [M]

"People are strange."

And then Yuki whispered in her ear.

"The world is different... all the children are trying to get away from Seika by themselves.While sheltered by immortal and great power, Yuki tries to survive this terrible world without relying on it... what Yuki doesn't understand. "


I'm sure Yuki remembers her former disciples.

The disciples I was looking after eventually all nested from my mansion.He and his women lived different lives, but there was no exception and no one ever asked me to take care of them for the rest of their lives.

It is a person's instinct to leave his or her parents.

It doesn't seem to change for me, even if I exceeded my life expectancy and had an unusual power.

But that's probably right.

I murmured with a loud voice that Yuki didn't know how to hear. [M]

There is no immortality.

In this world, I was defeated.

Even the great yin and yang master, who took eternal life and made God fear, could not escape the law of destruction.

They will live on their own because they know they can't rely on my power forever. [M]

There's nothing more to say but to be clear.

Ah, how about this?

At that time, Effa pointed to a parchment.

Together with everyone, I peek at it too.

"What... 'Crusade of aluminium: fifty'?"

Aluminum Large is a monster of horned rabbits.

Rabbits are fierce and attacking when they see humans.

"Wow, the reward is high. The place... looks like a forest near Keltz.It's not that far away. "

"Where is it?"

"It's a big city north of here.About three days in a carriage. "

"Order qualification, Grade 5 or above.Looks like we'll be fine. "

"Is this okay?"

I don't know what to say. [M]

Aluminum Large is by no means a jungle, but it is a monster that cannot be said to be a strong enemy.

Fifty of them are quite a few, but I don't think they'll be enough to take down even the top monsters.

"There's one that looks even tougher nearby.The crusade against this fusion bore, the crusade against the Evil Treants... it might be interesting to pick your vermilion grass.Looks like pretty rare herbs. "

Er, it's going to be tough.

I'm not in the mood.

"I'm not in trouble with the money, and it's a land I'm not used to, so it's a simple request.Let's hunt the horned rabbit properly and go home slowly with a kettle. "

Everyone disagreed.

Apparently they didn't mean to go on such an adventure.

But I point to parchment. [M]

"But it says six or more people recommend this request."

"Oh, don't worry too much about that."

Tell Amu not to be a big deal.

"These are the decisions of the guild's staff, but few of them have actually done adventurers, so they won't be honest with me.Instead, you should look at the request and think for yourself. "

"Hmm. Are the four of you okay with this request?"

"Are you okay? It's aluminum and it's not dangerous.There are 50 of them, but I'm sure it'll be over in a day. "

Well then, okay.

That's what they said, and I'll leave it to them.

"Amu, what should I do with this request?"

"This is a request to come to the Keltz branch, so you can't officially accept it here. So....."

Amu explains the future.

That's how we got one request.

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