Then I walked around for about five minutes (* two and a half hours)... and there were still only three aluminums we could destroy.

"I can't find it...."

A tight amulet exhales a faint sound as he walks.

As the weak sound suggests, it was hard to find the aluminium that was supposed to be occurring in large quantities.Even if you encounter a battle once in a while, if you are distracted, you can escape immediately.I can rarely defeat them.

I say so.

"I don't think so. They just seem to be running away before they meet."

As far as Formula God's eyes are concerned, there is certainly a significant number of aluminums.But I felt our signs before we could find them, and it seemed like we were away from the scene.

"I found out why the recommended number of people was more than six."

Mabel also sounded a little tired.

"This is impossible unless we try to push a large number of people."

"... that's right, Amu"

"Ugh! I can't help but say it now!"

And Amu gets angry.

Well, I wasn't expecting this either.

"It's a massive outbreak, so I thought it would come out in a herd."

"Horned rabbits are basically one when they come out."

I'm getting sick of it. I gradually want to stop.

Somehow, the intent of this request is also clear.

Honestly, I didn't think there was much point in killing 50 mass-producing monsters.The number of mothers will be even greater, so we can't expect it to be effective enough to match the huge rewards.

Except if Almirage has the habit of running away from strong enemies.Even skilled adventurers take time to crusade, making it a feather to go to the woods many times.Each time, the aluminium runs deep into the woods, and individuals who have not been defeated stay away from people's living areas.It would be great if you were as tired as I am and gave up on the way. [M]You don't have to pay me.

I thought the city merchants were more blurry than the peddlers, but they were quite clever.

"That's strange....."

Amu murmured with a disgusting face.

"I've never been able to get away with aluminum before....."

"You're getting stronger, aren't you?"

"Hmm... you're making a weird aura, aren't you?"

"I can't say I didn't cum... but you're not such a good monster. Maybe."

I was walking through the woods with that kind of interaction - at that time.

I stopped my feet and turned my eyes to the back of the forest. [M]

"Ah, that? Some kind of spirits...."

Effa looked around like she was confused.

To those who immediately see the flow of power, the formula flies over the Mejiro of God.

And... I found it.

"... a long way from here, two adventurous men are fighting monsters.What is that...? It looks like Astral, but it looks like a blue skull is flying.Looks like he's using ice magic. "

"Isn't that... Frost Lace?"

Amu said in a hard voice.

It's a pretty troublesome top monster.

"Oh yeah, that's it...."

Lace is one of the most powerful monsters in the Astral race.

Frost Lace remembers using the magic of water attributes among them.

"Four or five of them."

Really, so much?

"Looks like you're struggling... what should we do?"

I ask three questions. [M]

"Do you want to join us, or do you want to sit back and stay out of trouble?"

If this was the adventurer I saw in Raqana who was in trouble, I would have come to your aid without hesitation.

But this is unfamiliar land.I don't know what happens when I do what I think is right.It's not very bright in the nature of Astral monsters.

And... those two look a little bit embarrassing.

"You're supposed to help me!"

But Amu said so without a trace of doubt.

"The adventurers I met in the dungeon help each other!"

"Come on, Seika."

"Seika-kun... I want to go help myself."

I nodded after a moment of silence. [M]

Okay, we're just north of here.

Hurry up!

Everyone runs north through the woods.

Running... it made me feel ridiculous how meaningless I was.

I was supposed to ask these kids for help.


A pair of adventurer jackets.Because they are both hooded, I don't know who they are.

But from his physique, he would be a man in the front and a woman in the back.

The man seems to be a militant.Without a weapon, he waves his fist at the pale lace opponent.However, the spiritual opponent still seemed to have bad minutes, and Frost Lace quickly regenerated even when scattered for a moment, showering with ice and gravel.

The woman was probably an archer because she was carrying a bow, but now she was holding a dagger.The dagger is apparently a magical instrument, and although there is light in light blue every time it is shaken, it seems to have a weak effect on Frost Lace because of the same water attribute.

A group of ice laces look forward to the opportunity to fly vertically and horizontally through the universe and stab them both.

They are disadvantaged in numbers and compatibility, but they may be quite powerful because they have endured to this extent.

"Are you okay!? I'll join you!"

When Amu shouted, the two of them turned to us as if they were in a hurry.

After all, there are two young men and two women.

Both look tough... skin tone is white enough to think it's a dead man.

Well, to think about these two later, let's get rid of Lace first.

I think of it and open my mouth. [M]

"Hey, it's not an adventure, it's a rescue, so can I help you?"


Amu, who was about to rush out, stepped back and looked back.

"No, you can't!If you want to do it, do it now! "


I suppose you would say that, but I already had a human rattle on my mind.

Call ― ― Hungry Pork

The distortion of space emerged from a huge skeleton that exceeded three lengths (* about nine meters) in length.

A demon in the shape of a human skeleton slowly walks along with a human soul floating around.

And as I turned to the flying frost lace, that vague orbit... I reached out to my white bones and grabbed them gently and started to eat them all up.



The two of them looked stunned and looked at the hell.

The rest of the races stunned for a moment... but soon magically created ice columns and ice winds and began attacking huge skeletons.

However, there is no indication that the hungry pigeon is willing to pass it on because his whole body is made of hard bones.

Catch the other lace that came too close with the empty hand.Even though the blue spirit was violently exposed, it hit me from the head.There is no sound of the spirits being eaten off or chewed off, but only the sound of snapping teeth and peeling teeth are echoed through the forest.


Yuki makes a creepy voice in her hair.

"Um, Seika-san. Why are you starving...?If it is a kind of resentment spirit, it will have to be sealed as much as possible. "

"Hey, I just wanted to see if this guy can capture the lace."

The hungry monster is a demon (blush) who gathers the grievances of a human who died from exposure to the wild and takes the form of a skeleton.

Because of its formation, it has the ability to absorb souls and other things to increase its power.

It was a good opportunity, so I wanted to see if I could capture these Astral monsters...

"Hah, it seems like it's being captured for now...."

"Rather than absorbing the soul, you're completely human."

When you capture a soul, you didn't act like you ate it.When you look at the flow of power, it looks like it's quite overwhelming.

It just seemed preferable to people because they couldn't see it and went straight to Les.Speaking of monsters, Reis is still close to resentment.

The rest of Frost Lace had already fled to the people.

Returning to phase with the starving pigeon at the door, he turned his face to the two people who were still stunned.

"I don't think I'm injured.But your body will be cold.Do you want some warmth? "

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