The tip of the woods surrounded by rattlesnakes was as warm as in front of the fireplace.

Six people who added two pairs to our party are lowering their hips in a circle.

"Fuwow, it's warm...."

"I'm getting sleepy."

It wouldn't be convenient if you were here.

The female team said in a weak voice.

Amu and Mabel, who were supposed to have said it wasn't cold, were actually cold and looked happy.

"... mysterious magic"

Of the two pairs, the woman said.

The hood of the jacket is still covered, but you can also see from here the black-haired black-eyed skin that is surprisingly white and its pathetic appearance.Seventeen or eight looks... but I can't guess the actual age.

The woman murmured, holding the cup of white water that she had just made with both hands.

"It's warm without flames or sunlight.What is this? "

"This is also light. It was thrown from a spell that was floating around.It's mixed with flames and sunlight, but it's invisible. "

"How do you know it's invisible?"

That's a good question.

It was a question worth answering.

"Once upon a time, there was a man who thought that there might also be invisible colors on the outside of the rainbow.So I put a block of snow outside the red side of the rainbow and found that it melted slightly faster than when I put it somewhere else.The heat on the outside of this red is infrared.There's another way to see it through the third eye of a snake. "

"... you can't put things in the sky, and people don't have snake eyes."

"It's up to you."

"... you..."

Women tend to ask somewhat hesitantly.

"... didn't you do that from the beginning?"

"... eh? First?"

I reply to questions that are difficult to interpret with a stupid voice. [M]

"No... it's just something I learned and learned normally."

"... then... no, nothing."

Having said that, the woman was silent.

I still don't know.

I look at the man, but he doesn't want to enter the conversation, and he keeps silent with his face down.

This one is huge and looks four or five years older than a woman, but the actual age is still unknown.

I wonder what the relationship is.

I don't look like a lover or a couple.Probably from the same place, but I don't think it's related.

If I may say so - is it subordination?

A woman with a bow has something to stand by for an adventurer, while a militant man has a small mouth and a boneless impression.

There was something that made me feel different.

"But... that's good. I wasn't hurt."

Eva says she's afraid to laugh with love, but the two of them remain silent.

Even though it becomes a subtle awkward air, Amu does not mind talking.

"But where did you pull Frost Lace from anyway?Does this forest come out like that? "

"... there's a dungeon cave all the way in the woods."

The man opened his mouth as if he had watched the woman not answer.

A low voice that matches your appearance.

"There are relatively tough monsters living there.I ran into him there and he chased me. "

It was a way of telling the least of the facts.

Amu throws his leg and says he's distracted.

"Hmm, that was a disaster.Or are you aiming for materials or dungeon drops? "

"... the latter."

"That's right. We were just following Aluminium on request, but we can't find it at all.I've been grabbed by a really troublesome request. "


"So, what do we do? We were going to keep going a little bit longer, so why don't we go back to Keltz together?Looks like you're depleted, and we don't have to run into a bandit on the way.If that takes away anything..... "

"Don't underestimate me."

At that time, the woman glanced at the amulet.

"When it comes to human bandits, we don't go backwards."

"... ahh"

Otherwise, Amu stood up.

Well then, goodbye here. Let's go, people. "

"Eh, Amu-chan, are you leaving...?"


Amu snorts and says.

"Adventurers don't go deep.There's no reason for these two to get involved in the dungeon without scrutinizing it or even knowing how to thank them. "

"Nh... okay."

Mabel stood up after getting a little lost.Afterwards, Effa raised her hips in the wind.

"Look, Seika, too. Clear the spell."

"... oh, I see."

Indeed, Amu has a point.

There is no reason to be actively involved here.

When I tried to get up with that in mind -

"Wait a minute."

That's what the woman said.

Though it seems somewhat unintentional, I talked with a slight rash.

"I didn't mean that.I'm sorry if I made you sick... "

Then he turned to me and added it small.

"And thank you for your help."


Amu, who was at the top of the Buddha, sat down silently.

Effa and Mabel looked at each other and sat down again.

In silence, I open my mouth.

"Looks like Amu was still going on... but I'm getting tired of honestly hunting aluminum.I'd like to go back to the city. If there's anything else I can do for you, please hurry up. "

"... I have a favor to ask you."

She looks straight at me and tells me. [M]

"I need you to help my people."

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