It is said that there are many rare magic stone veins sleeping in the underworld mountains.

Even the sand of the river that flows through the foothills is mixed with a variety of magic stones.It is often rumored among the mountainmasters how much wealth they would gain if they could dive into the hidden depths and find even one of the mineral veins.

Very few people put it into practice.

They usually don't come back.

The fact that a lot of magic stones are sleeping means that they are full of magic.

There are many other troubling monsters in the underground mountains besides Hydra.


Amu hastily avoids the flames of the pylorizzard.

Effa's wind magic blew away the crimson lizard, who turned his head around and opened his mouth again.Now Chimera assaults Effa from the sky to appease her.But Lulum's thrown arrows penetrated his wings and instantly covered him with ice and crashed into the ground.

In the front, Nozo broke Hobbgoblin's barbarian sword and kicked it to the ground.Mabel's Battle Axe shatters the Skeleton Knight as it attempts to attack from its side.At the same time, he threw a sword and pierced one of the two goblins that were about to escape toward Rurum.Amu's flamethrower (fireball) is already showering on the other side.

It's been a long fight.

"Hah, hah... that's all? What the hell!"

"This is how monsters come out..."

After confirming that the monster herd was broken, Amu and Effa spilled.

No wonder. The number and variety of monsters are much higher here than in Rakana's dungeon.

"Regardless of Hydra, you can't dig lazily in a place like this?It's too dangerous..... "

"Still, a powerful adventurer can handle it.Mining isn't easy, but it's a place to defeat monsters and collect materials... without Hydra. "

A sub dragon with multiple heads and exhaling poisonous breath (brace).

No one wants to enter the underworld mountains, including the adventurers, because of this monster, who says he won't be able to save himself if he meets him.

If we can crush even Hydra, this mountain will be a resource-generating land for humans.

Exceptional and expensive rewards are likely due to the prospect of future earnings.

But... nonetheless, the request has been on the Guild's bulletin board for years.

That fact tells the story of the difficulty of crushing Hydra.


It had been several days since I had entered the mountain.

We still can't find the Hudra to be targeted.I flew the formula god as wide as I could, but I didn't even grasp any traces of it.

Though I was somewhat prepared because it was a large mountain, it would still meet the deadline.If it doesn't stick for another two days, we'll need to go back to Keltz.

It was in the middle of the night that the two moons illuminated brightly that I slipped out of the simple bed.

I wanted to talk to Yuki away from everyone.

The psychic power of a tube fox is different from any technology that a human has.I honestly wasn't expecting much from Yuki's power... but I wanted to ask her to search for enemies in advance in order to be at least a little more likely.

Walk through the meadows of the mountains at night.

The area is quiet.

I have wide boundaries around here, so the monsters stay away. [M]That's why we don't usually have the necessary guards.

This is the only fight I can take care of, so I'm sure we can do this.

And then ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I stop my feet.

There was, indeed, a waterfront nearby.

But there are no monsters or beasts around here.


I could fly the ceremonial god, but after a little patrol I decided to go myself.

Sometimes it is faster to see directly than to see through the eyes of a bird with poor vision and no flow of power.

I moved on, and eventually I saw the sight. [M]

A clean spring made from spring water.

At the center of it was a figure.

Naked with supple curves.It's slender, but you can see plenty of swelling in your chest.Black long hair. Moonlit skin is as white as a dead man, and... black lines like tattoos run all over your body.

The demon woman caught me with her horizontal eyes. [M]

"What, peek?"

I hurriedly turned back to Rurum, whose eyebrows were frowning.

"No, I'm sorry... I heard a water noise, so I came to see how it went."

Hmm. It's fine.

Chump, chump.

As Rurum swims through the spring, he hears a faint sound of water.

"... but what are you doing there? It's late at night."

"You've got it. It's a bath."

"I don't have to do anything at this hour....."

"I wanted to make sure I wasn't with them."

I can hear Rurum laughing slightly.

"For humans, we look terrible."


It was then that I finally realized. [M]

Neither Rurum nor Nozzlo has ever dropped makeup in front of us that hides the pattern of his body.

Few demons live in this country.

It's about some Beast, and I've never even heard of it as a god demon.

It was once one of the most fiercely hostile species against humans.

If the identity is revealed, it will probably be quite troublesome.

I don't know when, where, and by whom, I couldn't do anything more circumstantial.

"Well, some of you seem to like to snoop around."

"... it looks like it'll never be fun."

"I see. Why? Maybe it's because I didn't think you'd do this."


"I thought you were a stranger, but there's something unexpectedly boy about you. Fufu."

Giggle, Rurum laughs.

I was totally teased.

She looks like less than twenty daughters, but she's only a long-lived species and may still be alive much longer than that.

"Well, I think it's time you took a shower.If you don't want them to hate you. "

"Well, I'll think about it. Well then...."


Rurum said on my back as I tried to walk away.

"The monsters on my head might get away with it."

I stopped walking.

Without looking back --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"Don't look so scared."

Turn your back on me, Rurum says in the same tone.

"If I kept it a secret, I wouldn't tell anyone.Not to those kids, not to Nozzle. "


"Hey, what kind of monster are you? Can you show me?



I sighed and told Yuki that she was in her hair. [M]

Say hello, Yuki.

"Ha, yes...."

Yuki shows her face from above my head.

"Um, my name is Yuki. Hello ahh...."

"... Eh!?"

Rurum shouted surprisingly with the sound of water.

"Aren't you... cute!? Besides, you know the words!?"


"What kind of monster is that? Your pet?"

"Pets... well, that's what it is."

"Se, it's so cool...."

"I'm sorry, but I don't want to answer any more questions."


Rurum pulls back lightly, I say. [M]

Well, can you let me stroke you next time?

"I wish I had the chance."



Rurum laughs small.

I look back at the devil's woman with my eyes alone.

Rurum sank his body in the spring and his eyes were closed on his back.

"How did you know?"

"I see something like a sign of power."

Rurum opens his eyes slightly and explains.

"The power flowing into the land, the power contained in the instruments... and, of course, the power that monsters and people are born to have."

"... does that mean you know magic?"

I know the magic too. But... I'm sure that's not all.I don't even know what it is. "


The technique of seeing the flow of dragon pulses and spells was common in previous life.

With some talent, you can learn by studying.Anyone who handled mastery, such as a feng shui master, could do this.

But I've never heard of it in this world.

That's why Rurum doesn't know what he's seeing.

"That's why I noticed your pet.There are different signs.But I didn't know it at first because it was small. "

"Ah, I see...."


Rurum said quietly.

"I know another secret you have."


I stood with agitation. [M]

Rurum continues to hesitate slightly.

"No, I'm not threatening you.They don't know, do they?I swear I won't tell anyone about this. "

That's true - it's not very trustworthy.

I don't know what they noticed.But... depending on the content, it may have to be erased.

If you succeed, it can be the second dance of the previous life.

"If it was true, I should have acted like I didn't know.But... it might have something to do with the people we're looking for, so I really wanted to make sure. "

And Rurum said.

"Seika, are you drawing the blood of the Devil?"

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