Silence flowed, like the serenity of the mountain rising.

I spin honest words in a soft way. [M]

"Eh... is that so?"

"... haha?"

Rurum stood up in the fountain as if he were upset.

As I stray from my white naked eyes, I say. [M]

"No, wait, what is that? I don't know... maybe you're mistaken."

"No, it can't be!"

Rurum denies loudly.

"Maybe you haven't noticed...?Do you have the same power?You knew who we were and the signs of the monsters! "

"That's right... how did you make your decision?I don't know the difference in power flows between species, but I don't know. "

Somewhat different, I think.

No, if we live longer in this world, we may be able to distinguish...

Rurum takes it for granted.

"Your magical signs are not human.It's closer to the devil than that. "

"... I don't have magic.My charm is the result of a different force. [M]It's not a simple measurement with a magic instrument, it's a result of a measurement ritual, so it should be certain. "


Rurum shakes his neck sideways.

"No one has magic.Eating and breathing creates magic.Even if it's so small that you can't use magic. "

"Is that what you see?"


Rurum nodded.

I think. [M]

Apparently, she sees something other than the flow of power I'm seeing.

I don't know if it's because of the difference in power flowing to the world or because it's a different ability in the first place.

"... if you say so, I can't deny it.I can't tell you that my ancestors didn't have the Devil. "

"Ancestors? No, no."

Rurum shook his neck again.

"I don't think it's such a distant connection.Isn't one of your biological parents the devil? "

"Hah...? No way. That's impossible."

Now I can assure you.

"I was born a nobleman.There's no way they're drawing the blood of the demons. "

Just tell me.

Rurum's voice somehow had a desperate color.

"What are your parents like?"

"... my father is the Count of the Empire.He has territory in the countryside far from here and is studying magic.I heard that my mother... was my mistress, but I've never met her. "


There was a sign of Rurum breathing.

"Well, your father... maybe he used to be an adventurer?"

"...! I see. That's what I hear."

"Yes, that's it!"

Ask Rurum to fold.

"Didn't you visit the Devil's Land nearly 20 years ago?In the land where the devil lives..... "

Twenty years ago? No, that's not true. "


I tell Rurum why I leaked a confusing voice. [M]

"My father was an adventurer long before he succeeded me.Probably nearly 30 years ago.I also heard that the place was far south of here, near the center of the Empire.Speaking of which, twenty years ago, it was just about the time my older brother was born, so I couldn't have been in the demonic domain. "

"That's right... that's right... I wonder if that's different..."

Rurum suddenly fell asleep.

I glanced unexpectedly. [M]

"What the hell is going on?"

"... I thought it might be you... the son of the man we're looking for."

Talk pompously.

"I'm about your age. Hair and eyes are the same color as ours. And magic."

"But I... I don't have a body pattern like yours."

Rurum shakes his neck sideways.

"That's fine. Because her husband was human."


"He was an adventurer who got lost in our village.He said he was a nobleman.However, it's subtle whether it's true or not, because the man always said all the good things. "


"So the Son of Meloza is a mixture of the devil and man.The mix of humans and demon tribes often produces strong human blood... so it should look almost the same as humans. "

Rurum goes on like a wolf.

"Besides, who else has the power you have....."

"... as far as I know."

I opened my mouth to block it. [M]

"I've never heard of a demon tribe in my father's territory.I'm sure my mother is a normal person. "

Continue without waiting for Rurum to come along.

"In the time of the war, there were god demons in this country who were enslaved from prisoners.Some of them did not return to the demonic realm even after they were liberated, and some of them gained status and had families.My mother is a descendant of these people... and it just so happens that my ancestors' blood came out strongly.Probably, but I think that's all. "

"... yeah... I've heard that before.So... it's different again. "

So Lulum laughed without strength, and looked up at the night sky.

"Meloza... where are you now...?"

The side of his face that he saw at the edge of his sight looked like he was about to cry.

I said sixteen years.Sixteen years since Rurum's inquisitor disappeared from the demonic realm.

How long has she been on a journey to find that god named Meloza?

"... are you related?"

"There is no blood connection.But... he was like a sister. "

"... what do you look like? In human terms, how old do you look?"

Rurum blinked his eyes.

I go on like an excuse. [M]

"I can't go on a journey to find people... but if I ever meet you again, I can tell them about you."

"... fufu. You've got... a lot of spilled personality."

Rurum laughs small.

"I'm really very fond of you... but it's like I usually put up with being kind to someone."

"... I have power."

Gently close your eyes and say.

"But you can't do anything by force alone.I tried to save everything, but somehow I went bankrupt.That's why... I'm only trying to help my brother-in-law and my loved ones. "

"Hmm, that's right... so there's a connection between us, too?"

"... besides, I'm not saying it's impossible.If you say you don't need help, we're done here. "

"Fufu... hey, Seika"

Don't answer my question.

Rurum said in a clear voice through the night sky.

"If we were actually on a journey to save the world, would we believe it?"

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