
You can search for “Great Desolate: The Strongest Player: Imiaobige (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Thinking of this, Ye Chen opened his eyes sharply, and the killing intent burst out instantly.

Ye Chen has killed countless people, but he has never killed indiscriminately. Everyone killed by Ye Chen has his own way.

For such people, what Ye Chen has to do is simple and crude.

That is, kill it all!

As soon as Ye Chen’s violent killing intent started to erupt, he noticed the members of the hidden forces that could not be used at the Secret Realm exit, as well as the subordinates of the hidden forces, all of their faces, “shua” suddenly changed. It was extremely pale.

“Is it…the Secret Realm exit is still unavailable!”

“What to do…what to do? Ye Chen kills!”

“Damn it, I knew it earlier, I would not be greedy for profit, so I have become a member of the Fucking Dog forces…”

“Asshole, I said that some of these are not useful, but I have to find a way! I don’t want to die!”

“I don’t want to die too much! But I can’t do anything about him!”

“By the way! Self-destruct! Attack each other! As long as we are not dead in the hands of Ye Chen, then it will be fine!”

“Right right! Hurry up! Get started!”


After screaming in pieces, the subordinates of the hidden forces, as well as the members of the hidden forces, suddenly woke up. As long as they are not killed by Ye Chen’s God Slaying Spear, there is no need to completely hang up.

At this moment, all the subordinates of the hidden forces, as well as the members of the hidden forces, picked up their weapons one by one, without the slightest hesitation, and prepared themselves to harm themselves.

No one wants to die, and the casual players are no exception. They also made this choice.

For them, not getting Ye Chen’s response is an extremely bad signal.

As a result, Shiyou ** will be the same as the members of the hidden forces and their subordinates, and will eventually die under the God Slaying Spear, saying goodbye to the world completely.

In the distance, Ye Chen, who had just killed Wang Buer, saw here, curl one’s lip disdainfully.

Want to self-destruct? Want to attack each other? Then escape death?

It depends on whether I agree or not!

Thinking of this, Ye Chen’s mind moved, and the huge Divine Consciousness was released instantly, but in the blink of an eye, the players in Secret Realm were kept in place.

At this moment, the actions of more than three million players were directly frozen.

“Why…what’s going on! I…I can’t move anymore!”

“I can’t move anymore! Who can help me!”

“Help you numb, I can’t move…”

“I…Me too…”


After a brief panic cry, a scream suddenly sounded.

“Ye… Ye Chen… was made by Ye Chen! Damn, I knew this Secret Realm shouldn’t come! It really shouldn’t come!”

“wu wu wu…I don’t want to die…”

“Ye King of You, forgive me, I have children at the top and old at the bottom, oh no, there are old at the top and young at the bottom, I can’t die!”

“Ye King of You, the little one is wrong. Forgive me. As long as you don’t kill the little one, you swear allegiance to Ye King of You forever. No matter what you let the little one do, the little one will not refuse. “

“The villain is also willing to be a slave, please let King of You open up!”


More than three million players, because they were unable to self-destruct, they almost collapsed and cried out loudly. It was a magnificent one.

Ye Chen see here, coldly smiled.

The despicableness of human nature is only this…

Thinking of this, Ye Chen moved his feet, then turned into an afterimage, shuttled back and forth among the army of 3 million players.

And what appeared with Ye Chen’s silhouette was the continuous flash of dark gunlight, and the densely sound of the body being pierced.

While the sound of the body being pierced, a beam of black light appears every time.

That is the light of God Slaying Spear Devouring Soul.

Ye Chen has decided to kill the 3 million players who sneaked into Secret Realm, and he will never let any of them go.

Even if they cried, begged for mercy, how miserable and pitiful they were, Ye Chen would not be shaken at all.

For Ye Chen, when you kill, you will kill. It will not change because of who, and it will not be shaken for any reason.

As time passed, more and more players were beheaded by Ye Chen, and the players’ inexplicable screams and begging for mercy became more and more acute and feared.

As soon as the tea time passed, the number of players who died in the hands of Ye Chen has reached two million!

Looking around, there are stumps and broken arms all over the floor, bloody internal organs all over the floor, and blood-stained brains.

Such brutal scenes, as well as murderous scenes, completely scared the remaining players crazy.

They didn’t know that Ye Chen was cruel, ruthless, and ruthless, they knew.

But knowing and seeing with your own eyes are completely two concepts.

Especially when they know that Ye Chen’s God Slaying Spear will kill people completely.

This kind of torture from the senses and the soul is enough to make people collapse.

Because soon, it will be their turn.

The merciless killing continued, until Ye Chen killed 10,000 people, and finally someone with a pale face shouted:

“Ye King of You! I want to report, Ouyang Clan! This time the plan is organized by them!”

As soon as this player’s words landed, the remaining players were all stunned, and hopeful gazes ignited in each of their eyes.

The next second, the remaining players shouted one by one:

“Wang Family! The Wang Family has also participated in the plot against you plan! Most of the props are made by the Wang Family!”

“Ye King of You, and Zhang Clan’s clan, they also participated in the plot against you plan, that Wang Buer, although surnamed Wang, but he is under the Zhang Clan clan!”

“Ye King of You, the villain knows the specific location of the Wang Family!”

“Ye King of You, the villain knows the specific location of the Zhang Clan clan!”

“Ye King of You, the villain knows the specific location of the Ouyang clan!”


The remaining players, you say a word to me, scrambling to talk, and when you get to the back, those who haven’t had time to say, one by one, yells at the players who are the first to speak.

Ye Chen saw this, curl one’s lip disdainfully, and then moved his feet and started to stab the remaining players again.

It’s just this time that Ye Chen will know a few players who have hidden their strengths and detailed positions, and they will stay here.

Several players who noticed this point brightened up.

However, just before they were surprised for more than three seconds, Ye Chen came to them, and then lifted his right hand and pressed one of them on the head.

“Search for the soul!”

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