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The soul search can directly probe all the memories of the user. It is an evil forbidden technique, and it will consume merit when used. This, Ye Chen, who is reborn, naturally knows.

However, for Ye Chen at the moment, the merits consumed by soul searching are simply one hair from nine oxen, so there is no need to take seriously.

Be aware that Heaven and Earth Good Fortune, who went abroad to fight and search for foreign countries, was originally not at all being plot against by Ye Chen in the plan of national ascension.

After all, in Ye Chen’s previous life, the world war started one year later.

At that time, Ye Chen must have completed his national ascension plan and ascended to Great Desolate.

So, the Heaven and Earth Good Fortune of foreign countries that Ye Chen obtained at this moment all belong to the “unexpected harvest”.

Of course, it is undeniable that Ye Chen’s “unexpected harvest” has so far surpassed the Heaven and Earth Good Fortune owned by the Great Han Empire, which is massive.

How could Ye Chen like this care about Heaven and Earth Good Fortune, which is automatically lost when searching for souls.

Of course, even so, Ye Chen would not use this ability casually.

After all, Ye Chen walks on the Good Fortune Emperor Dao Road. It is better not to consume Heaven and Earth Good Fortune.

However, for now, Ye Chen is not in the mood to continue inking with these players.

Directly find out what they want, and kill them all one by one, and the rest is to deal with the hidden forces that are targeting Ye Chen this time.

Ye Chen’s time is very precious. It is better not to waste or not to waste.

As soon as Ye Chen’s words landed, the huge Divine Consciousness instantly flooded into the Sea of ​​Consciousness of the player whose head was held by Ye Chen, but in the blink of an eye, he forcibly broke through the defense from Sea of ​​Consciousness, and then caught The soul of this player.

The next second, Ye Chen began to forcibly flip through the player’s memory.

At this moment, the player who was used by Ye Chen to search for souls turned his eyes directly, and then his body trembled constantly.

The few players who saw this scene were all taken aback, and then suddenly screamed.

“Master King of You! The younger one is willing to say, I only ask you to leave the younger one a way out!”

“Master King of You! Forgive me, the villain is willing to work extremely hard and never betray you!”

“Master King of You! The villain participated deliberately and wanted to inform you…”


These few players who want to test out the hidden power family in exchange for a chance to survive, although they don’t understand what Ye Chen just said about “soul search”, but this does not hinder their inference.

To be more precise, that is, they have already seen that Ye Chen’s “soul search” is a spell that directly looks at the information Ye Chen wants to know.

For them, this is tantamount to dead end.

Because their bargaining chip to “negotiate” with Ye Chen has completely expired.

Whether they say it or not, Ye Chen can “force” know the answer.

After a few breaths, Ye Chen retracted his hand on top of the player’s head, and then a spear thrust out.

“pu chi” came, and the dark and thick God Slaying Spear instantly pierced the player’s heart.

There was a sound of “bang”, and the player whose heart was pierced instantly exploded, and then splashed with pieces of flesh and blood.

At the same time, God Slaying Spear light flashed, and directly swallowed the player’s soul.

Seeing the rest of the scene, the players who wanted to rely on betraying hidden forces to survive, their faces suddenly turned pale, and their bodies trembled violently.

Fear, fear, and even despair, a brainstorm appeared in their hearts, and then became stronger and stronger.

I glanced at the ashen-faced players, Ye Chen coldly smiled, who had been frightened, and then pressed his left hand to the top of one of them again.

“Search for the soul!”

After searching for the soul again and again, Ye Chen wanted to know all the answers Ye Chen wanted to know. After the last person, a spear thrust, died, Ye Chen’s killing intent suddenly exploded. Come.

Yes, these damn hidden forces are really wicked, they not only thought about plot against Lao Tzu, they even sent troops directly to attack Lao Tzu’s Samsara City in the real world…

Then he will go die for me!

Thinking of this, Ye Chen flew straight out of Secret Realm.

As soon as Ye Chen appeared, the players who were watching from a distance, one by one you look at me and I look at you, and then unanimously stepped back.

Before, a large group of players entered Secret Realm, but after the special plot mission “Invasion of the insect race” ended, no one came out.

Now that Ye Chen has come out, those players still have no news. What does this mean?

It’s very simple, Ye Chen is going to kill again!

Faced with Ye Chen like this, no matter how bold the players are, they dare not get too close.

Although players already know that Ye Chen, the Eastern Number One Person, the strongest player in the world, will not kill randomly, but because of this, no one dares to deliberately approach after Ye Chen’s killing Ye Chen.

Ye Chen who flew out of Secret Realm, took a look at the army of players on the ground, and then flew straight to Samsara Immortal City.

Ye Chen left, and the endless army of players on the ground immediately relaxed.

“Fuck, at the glance of King of You, I almost scared me to pee on my pants.”

“Who said no, you are far away, you may not feel clearly, but I really felt Ye King of You, that tyrannical, cruel, ruthless killing intent, at that moment, my cold hair They all exploded.”

“Don’t talk, you think you feel it, I feel it too.”

“Stop talking about this, you guys said, Ye King of You started killing this time, will he continue to kill?”

“Will you? You’re making a joke! How could it not! What kind of character Ye King of You, don’t you know?”

“Uh, but if you continue to kill, who else will Ye King of You kill?”

“Are you so stupid? Those who preach that there are good things about missions and that the players have a share in the world announcement are just under the guidance of others. Nobody, who is special, dare not do this, understand? Understand?”

“How did King of You find the people behind the plot against?”

“You asked me something special, who do I ask, anyway, I feel that Ye King of You already has an answer.”

“Fortunately, I was not stupid. I was persuaded by those idiots to enter Secret Realm and participate in the special plot mission of “Invasion of the Insect Race”. Otherwise, I am probably lying dead now…”

“Hey, me too, anyway, it’s right to listen to Ye King of You, this is how I feel.”

“Nonsense, if you don’t listen to Ye King of You, you can get so many benefits. If you don’t listen to Ye King of You, how can you live to this day?”

“Don’t be any nonsense, let’s set off quickly and go to the Giant City of Givert. It is estimated that Givert will be captured in a short time.”

“Yes, yes, this is business!”


The army of players in the east, because of Ye Chen’s another big killing, and you talked with each other. When it comes to the back, they turn directly one by one, and then moved towards the giant city of Givert in the Southeastern Empire, running crazy go with.

Samsara Immortal City, City Lord Mansion.

Ye Chen, who just came back, directly released Divine Consciousness, and his face suddenly sank.

Motherfucker’s, these tribes of the Southeast Continent Empire, when did they capture so many Great Han citizens…

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