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“This is…this is…” After hearing this voice, the player who used the secret technique to pretend to be Vice Admiral Han, his pupils shrank suddenly, and then shouted in surprise.

“Shua, huh, huh.”

Countless golden soldiers stopped because of this huge roar, and looked up towards the sky.

There, standing an incomparable gigantic White Tiger, cold, tyrannical, full of killing intent tiger eyes staring at the earth.

“That…that is…White Tiger?”

“How could… how could there be such a big White Tiger…”

“It wants to kill us…”

The soldiers of the golden scarves each and everyone shouted in horror.

The Golden Turban General in the distance shuddered in shock because of the sudden appearance of White Tiger, and then shouted in shock:

“It’s him, who can tell me, what’s the matter with White Tiger?”

“General, this…this White Tiger…is an enemy or not a friend…” the deputy general look pale exclaimed in surprise.

“Ye Chen! That is Ye Chen! Champion Marquis Ye Chen! General, hurry! Give the order, hurry up and attack the city, as long as you enter the western part of Liaoning, White Tiger dare not kill randomly! There are 100 surnames there!” At this time, the player came back to his senses and hurriedly shouted at the General of the Golden Turban Army.

“Champion Marquis, Ye Chen…” When the General of the Golden Turban Army heard the name, his right hand holding the long and gun violently tightened, and then he sucked in a breath of cold air.

Obviously, he knows who Champion Marquis Ye Chen is, and he also knows the tyranny of Champion Marquis Ye Chen, otherwise it wouldn’t be the case.

“Why did Champion Marquis summon White Tiger! Damn! Quick! Charge me! Rush into Liaoxi City!” After the Golden Turban Army General came back to his senses, he roared loudly without the slightest hesitation.

city ​​gate.

After Han Dang heard the title of Champion Marquis Ye Chen, his eyes opened sharply, and then the sky mad said with a smile: “Thief, your end is here!”

After Han Dang roared, he moved towards the player posing as the lieutenant with the weapon and rushed over.

“Han Dang, don’t come here for you or him! Or I will definitely kill you!” The player was shocked when he saw Han Dang rushing over, and then shouted loudly.

At this moment, White Tiger fell to the ground.

In the next second, the White Tiger that fell on the ground jumped up violently, went straight across the Western District city gate of Liaoxi, and then landed heavily.

There was a sound of “hong”.

The ground instantly cracked.

“Whiz whiz whiz”

Numerous sky-splitting sounds sounded in an instant, and saw a large swath of golden soldiers flying upside down.

Taking a look at the endless golden turban army, the White Tiger let out a loud roar again.


In the next second, White Tiger jumped up, and then turned into a stream of light, which flashed away.

“Pēng pēng pēng”

A series of bursts of body sound instantly sounded.

The streamer disappeared, and White Tiger appeared.

Huge, cold, tyrannical, ruthless!

Behind him, a road flooded with blood mist instantly appeared in everyone’s eyes.

There, the Golden Turban soldier disappeared without a trace, and there, the blood mist was tumbling, eerie and terrifying.

Above the city wall.

The guards of the city opened their eyes wide, and then raised their weapons in excitement and shouted wildly.

“Champion Marquis Victory! Victory! Victory!”

They also heard the words of the player who pretended to be a lieutenant, that the understood White Tiger was from Ye Chen summon.

And now, they have seen the horror of White Tiger’s blow, killing 1000000 instantly, brutal and ruthless.

But they are not afraid, some are just excited.

Because Champion Marquis Ye Chen is the pastor of You Prefecture, the lord of You Prefecture! And they are the soldiers of You Prefecture!

Below the city, countless golden turban soldiers looked at the empty area in horror.

There used to be their companions there, and there were as many as 1000000 companions.

However, in such a blink of an eye, those companions disappeared. Skeleton doesn’t exist, all turned into blood mist, tumbling with the wind.

The strong blood-reeking qi continued to drift and spread with the strong wind. The smell made them sick and shivered.

The shocking visual effects strongly stimulated their nerves.

Pieces of golden scarves began to move away involuntarily, away from the blood mist zone, and away from the White Tiger that appeared again.

“Then… those people… are all… dead…” The boss of the Golden Turban Army General 2 stared at him for an instant, and then stammered.

“General, we… let’s run!” A scream came from the deputy general’s mouth.

In the next second, the lieutenant, not even think, fled.

He doesn’t want to die, he wants to live.

How can the Golden Turban soldiers be so powerful? In front of Champion Marquis Ye Chen, they are all ants.

Unable to contend, unstoppable, if you don’t run, you die.

city ​​gate.

With a sound of “Woo”, the player impersonating the lieutenant, the weapon was instantly knocked into the air by Han Dang, and then caught by Han Dang.

Looking at the empty city outside, Han was the corner of the mouth raised, and then looked towards the player, fiercely shouted: “Originally, if you catch you, you should be put to death, but since Champion Marquis is here, it will naturally be you Give it to Champion Marquis for disposal.”

“Don’t! Don’t! Han Dang, Uncle Han! Kill me! Kill me! Don’t leave me to Ye Chen!” The player shouted in panic when he heard this.


Han Dang slapped the player without the slightest hesitation, and then shouted in a deep voice: “Impudent! How dare you call Champion Marquis!”

“I…I or him, so I yelled, you or him, kill me quickly!” The player was taken aback for a moment, and then roared in rage.

When Han Dang heard this, his brows suddenly frowned.

This player’s performance, no matter how you look at it, is all about death.

Looking at this player, Han Dangbian no longer paid attention to, quietly waiting for Ye Chen’s arrival.

When the player saw this, the whole person was not good, and then said with a sad expression:

“Fuck… this is over, don’t be killed by Ye Chen, if he kills…”


When Han Dang heard the player call Ye Chen’s name again, he slapped the player again.

“Fuck!” the player roared with an angry face.

Outside the city.

White Tiger looked at the golden soldier who was beginning to retreat. The tiger’s mouth was raised, and then he leaped forward, instantly turning into a stream of light.

“Pēng pēng pēng”

“Pēng pēng pēng”

The sound of the body bursting into pieces continued to sound.

When the streamer flashed 5 times again, the army of the Golden Turban outside Liaoxi City was completely emptied.

White Tiger disappeared, Ye Chen and Samsara Legion appeared immediately.

Glancing at the empty land, Ye Chen raised his eyebrows, and then moved towards Liaoxi City and rushed away.

Samsara Legion follow closely from behind, not long after, Ye Chen came to the west city gate.

As soon as he got here, Han Dang threw the five-flower-tied player beside him, and bowed forward and said:

“Finally, Han Dang, meet Great General White Steed!”

Ye Chen was stunned when he heard this.

Han Dang…

Damn it! Could it be that Han Dang from Wu Kingdom during the Three Kingdoms period?

Thinking of this, Ye Chen 2 opened his eyes sharply, and then looked towards Han Dang, and was about to speak, a cry of horror came.

“Ye Chen, let me go, I swear, I will quit You Prefecture from now on, and I will never do it right with you again!”

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