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Ye Chen was stunned when he heard this, and then looked towards the player tied up by the 5 flowers.

Originally, Ye Chen thought that there were some kind of spies on the ground. Didn’t expect was a player pretending to be an ancient person.

No matter how you look like dressed, there is no way to hide the player’s identity from the natives of this World. This kid is really…

Ye Chen frowned when he thought of this.


He was able to show up here, and he was tied up. Obviously, he was hiding…

And it was only now discovered…

Thinking of this, Ye Chen 2 opened his eyes sharply.

Han Dang discovered that Ye Chen was observing the players on the ground and hurriedly bowed and explained:

“Reporting to Great General White Steed, this person pretended to be the final lieutenant and deceived to open the city gates, and wanted to put the golden scarves into the city. Fortunately, the Great General White Steed arrived in time, and the thieves succeeded.”

When Ye Chen heard this, he instantly confirmed his guess, then looked towards the players on the ground and asked: “Are you Tian Boguang?”

When the players on the ground heard this, they were taken aback, and then said inexplicably shocked:

“My game name is Tian Boguang, do you know me?”

Ye Chen couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows when he heard this.

1000 How could I not know the name of Tian Boguang, who is a demon with a face…

In Ye Chen’s previous life, there was a human player with countless faces, who could become anyone’s appearance, and could also imitate the breath of the person he changed. More importantly, he would also have the evil method of harvesting Yin to supplement Yang. .

With this ability, he has harmed countless women.

The women who were harmed by him, without exception, have become Old Lady of the 7th and 80th.

In fact, most of them are more than 20 years old, which is in the blooming season.

If only the women of the game world suffer, the players will not care.

It is not only the women of the game world who suffer, but also the female players in reality who have also been harmed by him a lot.

He takes all games in reality. As long as a woman with a male partner is favored by him, it won’t take long for him to succeed.

Even if there is no male partner, he will take a cameo appearance as a flower picking thief, slap in the air afterwards, and leave unrestrainedly.

Among them, no fewer than 1000 female players have been harmed, and the number of women in this World is beyond count.

It didn’t take long for him to get the title of 1000-faced Demon, of course, it was given by the player.

Countless people wanted to find out the identity of this person, caught him, and then cut 1000 dollars and 10000, but unfortunately, they never succeeded.

It wasn’t until this person ascended Great Desolate that he wanted to repeat his tricks before he was discovered and caught.

Because he relied on a mask, and what the mask provided was just an illusion. In the Novice Zone of 3 Nations, no one can see through it.

But in the Great Desolate, the Primordial Spirit came out and saw through the illusion with no difficulty.

It was also at that moment that his identity was known to the players, and Tian Boguang’s name was officially known to all players at that moment.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen 2 narrowed his eyes, glanced at Tian Boguang on the ground, and then shouted: “Hand over the mask!”

When Tian Boguang heard this, a trace of panic suddenly appeared in his eyes, but he did not dare to delay, hurriedly put on a dazed expression, and then said:

“Ye Chen, what mask, what are you talking about?”

Ye Chen heard this, coldly smiled, God Slaying Spear moved towards Tian Boguang with a finger with his right hand, and then shouted: “You want to die, even if you don’t have it!”

In the game, killing equipment can be exploded, but the equipment exploded is random, not necessarily exploding the mask Ye Chen said.

If Ye Chen can completely wipe out Tian Boguang with a single shot, then Tian Boguang will not be able to resurrect. Ye Chen can get all his equipment.

But if the God Slaying Spear Soul Eater feature was not triggered, then Tian Boguang would go elsewhere and resurrect.

That way, even if the mask bursts out, it will be taken away by Tian Boguang if it doesn’t burst out, and the 1000-faced harlot will continue to exist.

Moreover, it is difficult to find that this is not in line with Ye Chen’s original intention.

Otherwise, where would Ye Chen go with Tian Boguang’s ink stains, he would stabbed him with one shot.

As far as Ye Chen is concerned, Tian Boguang must be killed. If he saves him, he will go to Samsara City in the future, or if he gets fat, he will go to Historical Beauty, which is not what Ye Chen wants to see.

Tian Boguang looked at the dark and thick God Slaying Spear, his pupils shrank sharply. This was what he feared most.

At this moment, players are all understood the reason why Ye Chen kills in the game, but also die in reality.

It was caused by the dark and thick long gun in Ye Chen’s hand.

The person killed by that gun, most likely, will die in reality.

At this moment, Tian Boguang felt the threat of death, not a game, but a reality.

When he thought that he might die in reality, Tian Boguang’s pupils shrank involuntarily.

“No? Then you die to Laozi!” Ye Chen saw this, God Slaying Spear violently moved towards Tian Boguang.

“Don’t! I pay it! I pay it!” Tian Boguang hurriedly shouted when he saw this.

There was a strong trembling in his voice.

He was worried, afraid, even afraid.

He didn’t want to be killed by Ye Chen in the game, and died in reality, so he gave up the idea of ​​fooling Ye Chen.

Because Ye Chen didn’t believe it at all, and planned to kill him.

Special, Ye Chen killed him this day, how could he know that I had a mask? I only played with a few women…

Tian Boguang thought about it sadly, moved towards a touch of his face, and a mask gleaming with strange rays of light appeared in his hand.

When Han Dang saw this, he immediately stepped forward and took the mask. Later, he went to Ye Chen and handed the mask to Ye Chen with both hands.

Ye Chen laughed at Han Dang nodded, then took the mask and took a look.

Mask (Earth Grade, the only): One of the Mohist relics. Its function transforms into the appearance of everyone, simulating the breath of the person who has changed.

It’s this thing…

Thinking of this, Ye Chen threw the mask directly into the storage space, then looked towards Tian Boguang on the ground, and asked:

“That lieutenant was killed by you?”

“Yes…Yes.” Tian Boguang swallowed, and then spoke.

Ye Chen heard this and narrowed his eyes.

When Tian Boguang saw this, he was shocked and hurriedly shouted: “Ye Chen! I handed over the mask. You must keep your word and let me go!”

“When did I say that I let you go? You are the Golden Turban anti-thief, and you killed Han Dang’s lieutenant, and want to live?” Ye Chen smiled coldly, and then shouted.

“Ye Chen…” Tian Boguang heard this, his eyes opened sharply, and he hurriedly shouted. However, before he finished his words, he stopped abruptly.

Seeing God Slaying Spear a spear thrust through his heart, and then Wu light flashed, Tian Boguang was silent.

Do you know that You Prefecture is Lao Tzu’s territory, and you still come to harm because of the mask. You think you will be fine if you don’t come later…

Thinking of this, Ye Chen curled his mouth in disdain, and then pulled back God Slaying Spear.

Han Dang evil fiercely glanced at Tian Boguang’s body on the ground, then looked towards Ye Chen, knelt down on one knee with a “bang”, and then shouted:

“Han Dang, I would like to follow the lord, and beg the lord to take in!”

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