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“Yes! Lord!” Han Dang hurriedly bowed when he heard this.

Ye Chen nodded, and then took Samsara Legion towards the City Lord Mansion.

After Ye Chen left, Han Dang immediately took the soldiers to clean the battlefield, picking up the item one after another exploded from the Golden Turban army.

When the battlefield was cleaned, the city gate of Liaoxi City was closed immediately.

At this moment, the players who came from Yangle County just came here, looking at the blood-red ground outside the city of Liaoxi, the players each and everyone stared.

“Fuck! Ye Chen is summon White Tiger again, how many people have to be killed?”

“On the Great Han’s victory list, Ye Chen’s achievements have soared by more than 2000 and 10000. There must be a lot of gold turbans killed…”

“Wipe, how can this battlefield be so clean…”

“Yeah, fuck, I’m still thinking about picking up some equipment, now it’s all right, I don’t have any hair…”

“We are late, if we come early, we can pick it up…”

“By the way, did Ye Chen leave or go to Liaoxi City?”

“I shouldn’t leave. Ye Chen came here with only his guard Legion, Zhao Yunzheng, Dian Wei, Gao Shun and they went to Liaodong. Ye Chen should be here to wait for them, and wait for them to arrive. In.”

“Damn, if this is the case, then we will also go to Liaoxi City and change the horse there by the way, so that we can keep up.”

“Yes, yes, to Liaoxi City, Ye Chen’s soldiers are all riding horses and rhinos. They don’t have horses. It’s really hard to follow.

Players, after you finish talking, they moved towards Liaoxi City. However, no matter what they call the door, the city gate will not open.

For a while, the players thundered and cursed.

However, despite their curses, Han Dang just refused to open the city gates.

Although Han Dang didn’t understand Ye Chen’s order, he would still carry it out thoroughly.

If Han Dang knows that the players intend to follow Ye Chen fish in troubled waters, he can immediately react to what Ye Chen’s command means.

Ye Chen This is to force the players in You Prefecture to die.

It’s okay to pick up the bargain, but if you don’t sell your life, just wait to be destroyed by the Golden Turban army and the Monster Race hiding the sky and covering the earth.

Ye Chen is not interested in leading the players to participate in the Golden Turban chaos and the Monster Race chaos.

Because no one would sincerely follow Ye Chen’s orders, especially desperate orders.

Of course, if Ye Chen makes great profits, the players will be desperate.

But Ye Chen has the strength and power, why should he promise to others and keep developing Samsara City?

Therefore, Ye Chen directly ordered the closure of the city gate, not giving the players a way out, forcing them to go to the battlefield to fight Monster Race Golden Scarf.

It’s okay if you don’t have a decisive battle, you can only watch it from the back, you can’t get merits, you won’t get merits.

If you want to get the benefits, you can either follow the killing of the Golden Scarf and Monster Race, or you can only exit You Prefecture.

Simply picking things up on the battlefield is just the next strategy for players.

Whether it’s Golden Scarf or Monster Race, after killing it, you can gain a lot of experience, as well as military exploits and merits, which are more than picking up equipment.

Of course, it is also important to equip the cultivation technique, but Ye Chen is there. What they want to explode directly depends on whether Ye Chen agrees or not.

City Lord Mansion, Liaoxi City.

As soon as Ye Chen arrived, the large and small officials in Liaoxi City hurried over to meet him.

Ye Chen couldn’t help being disappointed after seeing one after another.

There are not at all famous people.

However, there are some people who have some abilities, otherwise they will not be able to manage Liaoxi City.

Ye Chen simply ordered them to return to their posts and manage Liaoxi City.

After the large and small officials left, Han Dang came to the lobby.

As soon as he entered the door, Han Dang bowed and said, “Well, see the lord!”

Ye Chen laughed nodded, and then asked: “Handang, is the battlefield cleaned up?”

“Reporting to the lord, the battlefield has been cleaned, but there are only 5 pieces of equipment above Diamond Grade, and the cultivation technique only has 32 King Grade cultivation technique.” Han Dang nodded, and then bowed in response.

Ye Chen couldn’t help but smiled when he heard this, and then said: “If the Golden Turban anti-thief is well equipped, Great Han might be really dangerous.”

Han Dang was taken aback for a moment, then bowed and said, “The lord’s words are not bad. Most of the Golden Turban rebels were born in poverty and were bewitched by Zhang Jiao to participate in the rebellion. They really didn’t have any sophisticated equipment.”

Ye Chen laughed the nodded, then looked towards Han Dang, and asked:

“Handang, how long can the grain in Liaoxi City last? I mean, if you add the grain of those wealthy businessmen and the gentry, how long can it last?”

Before, Ye Chen met with officials from large and small Liaoxi, not at all inquiring about it.

Because they couldn’t tell the truth, they were all Great Family in Liaoxi City, and it was impossible to tell how much of their food.

In a disaster year, they immediately think about their own interests, not about the life and death of the 100 surnames.

Ye Chen knows this, otherwise Ye Chen would have asked.

When Han Dang heard this, 2 eyes suddenly opened, and hurriedly bowed in prayer:

“Lord, if the tyrants can take out the grain, the 8 million 100 surnames in Liaoxi City can last for at least 2 years!”

When Ye Chen heard this, his eyebrows raised involuntarily, and then he asked, “Do you know the approximate amount of food hoarded by the gentry?”

“Reporting to the lord, the specific number will not be known at all, but the approximate number will eventually be able to be estimated to be pretty close.” Han Dang heard this, bowing and saying without the slightest hesitation.

Ye Chen heard this, squinted two eyes, then looked towards Guo Yi and shouted:

“Fengxiao, issued a notice saying that I would buy food at twice the usual food price to solve the problem of food and clothing for 2 people in the city. Major food merchants and gentry are not allowed to hide food privately, but only leave the food used by the whole family for 100 years! “

Guo Yi was taken aback for a moment, then bowed and said, “Master, if this notice is issued, I am afraid that it will not have much effect. Those grain merchants and tycoons will probably only give out a little grain to deal with the Lord.”

Ye Chen heard this, squinted his eyes, and then said: “They’d better follow orders, otherwise, You Prefecture will no longer have a foothold for them!”

“Master, are you planning to kill?” Guo Yi was shocked when he heard this, and hurriedly bowed and asked.

Ye Chen glanced at Guo Yi, who was extremely anxious, and then asked, “Fengxiao is worried about the instability of You Prefecture?”

“It’s true, lord, although these tyrants are not strong, the combined strength should not be underestimated. Once the lord deals with those tyrants in Liaoxi, the tyrants in other cities in You Prefecture will inevitably endanger themselves, and it is very likely that they will Unite and oppose the lord.” Guo Yi said with a heavy nodded face, then bowed.

“Fengxiao, do you know, where is the foundation of this world?” Ye Chen haha ​​smiled, and then asked.

Guo Yi was stunned when he heard this, and then said: “The foundation of the world is naturally 100 surnames…”

Ye Chen nodded, and then said domineeringly:

“Fengxiao is right. The foundation of the world is 100 surnames, not the tycoons! In You Prefecture, the submissive gentry can continue to keep, because they have no intention to oppose me. If they are not compliant, how can I keep them to create chaos!”

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