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Guo Yi was stunned when he heard this, and then suddenly realized.

At this moment, Ye Chen is the lord of You Prefecture, Great Han Empire, Great General White Steed, Champion Marquis, distinguished status, transcendent position.

And Samsara City is strong and powerful, with a lot of money, and there is no need to consider the possible impact of those gentry.

You can just let go of those tycoons.

To put it simply, those who follow Ye Chen prosper, and those who oppose Ye Chen die.

Thinking of this, Guo Yi hurriedly bowed and said, “Lord, you are too jealous of the power of those tycoons, please forgive me.”

Ye Chen couldn’t help but smile when he heard this, and then said:

“Fengxiao will remember one thing in the future. Regardless of the gentry’s ability or power, the obedient can live, and the rebellious, kill without mercy! This World will never allow the existence of gentry who disobeys my orders. There is one kill, one 10000, and 10000 kill. !”

“Yes! Lord!” Guo Yi suddenly opened his eyes when he heard this, and then bowed heavily in response.

“Lord, this matter will be left to the end, and the end will guarantee that no tyrants will be allowed to cheat!” Han Dang exhaled at this time, then bowed and bowed loudly.

At this moment, Han Dang was very excited, even excited.

Because Ye Chen, the lord, does not think about the interests of the tycoons, but the interests of the 100 surnames, and he is ready to let go of the rectification of Liaoxi and even the entire You Prefecture.

This is what a wise and martial “emperor” should do, instead of worrying about the power of the gentry, compromise and then compromise, regardless of the life and death of 100 surnames.

In that way, how can You Prefecture be stable, peaceful, and prosperous.

Ye Chen heard this, glanced at Han Dang, and then shouted:

“Okay! This matter is left to you. After Fengxiao posts the notice, act immediately. If you comply with it, write it down and keep it for later use. If you don’t comply, you will search the Golden Turban to rebel. If you find the food, you will immediately rebel. Move away, dare to resist, kill without mercy!”

Ye Chen bought grain at twice the market price, and left the gentry family with rations for two years. They would never starve to death.

If this is not done according to Ye Chen’s orders, it is to do right with Ye Chen, how can Ye Chen be soft.

“Yes! Lord!” Han Dang bowed before hearing this, without the slightest hesitation.

“Lord, I will write the notice.” Guo Yi looked towards Ye Chen at this time, and then bowed in prayer.

“Go.” Ye Chen nodded, then said.

Guo Yi bowed again, and then took Han Dang out of the City Lord Mansion hall.

Not long after, a notice about the purchase of grain was posted in Liaoxi City, causing a sensation in an instant.

XX House.

“Damn, what does this You Prefecture mean? Is he going to cut our roots?”

“Yes, the market price has doubled. Doesn’t he know that the price of food has already doubled by 2 times, and there is still no market?”

“He is fighting with us again! The order goes on and the gate of the palace is closed tightly and no one is allowed to enter!”

XX House.

“The thief! The thief! I have worked so hard to save so much food, and half of it was purchased at a high price. He wanted to snatch my food with a notice from You Prefecture. Why!”

“We must not sell it. We will lose money if we sell it. It is hard to catch up with the disaster year. We have accumulated a large amount of food. The more expensive the food becomes, how can we sell it so cheaply.”

“Yes, we can’t sell it, not only we can’t sell it, we have to send someone to Luoyang to sue Ye Chen for being corrupt and ruining the law, and he is not worthy of being pastoralist for You Prefecture!”

XX House.

“This Great General White Steed is a bad person. The murderous intention is revealed in this order. Although it is not explicitly stated, I am not mistaken. If my Wang Family does not follow the notice, it will be a disaster!”

“Champion Marquis dare not kill him?”

“If he didn’t dare, he wouldn’t have issued such a notice as soon as he arrived in Liaoxi…”

“What should I do? Is it possible that, according to the notice, the food is only reserved for the whole family for 2 years, and the rest will be sold to him?”

“To sell, you must sell, not only to sell, but also to sell at the original price. Remember, this cannot be sloppy, otherwise Wang Family will be removed from You Prefecture!”

One after another gentry’s mansion, the gates were closed tightly, ignoring the notices posted by Ye Chen.

However, at this moment, there are some tycoons who are transporting grain out of the car in carts to City Lord Mansion, and they are sold to Ye Chen at the lowest price.

After Ye Chen received the news, he directly ordered the tyrants to receive the City Lord Mansion and drink and eat.

When Ye Chen received these gentry who took the initiative, Han Dang raised his butcher knife in the western city of Liaoning, and the blood flowing into a river where households of gentry were killed.

At first, Han Dang didn’t make a cruel attack. Whoever thought it was, but some tyrants were used to tyrannically abuse power and attacked Han Dang’s soldiers. Another soldier was shot to death by a tyrannical thug. This immediately angered Han. When, kill directly.

Fuck, when defending the city, each and everyone huddled at home and refused to do anything. This fucking guilty army was destroyed. Each and everyone pretended to be baring fangs and brandishing claws, and dared to kill.

How could Han Dang not be angry.

These tycoons who dared to kill others had their children serving as officials in the west of Liaoning, otherwise they would not be so bold.

Han Dang had some worries before, and now he has followed Ye Chen, where is there any worries.

And this is what Ye Chen gave him, so why didn’t he dare to do it.

After receiving a report from the soldiers, Ye Chen was furious when he learned that a soldier had been killed and sent Samsara Legion directly.

All of a sudden, many tyrants were frightened, each and everyone did not dare to resist, resisting Ye Chen.

Not only obediently and honestly handed over the food, but also paid nothing.

Unfortunately, they have long been on Guo Yi’s blacklist.

Before long, all the thugs in these families were arrested, and among their family’s children, some of them were employed in Liaoxi, but they were also removed as many as they were in the family who at first showed good agreement with Ye Chen. Child.

Of course, these people have been “interviewed” by Ye Chen. They are incapable. Ye Chen doesn’t use them.

The dark night, cool breeze, but mixed with a little bloody breath.

Ye Chen’s thunderous method completely changed the officialdom of Western Liaoning, and it also attracted a huge applause from 100 surnames.

After Ye Chen got the grain, he opened the warehouse and put the grain directly.

There are 8 million 100 surnames in the city, more than 80%, there is no food in the family, and there is not much money.

If you want to eat a full meal, there is no other way than government relief.

Ye Chen’s decision, how could the 100 surnames not like it, how could it be unhappy.

Because all of this appeared for them to be able to eat full without starving to death.

The 100 surnames are grateful, grateful, moved, how can they say that Ye Chen is cruel.

Not to mention, the arrival of Ye Chen solved the crisis of the collapse of Liaoxi City.

It can be said that without Ye Chen, once Liaoxi City is broken, 100% of these 100 surnames, even those tycoons, would be persecuted unimaginably.

Except for those gentry families who have been rectified, there is no one who does not miss Ye Chen in Liaoxi City.

City Lord Mansion, the hall.

After listening to Guo Yi’s report on the situation in the city, Ye Chen raised his eyebrows involuntarily, and then said, “Yes, yes, the people’s support is available…”

As soon as Ye Chen finished speaking, a soldier from Samsara Legion rushed in and knelt down and said loudly: “Reporting to the lord, General Zhao Yun, General Dian Wei, General Gao Shun, General Zhao Meng, He has already led his troops to Liaoxi City!”

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