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Ye Chen was stunned when he heard this.

The golden towel on Liaodong was emptied in one day…

“Congratulations to the lord, General Yunzheng, General Dian Wei, General Gao Shun, General Zhao Meng, it must be a triumphant progress, which has already wiped out the golden scarves in Liaodong.” Guo Yi bowed and said with a smile.

Han Dang was stunned when he heard this, and then a shocked look appeared in his eyes.

Ye Chen had just brought out his troops. Han Dang had heard about this from Guo Yi, and now, how long has passed, the Golden Turban anti-thief on the Liaodong side has been wiped out. This speed is not just about being equipped. of.

“Hahaha, Fengxiao said rightly, go, go to East City Gate!” Ye Chen haha ​​smiled, and then spoke.

“Yes! Lord!” Guo Yi and Han Dang bowed in response, and then followed Ye Chen towards the East City Gate.

Before long, Ye Chen brought Han Dang and Guo Yi to East City Gate.

After a “creak”, the East City Gate of Liaoxi City opened.

“Meet the lord!” Zhao Yun Zheng, Dian Wei, Gao Shun and Zhao Meng all bowed to one knee and said loudly.


4 is the 10000 army, also knelt on one knee in a moment, and said loudly:

“Meet the lord!”

The sound was uniform and uniform, and the sound shook the sky.

Taking a look at the blood-stained shirts on the four of them, Ye Chen exhaled for a long time, and then walked a few steps to Zhao Yunzheng, Zhao Meng, Dian Wei, Gao Shun in front of him, and lifted the four of them one after another. , And then said heavily: “Thanks for your hard work.”

As soon as Ye Chen’s words fell, Zhao Yun Zheng, Dian Wei, Gao Shun, Zhao Meng, their hearts warmed together, and then bowed and prayed:

“For the lord, even if we die, we have no regrets or regrets!”

“Enter the city!” Ye Chen heard this, nodded heavily, and then shouted.

“Yes! Lord!” Zhao Yun Zheng, Zhao Meng, Dian Wei, and Gao Shun all bowed and prayed, and then led a 400,000 army and followed Ye Chen into Liaoxi City.

Ye Chen has entered the city here, and the players who were left outside the city before, each and everyone are not happy.

They also want to go to the city and rest outside, no matter how comfortable it is to rest in the city, and they don’t have to worry about it.

Unfortunately, no one dared to step forward.

Because during the day, they had been noisy, but unfortunately, the city gate of Liaoxi City just didn’t open.

And now, Ye Chen’s 400,000 Samsara City army is here, and the players dare not speak casually.

Dare to speak, isn’t it courting death? No one dares to challenge Ye Chen’s patience at this time.

Looking at the Samsara City army continuously entering Liaoxi City, a player sighed for a long time, and then said:

“Constantly comparing oneself to others will only make one angry, see you, Ye Chen’s soldiers, all Diamond Grade equipment, I have a grass, the best thing on my body is silver…”

“Compare with anyone, and don’t compare with Ye Chen. He is a pervert, and his soldiers have such good equipment. Fuck, I don’t feel that no one can control Ye Chen.”

“Stop Ye Chen? Don’t be nonsense. Can Ye Chen be controlled casually? Let’s not talk about the people he kills in the game. In reality, he may die. Only the soldiers under his hands can easily If everyone is not convinced, unless everyone is united, Ye Chen may not work.”

“Everyone is united? Do you think this will happen? If Ye Chen contends for world supremacy, it might appear, but do you think that when Ye Chen contends for world supremacy, his power will be stronger. What kind of Great Accomplishment?”

“It doesn’t matter to me what Ye Chen is strong in Great Accomplishment. What I am thinking now is why Ye Chen didn’t call us into the city.”

“You haven’t seen it yet? Ye Chen is forcing us to go to the battlefield…”

“Fuck! I’ve been wondering before, we are not players in the Golden Scarf camp, why Ye Chen didn’t tell us to enter the city, it turns out that it is, it’s not easy for this fuck to fish in troubled waters.”

“Fish in troubled waters is still okay, but if you want to reap the benefits, you have to work hard and desperately. Ye Chen must mean that. Otherwise, he will expel us directly or even kill us, let alone Ye Chen dare not. That pervert and state dare to do anything.”

“Ye Chen is interesting enough. Compared with some lord players, Ye Chen is already a kind person. Don’t you know that one of my classmates is fucking with a lord, fucking, he doesn’t treat my classmate as a human being. The good thing is also immediately snatched by the lord. My classmate dare not resist, because after the resistance, not only is it dangerous in reality, but it will also be killed to Level 0 in the game…”

City Lord Mansion, the hall.

After Ye Chen sat in the main seat, he immediately looked towards Zhao Yun Zheng and asked: “Yun Zheng, how is the situation in Liaodong?”

Zhao Yun was hearing Ye Chen’s question and hurriedly bowed and said:

“Reporting to the lord, there are no less than 20,000,000 Golden Turban soldiers in Liaodong. There are countless villages destroyed by the Golden Turban, and some small counties have been destroyed by the Golden Turban. But at this moment, all the Golden Turbans in the Liaodong area have been beheaded and the captured counties have been recovered. “

Ye Chen couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows when he heard this.

Zhao Yun Zheng, Dian Wei, Zhao Meng, Gao Shun, they are worthy of being the Historical General, this work of siege and land grab is fast…

Thinking of this, Ye Chen laughed at nodded, and then asked, “How about the soldiers’ casualties?”

“Reporting to the lord, all relying on the equipment given by the lord, Righteous White Cavalry has no casualties.” Zhao Yun was hearing this, slightly smiled, and bowed.

Ye Chen haha ​​smiled, and then looked towards Dian Wei.

Dian Wei saw Ye Chen look over, and hurriedly bowed and said, “Master, the soldier under the command of the final general has no casualties.”

Gao Shun and Zhao Meng didn’t wait for Ye Chen to look over, and hurriedly bowed and said, “Master, the soldier under the command of the general has no casualties.”

Ye Chen couldn’t help but smile when he heard this, and then nodded satisfied and said: “Okay, you did good!”

After Ye Chen finished speaking, he immediately looked towards the maid at the door and said instructed: “Go, bring the wine and food.”

When the maid at the door heard this, she hurriedly bowed and said, “Yes! Master Zhou Mu!” After speaking, she hurried to prepare wine and food.

Zhao Yun looked towards Ye Chen at this moment, hesitated, and then bowed and said, “Master, Liaodong, Xuantuo, Lelang, the 4 county officials have not stored much grain, and the price of grain in the city has risen to the usual level. 8 times, if the time is long, I am afraid…”

Ye Chen frowned when he heard this.

This is the situation again…

Thinking of this, Ye Chen looked towards Han Dang, and then shouted:

“Han Dang, tomorrow you will lead your troops to the 4 counties of Liaodong, Xuantuo, Lelang, and your party. Just follow the method of Liaoxi. No matter who it is, if you resist, even if it is resistance, don’t let your heart down, kill without mercy! “

Han Dang suddenly opened his eyes when he heard this. Then he stepped out, knelt on one knee, and said loudly, “Sailor, obey!”

“Ding, Han Dang’s loyalty is +10, advanced to die loyal.”

Ye Chen couldn’t help raising his eyebrows after hearing the system’s prompt.

Yes, yes, yet another diehard…

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