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The Defending General was taken aback for a moment, then turned and looked towards the eastern sky.

There, a huge White Tiger stood volley in the sky, and two stern tiger eyes stared at the ground coldly.

The next second, White Tiger fell to the ground, and then disappeared from the sight of the defender General.

At this moment, a stretched voice came.

“Reporting…reporting to General, Master Zhou Mu, leading the 41 army, has come to the east of the city!”

When the Guardian General heard this, his eyes suddenly opened.

At this moment, he finally realized that what happened to the White Tiger was Ye Chen summon from You Prefecture.

Thinking of this, the Guardian General suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed:

“Hahaha, God bless West Beiping City! Once Master Zhou Mu arrives, how can the crumbs be mad!”

“Master State Shepherd is here, we are safe!”

“West Beiping City is saved!”

“10000 Fortunately, thanks to God, thanks to Master Zhou Mu, the small family can finally be safe and sound.”

Soldiers on the city wall, you express your inner excitement every word.

Seeing this, the city guarding General exhaled for a long time, and then shouted: “Quick! Kill all the golden soldiers who boarded the city wall! They must not be asked to seize the city wall, otherwise, we are the sinners of West Beiping City. It is even more troublesome for Master Zhou Mu.”

“Yes! General!” The soldiers on the city wall shouted in unison, and then rushed to the two city walls that were attacked by the soldiers of the Golden Scarf.

West Beiping City, the east of the city.

After White Tiger fell to the ground, Ye Chen and Samsara Legion were wrapped in it instantly.

Glancing at the densely packed army of golden turbans, Ye Chen of the White Tiger within the body shouted:

“Clean up the remaining soldiers of the Golden Scarf, and then head to the Northern Part of City to behead the army of the Golden Scarf in the Northern Part of City, leaving no one behind!”

Ye Chen did so naturally to leave some soldiers with golden turban to train for the army of Samsara City.

“Yes! Lord!” Zhao Yun Zheng, Zhao Meng, Gao Shun and Dian Wei all bowed in response when they heard this.

White Tiger is nodded, leaps forward, and then turns into a stream of light, flashing away.

“Pēng pēng pēng”

Countless explosions sounded.

I saw where the streamer passed, the soldiers with the golden turban, without exception, disappeared, leaving only the blood mist that kept churning.

The Golden Turban army, which was originally densely packed, was emptied in an instant.

The soldiers on the east city wall of West Beiping City, each and everyone, the boss with open mouth, looked at the golden scarves soldiers who had disappeared under the city with a shocked look.

“This… so powerful…” a soldier swallowed with a’gudong’, and then shouted in shock.

“Good…really strong…”

“Master Zhou Mu is more powerful than the rumors…and more powerful!”

Just as the soldiers on the east city wall were shocked and inexplicably discussed, the white Tiger that reappeared, jumped again, and then turned into a stream of light, heading straight to the south of West Beiping City.

At the same time, Zhao Yun Zheng, Dian Wei, Gao Shun, Zhao Meng raised their weapons together and shouted: “Charge!”

“Kill! Kill! Kill!”

Shocking shouts of killing sounded immediately.

In the next second, the 400,000 army of Samsara City, moved towards the remaining soldiers of the Golden Turban who were specially left behind by Ye Chen rushed away.

“hong long long”

Ten thousand horses galloping, the earthquake trembled, and the tyrannical murderous aura rose up in an instant, and went straight to the golden turban army.

Within a few breaths, the 400,000 army came to the front of the Golden Turban army, and the ruthless harvest mode was instantly activated.

Pieces of golden turban soldiers were stabbed to death and flew away.

The 400,000 Samsara City army continues to move forward, then forward, charge and charge again, no matter whether the Golden Scarf Soldier is afraid or not, no matter whether the Golden Scarf Soldier is crazy or not, they cannot stop the Samsara City army from charging.

West Beiping City, south city gate.

“Pēng pēng pēng”

Pieces of body crackling sounded again.

After several times, the soldiers in the south of West Beiping City were emptied as many, leaving only the blood mist tumbling all over the sky.

However, the White Tiger didn’t stop there. The soldiers on the south city wall went straight to the Western District in shock.

West Beiping City, Western District.

“Report…General! It’s not good, the southern army was killed by the White Tiger!” A panic shout suddenly came.

The Golden Turban Army General heard this, eyes shrank shrank again, and then shouted in surprise:

“What are you talking about? The White Tiger was made by Great General White Steed Ye Chen? It was killed all at once…”

As soon as the General of the Golden Turban Army said this, he saw a huge White Tiger suddenly appear in the Western District, and then jumped, instantly turned into a stream of light, and disappeared in a flash.

“Pēng pēng pēng”

After a series of body cracks sounded, the golden turban army in the Western District instantly lost one of 20%.

Seeing the subordinates who were still there just now, they have all turned into blood mist in the sky, the Golden Turban Army General, shivered abruptly, and then shouted in horror:

“Withdraw! Quick withdrawal!”

He wants to leave here, run as fast as he can.

The White Tiger is so cruel, so cruel that it scares him and despairs him.

After he finished shouting, he turned his horse’s head without the slightest hesitation, turned and ran.

However, it was late, and he just ran a few steps, suddenly freeze, and then a series of “pēng pēng pēng” burst into the sky and blood mist.

The Golden Turban Army in West Beiping City Western District, together with the Golden Turban Army General, were destroyed.

At this moment, White Tiger dispersed, Ye Chen and Samsara Legion appeared immediately.

“Master State Shepherd Victory!” Loudly shouted from the city wall.

In the next second, a loud cry came in an instant.

“Master State Shepherd Victory! Victory! Victory!”

Soldiers on the city wall, each and everyone raised their weapons in excitement and shouted loudly.

Glancing at the gleeful West Beiping City defenders on the city wall, Ye Chen couldn’t help but smile.

At this moment, the rumbling sound of the earth suddenly sounded, together with the sound of birds singing.

Ye Chen heard this, his eyes opened sharply, then turned and looked towards the west.

I saw the sky, countless individual huge birds, flying towards the moved towards that obscured the sky.

On the ground, there is an endless army of beasts.

Seeing this, Ye Chen 2 narrowed his eyes, and the cold light flashed away.

Ye Chen already knows the news that Monster Race gathered in You Prefecture.

As for their purpose, Ye Chen also knows that they are coming to Ye Chen, the Human Race Number One Person.

It’s just that in You Prefecture, there has not yet been a city that has been compromised by Golden Scarf or Monster Race.

Otherwise, the world announcement would have sounded.

It was precisely because no city was breached that Ye Chen guessed that the Monster Race army was still fighting with the army of the Great Han Empire.

But what Ye Chen didn’t expect was that Monster Race was so courageous, and even rushed towards this side.

Relying on the large number and wings, do you think you are invincible…

Ye Chen just thought of this, and a wild laugh came.

“Hahaha, the human in front, is it Human Race Number One Person Ye Chen?”

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