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The moment the sound hits the ground, a huge black eagle with its wings spread over 100 meters, carrying a group of huge birds, suddenly begins to dive.

In an instant, I came to the low altitude 100 meters away in front of Ye Chen, looking towards Ye Chen fiercely.

A vulture looked at Ye Chen and Samsara Legion, then opened his mouth and shouted:

“This person must be Ye Chen. Look at the equipment on those soldiers. It seems to be Human Race’s Diamond Grade equipment. The whole body is shining, and the rhino they ride, plus this golden Heavenly Horse, and the Ye in the human mouth. Chen is alike!”

“Hahaha, I finally found Ye Chen, this time I want him to see the power of our Monster Race! Tell him to be like pretending to be okay, his legs are mine!”

“Hehe, I want his arm!”

“I have wrapped his crotch!”

“Don’t grab it, take one bite at a time, check the position in the mouth!”

“Chirp chirp twitter twitter ……”

Birds all over the sky resounded instantly across the sky.

They are cheering for these incomparable gigantic birds.

“I’ll come first!” After screaming, a pitch-black crow suddenly flapped its wings and flew towards Ye Chen, very fast, and it was just around the corner.

Ye Chen coldly smiled, right hand God Slaying Spear thrust out a spear fiercely, simple, rough, no fancy.

“Pu Chi” came.

God Slaying Spear instantly pierced the crow’s beak, and then passed through.


The crow that spreads its wings up to 50 meters, instantly explodes all split up and in pieces.

Blood-red bird meat, white bird bones, and jet-black bird feathers are splashed everywhere.


The sound of air-conditioning pours out instantly.

“How is it possible! Although the crow is not powerful, but the speed is absolutely fast enough, how can Ye Chen see its flight trajectory and kill it with just one shot? What level is his gun?” A sparrow was suddenly surprised Shouted.

“This is not the point. The point is that the crow’s mouth can be easily crushed even with human gold-level equipment, but that gun, with one shot, smashed the crow’s mouth…”

“It doesn’t mean that we can’t get close to him? It’s dangerous if we get close?”

Birds, you talked to me in shock and inexplicably.

They simply never thought that Ye Chen could a spear thrust the crow.

This is the first time they have fought Ye Chen, and all information about Ye Chen was heard from elsewhere.

They know that Ye Chen is very strong, but they are so strong that they can kill the crows of the same realm in seconds, which is a bit beyond their expectations.

“Go together, Ye Chen is not right!”

Loudly shouted, suddenly came from Black Hawk’s mouth.

“Yes! Let’s go together! Anyway, this World is not really dead, but the strength will be reduced, it doesn’t matter, as long as Ye Chen is killed and Ye Chen is not allowed to continue to develop, then our Monster Race will always crush Human Race!”

“Yes! As long as we keep it, Human Race will always be our food!”

“Kill Ye Chen!”

“Kill Human Race Number One Person!”

A scream rang from the mouth of the incomparable gigantic bird.

Ye Chen glanced at each and everyone chanting slogans, but no one moved the birds, and curled their lips in disdain.

These Monster Race birds, each and everyone shouted loudly, but no one dared to step forward.

Obviously, these birds are unwilling to lose their strength, for fear that they will be the next existence to be killed by Ye Chen.

“hong long long”

The rumbling sound of the earth is getting louder and louder.

Although the rushing army of beasts could not be as fast as the birds, they arrived here at this time.

An incomparable gigantic chimpanzee suddenly stood up, glanced at Ye Chen, and then looked towards the black eagle in the sky, and shouted:

“Black Hawk, you’re really getting more and more alive. If you say yes, you see Ye Chen, the first one to tear Ye Chen, why don’t you do it?”

When the Black Hawk heard this, the eagle’s eyes opened sharply, and then let out a clear howl.

After the whistle, the Black Hawk looked at the chimpanzee and shouted sharply:

“Idiot, you can’t see this Human Race Number One Person. Isn’t it right? You feel it, this bastard’s realm can’t feel it at all!”

“Can’t sense it? A joke! Can’t sense it, isn’t Shedding Mortality scaring someone…” The chimpanzee curled his lips in disdain, and then shouted, but the words came to an abrupt end.

“Hmph, did you feel it?” The Black Hawk hummed coldly when he saw this place, and then shouted.

“Yeah, it’s not right, this bastard has really reached the Shedding Mortality state? Then why is he still in the world?” The chimpanzee looked towards Ye Chen’s two eyes, shrank sharply, and then shouted with anger.

“You ask me, who do I ask, who knows if he stayed in this World for Human Race.” The black hawk gave the chimpanzee a white eye, and then said.

Ye Chen heard this, squinted his eyes, cold light flashed and passed away.

These bastards seem to have obtained the information of the demonic beasts who watched Pangu opening heavens in Monster Race…

Otherwise, the impossible knows the Shedding Mortality realm, and even the impossible knows the Shedding Mortality realm will soar…

“Boss, this Ye Chen…is really Shedding Mortality?” A wild boar looked towards the chimpanzee at this time, asking inexplicably shocked.

“His realm cannot be sensed. It stands to reason that there are only two explanations for this situation. One is that he has no cultivation base, and the other is that his cultivation base surpasses me, and it must be a great realm. Otherwise, impossible cannot be sensed… “The chimpanzee’s dark face suddenly sank when he heard this, and then he said.

“That… if it is a realm higher than us… then he can not spell…” a big mouse suddenly remembered something, and then shouted in surprise.


As soon as the big mouse landed, the birds and beasts were in an uproar.

“He can spell, so how do we deal with him?”

“Yes, I can’t beat it at all.”

“What should I do? Didn’t it come back this time without success?”

The birds and beasts kept exclaiming.

At this moment, a roar came.

“shut up!”

The chimpanzee who stood up, glanced fiercely at the army of beasts.

The beast army stopped discussing for a moment.

“To shut up!”

The anger of the Black Hawk also sounded in this brief moment.

The chirp chirp twitter twitter of the flying bird army also disappeared instantly.

“What about Shedding Mortality, don’t forget, even if Shedding Mortality is only one realm higher than us, even if he can use spell, he will be impossible to release forever!” The chimpanzee looked towards Ye Chen at this time, and then shouted loudly.

“Chimpanzee, you are really smart!” The Black Hawk opened his eagle eye when he heard this, and then shouted.

“Shut up, Dead Bird, hurry up and order your brothers to come and kill Ye Chen!” When the chimpanzee heard this, he was furious and shouted.

“Chimpanzee, don’t always think about Lao Tzu’s little brother, the same is true for you, as long as you consume Ye Chen’s True Qi, he will definitely die!” Black Hawk snorted, and then shouted.

Ye Chen heard this, coldly smiled, God Slaying Spear on his right hand raised suddenly, and then shouted:

“White Tiger Battle Array!”

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