As the saying goes: every line is like a mountain!

At this time, Chu Zhongtian finally deeply understood the meaning of this sentence by watching the process of refining by the craftsman.

Through observation, Chu Zhongtian found that he didn't even know the refining materials, so after watching for a while, he turned his head directly and ignored the mysterious craftsmen.

According to the current situation, there is still some time before the start of qualifying. Chu Zhongtian plans to use this time to continue to restore his spiritual power and adjust his state so that he can deal with qualifying in perfect state.

Originally, I wanted to tell Dongfang Yuner that I would continue to practice next, but I found that she was staring at those craftsmen who were refining utensils, and showed great interest in her beautiful big eyes.

Is it difficult that Dongfang Yuner has the potential of a tool refiner!

In this regard, Chu Zhongtian can't make a decision for Dongfang Yuner. Everything can only comply with her own wishes, so he doesn't intend to restore his spiritual power for the time being, but stands by her side and guards her safety for the time being.

As the refiner kept taking out the refined materials from the storage bag, a challenge arena with a diameter of 50 meters was soon built on the site of the removed platform.

At a distance of 100 meters from the challenge arena, a row of high platforms parallel to the challenge arena were temporarily built, on which were placed ten Tung wood wide chairs with dragon heads and tiger backs.

Seeing the leading tiger chairs temporarily placed on the high platform, Chu Zhongtian guessed that these ten chairs should be for the high-level sects who came to watch the game.

I just don't know if any of the ten chairs belong to Jiao Enjun!

"Elder martial brother Chu!" While Chu Zhongtian was watching the temporarily arranged competition venue while guarding the safety of Dongfang Yuner, a slightly worried but very familiar voice came from his side.

Turning his head, Chu Zhongtian saw Huang Fu's strange face looking at himself in embarrassment.

"Elder martial brother Huangfu, you'd better call me younger martial brother!" Hearing that Huangfu called himself a senior brother, Chu Zhongtian knew that he had gradually put down his pride and wanted to get along with himself on an equal footing.

Although in the past, Chu Zhongtian hated him and hated him from the bottom of his heart because of Huang Fuqi's overbearing and selfish practices, since the moment he refused the request of law enforcement peak, Chu Zhongtian's disgust had dissipated and planned to forgive him.

"No, I'd better call you elder martial brother!" Shaking his head, Huang Puqi refused Chu Zhongtian's kindness, and then he continued.

"Elder martial brother's qualification and potential are unparalleled talents I've never seen in my life. It's only a minute to surpass me with his qualification and potential, so I'm still called your elder martial brother."

"Whatever you want!" Seeing Huang Fuqi's persistent persistence, Chu Zhongtian lazily continued to argue with him.

"Elder martial brother Chu, in the past, I was too arrogant, arrogant, arrogant, overbearing and selfish. I once offended elder martial brother Chu, so this time I came to apologize to elder martial brother."

The right hand clenched, the left hand spread out and pressed on the right hand, the upper body bent forward slightly, and Huang Fuqi made an apology.

There are two reasons why Huang Fuqi made such a solemn apology.

First, he sincerely admired Chu Zhongtian's qualifications and potential.

Li Deyuan, Chu Zhongtian's opponent in the 11th round, once said that his playing field was in the No. 20 challenge arena in order to attack his confidence. In fact, he was lying.

Because the contestant in the first eight rounds of the No. 20 challenge arena is Huang Puqi.

Different from the unknown origin in the early stage of Chu Zhongtian, Huang Fuqi is far more famous among the disciples of the outside world than Chu Zhongtian.

If it weren't for his great power to kill the blood devil before the secret place of blood devil was opened, the law enforcement peak wouldn't be staring at him at all.

Huang Fuqi was watched by the law enforcement peak on the first day of entering Liuyun sect, so Huang Fuqi was deliberately arranged in the No. 20 challenge arena in the first round of the sect match, so that Xu Hua could closely observe Huang Fuqi's performance.

The distance between No. 20 challenge arena and No. 19 challenge arena is not too far. Chu Zhongtian's first move after each competition is to return to the gathering place of the high platform. He has never paid attention to the performance of other challenge arena players.

Huang Fuqi is different. Because he was really alone in liuyunzong and didn't have a real bosom friend around him, he had to stay on the spot to observe the performance of the surrounding challenge arena and the strength of different players after each round of competition.

It is precisely because of this that Chu Zhongtian never lost all the games. He looked from the beginning to the end. He felt great admiration for Chu Zhongtian's performance. At the same time, he also had a feeling that Chu Zhongtian did not give full play to his real strength, and there must be hidden cards.

Second, because he refused the request of law enforcement peak.

Although Huangfu aristocratic family is a Wupin aristocratic family and belongs to the super power second only to the nine giants in the southern region, Huangfu aristocratic family belongs to sword cultivation. Most of the disciples of the family enter Huashan sword sect for latent cultivation, and some of the remaining disciples stay in the family for cultivation.

Only he is an alternative. He didn't like sword technique since he was a child. He has a special preference for boxing and palm technique, which definitely belongs to an alien existence in Huangfu aristocratic family. If it hadn't been for his father's being the strongest in Huangfu family, I'm afraid he would have been secretly repaired.

Therefore, for his own safety and future practice, he joined the Liuyun sect which is most suitable for him among the nine forces. It is for this reason that he is absolutely alone in Liuyun sect.

To refuse the request of law enforcement peak is to offend the law enforcement cabinet.

As for the strength of the law enforcement Pavilion, he has understood it very clearly through Ren Lin and Du Tao. He can clearly see the arrogance and strength of the law enforcement peak and the suppression after the tenth round of the 19th challenge arena.

If you want to fight against the law enforcement peak, it is absolutely impossible to rely on him alone. You must have like-minded Companions to face it together, and Chu Zhongtian is definitely the most ideal object.

It is based on the above two reasons that Huang Fuqi, who is arrogant and easily unwilling to convince people, made such a move.

"Younger martial brother Huangfu, don't do this!" Huang Fuqi's apology just now can be said to be very solemn, which made Chu Zhongtian unable to bear, so he hurried forward a few steps and stretched out his hand to hold him, so that he couldn't bend down.

After Huangfu Qi got up, Chu Zhongtian said with emotion: "younger martial brother Huangfu, to tell you the truth, when we just met, I was quite dissatisfied with your behavior and I hated your overbearing behavior."

Speaking of this, Chu Zhongtian looked directly into Huang Fuqi's eyes and said in a sincere tone: "since you refused the request of law enforcement peak, dissatisfaction and disgust have disappeared from my heart, and the only thing left is recognition."

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