"Younger martial brother Huangfu, there is no hatred between you and me. It's just because we act in different styles, which leads to mutual hostility between you and me. Now the misunderstanding is completely open. Of course, you and I are close martial brothers!"

After lowering his posture, Huang Fuqi is no longer so annoying, so Chu Zhongtian is also willing to make friends with peerless talents like Huang Fuqi.

After all, Qianlong peak has a small population and is in urgent need of talents like Huang Puqi to expand its strength.

Because Dongfang Yuner has been paying attention to the process of refining tools by the tool refiner, Chu Zhongtian and Huang Fuqi, who solved the misunderstanding, began to exchange their experience in practice and their puzzles in practice.

Through sincere exchanges with each other, Chu Zhongtian's understanding of boxing has improved to a new level.

Three months ago, before taking part in the recruitment test of Liuyun sect, Chu Zhongtian once planned a detailed cultivation plan for himself.

One of them is the practice of boxing, because he likes the way of fighting hard, and boxing is the most suitable way of fighting hard.

However, since he left the Chu family and entered the Liuyun sect, he has always used the sword technique in both daily practice and battle in training. His practice of boxing has been almost completely flustered, resulting in his understanding of boxing still at the level before he left the Chu family.

This time, through the communication with Huang Fuqi, his boxing cultivation has been improved by at least several levels, and he has a deep understanding of the set of Bahuang Liuhe boxing given by Chu Zhongba in private.

He now has a feeling that he can fully perform the first move of the eight wasteland Six Harmonies fist, the Qi killing fist.

When he and Huang Fuqi exchanged their practice experience, the competition venue had been rearranged, and the weapon refiners directly took off and left the test peak.

After all the weapon refiners left the test peak, most of the referees who were originally responsible for the challenge arena also left the test peak along the road to the bottom of the mountain. Only Xu Hua stayed at the scene.

The time is not very long, that is, less than five minutes after the smelter left the test peak, a person suddenly appeared over the empty test peak. The man slowly landed on the temporary platform of the trial peak, took a look at the Dragon chairs placed side by side, and finally sat on the Dragon chair at the end of the right.

When the high-level faction who landed in the void sat behind the chair, the staff in charge of the competition at the scene, except Zhong Faqin and Xu Hua, all the others saluted respectfully.

"I've seen elder Zhao!"

Just after the ceremony, another person appeared over the test peak.

Like the first elder Zhao who appeared, this man slowly landed on the high platform. After taking a look at the Dragon chair placed, he directly chose the Dragon chair on the far left.

Like elder Zhao, the staff in charge of the competition at the scene, in addition to Zhong Faqin and Xu Hua, also saluted respectfully.

"I've seen elder Wang!"

The appearance of elder Zhao and elder Wang seemed like a signal. In the next minute, five elders came to the temporary platform of the trial peak and chose their own seats according to their respective identities.

When there were only three dragon chairs left on the high platform, no one appeared above the test peak. Looking at the three empty dragon chairs, Chu Zhongtian secretly guessed the owner of the three dragon chairs.

While paying attention to the three vacant dragon chairs, Chu Zhongtian suddenly opened his eyes. Because on the right side of the center, on the originally empty dragon chair, a middle-aged man of about 40, fat and smiling suddenly appeared.

Just after the middle-aged man appeared behind the Dragon chair, both Zhong Faqin, the leader of the trial peak, and Xu Hua, the leader of a hall in the law enforcement Pavilion, saluted respectfully.

"I've seen elder Qiu!"

"Hehe, don't be polite!" Different from the seriousness and silence of the other seven elders, elder Qiu, who just appeared on the Dragon chair, greeted the people very kindly.

"Lao Qiu, when you can get rid of the hypocrisy, your accomplishments will surpass me!" Just after elder Qiu greeted the crowd, a sarcastic voice suddenly came from the left side of the central dragon chair.

Accompanied by a sarcastic voice, a dignified middle-aged man in light purple robes, about 40, appeared on the chair on the left side of the central dragon chair.

"Lao Luo, when you can get rid of the stinky mouth, your cultivation will surpass me!" Facing the irony of the dignified man, elder Qiu used the same words to satirize the past.

"I've seen Luo Changlao!" When elder Qiu finished satirizing, all the personnel in charge of the competition saluted respectfully.

When elder Qiu and Luo Changlao were not satirizing each other and silently waiting for the last person, the scene suddenly fell into silence.

After waiting for nearly five minutes, its owner still didn't appear on the Dragon chair in the center. At this time, Luo Changlao, who was sitting on the left side of the central dragon chair, looked increasingly gloomy. He glanced at elder Qiu and complained in a dissatisfied tone.

"The leaders of the sect are too slow and have no idea of time. The future of the sect in the hands of these people is worrying!"

Elder Qiu didn't agree with elder Luo's complaint. He just looked at elder Luo and the empty dragon chair. Finally, he closed his eyes and rested.

Seeing elder Qiu who didn't cooperate with him at all, Luo Changlao felt bored.

Originally, he wanted to close his eyes like elder Qiu, but at this time, a voice of apology came from the road to the peak.

"I'm really sorry. Just now I was addicted to cultivation and forgot to pay attention to the time. I almost delayed the important competition of disciples from outside the sect." With the voice of apology, a handsome young man, about 20 years old, appeared at the top of the test peak along the channel.

The young man who appeared at the top of the peak looked around. First, he nodded to Zhong Faqin, the master of the test peak, and then he went directly to the temporary platform.

The crowd at the scene looked at the young people who competed straight to the high platform. The faces of the vast majority of people showed puzzled expressions, and only a few showed complex and emotional expressions.

"Tian Jun has seen all the elders!" The young man who stepped onto the high platform first held his disciples' etiquette to the nine elders present.

Then he went directly to the Dragon chair in the middle of the high platform.

Seeing Tian Jun's rash move, Chu Zhongtian couldn't help worrying about him.

Although he can't see through Tian Jun's real accomplishments, judging from his age, he is at most the high-level accomplishments in the qi transformation period.

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