Strongest Shinobi

Chapter 11 - Days at the Academy

The classroom Izana had been put in was very large. As Izana was one of the first to get inside, he quickly went towards the back and sat near the window. If the lessons were not interesting, he could at least look outside.

As the classroom filled up, Izana could see children from many different clans. Iburame, with their bug-jutsus, Hyuga with the Byakugan, two other Uchiha, a yamanaka, a Nara and lot of civilian children.

As was to be expected from the Yamanaka's and the Nara's, they both sat down next to each other. They were both boys, and the Nara laid down his head on his arms as the usual, "Such a drag" was heard.

Izana didn't see an Akamichi clan's child, but expected to see one as these three clans always teamed up. The Uchiha children, a boy and a girl, kept their distance from the others as they only talked between each other.

Even the girl from the Hyuga was more social that the other Uchiha children. Izana sighed as he saw all his classmates mingle with each other, but avoided the Uchiha like a plague.

Izana could hear the others whisper amongst each other as they talked about how arrogant the Uchiha were. Izana sighed once again as he was already used to the perspective of the other Shinobi. It wasn't a good sign that Izana got used to it, as he often forgot the other Uchiha seemed to be bothered by it a lot.

"What did you say?! I dare you to say that again!" Both the boy and girl looked angry at the Hyuga girl, who looked straight back at their angry faces.

"I said, no wonder people don't like the Uchiha. They are all a bunch of arrogant basterd who think too much of themselves." The Hyuga girl said as she looked derisively at the Uchiha pair.

The Uchiha pair didn't take it that well as they stormed at the Hyuga, ready to beat her up and rethink her words. Izana looked up once at the spectacle as his mood plummeted to rock bottom.

"Please shut up for me, whill you?" Izana said, as a pair of Sharingan locked on to the Uchiha pair. They both halted in their steps as a terrified expression clouded their eyes. One of the civilians looked at Izana, as he was the one who spoke up.

When the civilian saw Izana's eyes, he gasped and quickly looked down. "Sharingan" he whispered, hoping not to meet Izana's eyes. The Hyuga girl looked at Izana for a while before she turned away. "I could've handled them easily on my own." the girl said.

Izana harumphed as he blinked and his Sharingan disappeared. "Who said I did it for you. They were just being too loud and were only proving a point."

Izana said, placing his head on his arms as he copied the Nara boy, truly feeling this was a huge drag.


The Uchiha pair didn't bother with the Hyuga again. Meanwhile they were shooting carefull glances towards Izana, wondering why he bothered to step in.

Izana just ignored them, cause if he said he did it because they were annoying him, they would surely become even more annoying. The Hyuga girl glanced at him too, but she looked with disgust towards him, with a hint of curiosity.

Izana ignored them all as he already knew he wasn't going to make any friends in this classroom. The were all prejudiced and all to focused on themselves. Why should he entertain them just to make a friend he didn't like?

Izana kept his head down as he waited for the teacher to arrive. As they waited, no one came. "Hey, Ryuujin, do you feel anything?" Izana mumbled, as he wondered if they might be testing the students.

[No. I think the teacher might be late.] Ryuujin responded. He didn't pick up any signs of a Shinobi near their classroom.

Izana sighed for the Nth time today as he stood up and left the classroom. The rest of the class looked at him in bewilderment, wondering why he left. They still stayed in the class, not intending to follow.

Izana looked for another teacher and quickly found one.

"Sir, do you know where I might find the teachers office?" Izana said politely.

The man looked at the little kid in front of him, looking very calm for a newcomer, and her pointed towards the end of the hall.

"End of the hall on the right." the man said as he continued with what he was doing.

Izana nodded as he followed the instructions and arrived at the office. Inside were many other shinobi who were looking over papers.

"Excuse me, does anyone here knows why class 1-A doesn't have a teacher?" the shinobi looked up at who spoke and saw a kid standing at the door.

"She should be there since thirty minutes ago."

"Well, she isn't." Izana said stating matter of factly.

Another shinobi whispered in the man's ear, making the latter sigh in dissapointment.

"Return to your class, I'll make sure she is there within ten minutes."

Izana nodded as he returned. His excitement about going to the academy had been thrown out of the windown and lay there next to his intention to make friends. It seems he thought too highly of the academy. Let's see who the teacher is first and judge afterwards.


When he came back to class and sat down in his seat, the whole class was looking at him. They didn't ask questions and he didn't bother to explain either.

Ten minutes later a woman stepped into the classroom with a red face.

"Apologies class, now let's begin."

The woman said. She had short ginger hair and big glasses on her nose. "Let's start with the introductions shall we. My name is Ayame Tanaka, your homeroom teacher." She pointed at the student way in the back near the wall and asked him to introduce himself. This one was a civilian, but Izana didn't bother to listen. The introductions went on until they came to him.

"Next, the boy next to the window." Tanaka-sensei said.

Izana lazily stood up, he just couldn't take this teacher completely serious after her previous stunt. "Uchiha Izana." He said, not bothering to say more.

The two Uchiha's seemed to pale a little, while the rest didn't seem to think much of it, besides finding Izana a bit rude.

After that were the other introductions, but Izana slept right through them until they had taken almost the whole lesson time.

The following lessons weren't any interesting either as they were mostly lectures, as he had heard enough of them from the other Uchiha residents. Afterwards when the day ended, the Uchiha pair from his class came towards him and apologized. He was someone from the main branch and they lost face for the Uchiha. Ofcourse he would be annoyed.

Izana's opinion of the pair became better, saying he didn't mind as long as they didn't do it again. They nodded and went back. Izana walked back too, but felt a gaze on him from the second floor. As he looked back at the academy, he could see the Hyuga girl with her Byakugan activated, staring at him.

She still seemed to hate him, but he could also see a bit of dread on her face. He wondered why? choosing to ignore it, Izana went back home. He didn't see the pale face of the girl getting paler, neither did he see the smirk on Ryuujin's face as he had unleashed a bit of his pressure on the girl.

The girl didn't know it was Ryuujin, either did she think it could be Izana. She looked furtively around her before. running back home too, leaving the academy as quickly as she could. You know what they say, ignorance is bliss.

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