Strongest Shinobi

Chapter 12 - Spending time with Naruto

(A/N: Here is the new chapter, For those who want to know, the creation of the cover was a dud, I will try again some other time. Besides that, Tuesday I won't be uploading as I have a family day out. Enjoy the chapter.)

Izana's days were mostly the same. Wake up, go to the Academy, listen to Tanaka-sensei, learn about history, language and other Shinobi related subject, end of the day and walk bach home.

Like that a year has passed and Izana could finally apply for an early graduation exam. There was just nothing left to teach him at the academy. He could do most of the E, D and C rank jutsu with ease, while others like Henge and clones were done without a problem. He could do the shadow clone, so a normal clone wasn't a problem at all.

The graduation exam was planned next week and Izana planned to spend his time with the little Naruto who had become three recently. He'd already bought a gift for the little kid, coupon for Ichiraku Ramen so he could eat there with a discount for a year.

Don't ask Izana how he got it, just assume Teuchi owed him a favor. Izana gladly used the favor for Naruto's sake as he'd heard that he had difficulties getting a meal with his monthly allowance. Izana would make sure that some of the money he'd earn from missions would be sent to Naruto so he could at least eat a decent meal.


Arriving in front of Naruto's home, Izana could already smell something sour. Wondering what it could be, Izana waited as he heard slow footsteps coming towards the door.

As the door opened, a sad looking Naruto stood behind it. When Naruto saw Izana, his face lightened a lot, a big smile on his face.

"Izana! I really missed you!" Naruto yelled as he fiercely hugged Izana. Izana laughed as he ruffled Naruto's already unruly hair. He hadn't been able to visit Naruto all that often when he attended the academy, so his present was also a way to make up for the lost time.

"Hey Naruto. How've you been?" Izana said, already having a faint clue.

Naruto smiled, but Izana could see a hint of sadness. "I'm fine." Naruto said, though he didn't sound all that convincing.

"Well, if you're fine, I guess you don't need my present." Izana said, looking from the corner of his eye at Naruto. The sadness he'd seen in Naruto's eyes seemed to be an illusion as Naruto immediately looked up all hopefull at the present Izana had brought with him.

"I want it!" Naruto yelled as he hugged Izana harder indicating how much he wanted it. "Really?" Izana said jonkingly. "Really!" Naruto yelled as he didn't seem to be able to keep in his excitement.

"Alright, here you go." Izana said as he handed an envelope to Naruto. Naruto immediately opened it and began to yell in happiness. "Yosha!" He yelled as he jumped up and down.

"Well, why don't you get ready to go to Ichiraku, while I clean up here a bit. To be honest Naruto, you smell a bit like your kitchen." Izana said, as a waft of rotten milk spread into the foyer when Izana opened the kitchen door.

Naruto smelled himself and quickly ran towards the bathroom to take a bath. Izana walked to Naruto's closet and pulled out the only clean pair of clothes left in his closet and placed them in the bathroom.

While Naruto was bathing, Izana made a dozen clones who helped him with cleaning Naruto's smelly apartment. One clone washed Naruto's sparse clothed, the other did the dishes, another clone cleaned the floors and the windows, while the rest threw out everything that was way past the expiration date.

"Naruto, let's get you some clothes and food too. I noticed you have little of both." Izana said, not exagerating as he only had three pairs of clothes. Naruto nodded as he was glad Izana would be with him when they went shopping. If he went alone, the shop clerks might chase him out or overprice the things he wanted to buy.

Izana seemed to know what Naruto was thinking and felt really sad for him. At least Izana was still there for Naruto so that he wouldn't starve when his money ran out.

"Let's go Naruto, I bet you can eat multiple bowl of ramen now that you have that coupon." Naruto laughed happily as he ran forward towards Ichiraku.


The shopping had went as Izana had expected. Many clerks wanted to chase him out, but were scared away by Izana when they tried. They couldn't even raise the price as Izana would stare them down, even if he was multiple heads shorter than they were.

Though a kid, Izana could be really scary if he wanted to be. Izana wouldn't know why, as Ryuujin would use his pressure every time Izana was getting annoyed or pissed of at the clerks outright outlandish behavior.

At the end of the day, Izana had filled Naruto's refrigerator, closet and spare bedding. Naruto was really energetic and happy when he came home as he finaly felt like it was his home, if only just for a bit.

"Naruto, I'll make you a meal for tomorrow, you just need to heat it up. It's really bad for you to only eat ramen, so learn to cook a bit. Even if it's only rice. Make sure you eat balanced." Izana said as he made a quick meal for Naruto for tomorrow.

Naruto nodded as he smelled the freshly cooked food, already salivating at the smell. He wondered how it would taste. He'd never had any home cooked meals before, so he was very happy right now, even happier than he'd been with the coupon.

"Thanks Izana." Naruto said, as he felt a warmth he never felt before.

"Don't worry Naruto, I'll come back more often when I graduate." Izana said as he said goodbye and went home.


When Izana came home, he was greeted by a happy Sasuke and a smiling Mikoto.

Izana went towards Mikoto and helped her with cooking dinner, happy to spend his evening this way, as if Mikoto was truly his mom. Mikoto enjoyed these moments as well as she felt as if she finally had a daughter she could spend time with. She wouldn't tell Izana that though. He might look a bit like a girl, long hair and baby face, but he was still a boy.

Izana happily hummed as he set the table and called for Itachi and his uncle. Itachi came rather quickly as he already returned from his mission. Itachi had already become a Genin, but his teacher refused to let him take the Chuunin examination. Fugaku was really proud and couldn't stop talking about it.

Itachi had been more reserved as he spend more time playing with Sasuke. Izana was proud of Itachi too, as he was hailed to be the youngest prodigy. Izana was still humming when everyone was seated and started their dinner.

The scary kid that was shopping with Naruto wasn't to be seen. There was only the adorable looking Izana who was humming and swinging from one side to the other.

"What made you so happy today, Izana?" Mikoto said as she too became happy just looking at him. Izana happily shared the good news, of him graduating early. He'd already told his aunt and uncle about his homeroom teacher and they had both been a bit disappointed.

Mikoto was very happy for Izana as she patted his head in affection. Izana smiled even harder as the warm feeling from her hand seemed to spread and made his whole body feel cozy. Itachi couldn't help but smile as well as he hadn't seen Izana being so happy in a long time.

He knew he had to think for the clan, but just for today he would spend this evening enjoying the happiness of his family. He even played with Sasuke for a bit. Which, in itself was a major accomplishment, even if it was only a one time thing.

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