Strongest Shinobi

Chapter 29 - Thinking of solutions

Izana went to meet with his sensei, hoping he would have more insights in the matter of the coup. Izana had a few ideas but he wanted to hear the opinion of his sensei too to give just a little more clarity on the matter from the perspective of an outsider.

They had agreed to meet up in one of the abandoned training grounds. The training ground they were going to was mostly shut off from the rest of Konoha, as it was used as a breeding ground for special animals. Somehow Jiraiya had made it possible to have their meetings there when something came up.

The place was the Thirty-third training ground and was at the borders of Konoha, far away from the civilian sector and forbidden to enter for unauthorized shinobi. That made it the perfect meet up place for him and Jiraiya.

Once there, Izana waited for Jiraiya near a clear lake that was surrounded by rockery. The water itself was pleasantly warm and was often used by the monkeys inhabiting this place.

When Jiraiya arrived, he immediately sat down with Izana and went to talk business.

"I've read what you sent me. I have also discussed it with the Third as he was aware of the increasing problem concerning the Uchiha. First, good job on saving Shisui. It is good that you were there on time to avoid the worst, though it is saddening to hear he lost his occular powers. Secondly, Danzo is presuring the Third to take action against the Uchiha. And with that I mean violent and bloody actions. The Third declined, along with Itachi as they were both trying to find other ways to stop the coup from happening."

Izana sighed in relief to hear that the other people were still very concerned and working hard to stop it. He was even more relieved that Danzo had been stopped. If Danzo had his way, the Uchiha might just be exterminated.

"The thirdly, the plans that were currently most favored was trying to increase the fovorable impresions of the Uchiha. The villagers view them with a lot of anger and resentment, so the first goal is to increase their favorable reputation amongst the villagers. This will take a lot of time and hard work. Once their reputation has become better, the second step would be to lessen the resentment the Uchiha have towards the village. Itachi is working out a plan for that and will contact you once he is ready. The the last bit would be by giving the Uchiha a bit more say in the matters of the government of the village. This will lessen the feeling of distrust the village and the Uchiha have of each other. This doesn't say that the plan will work, as it takes action from both sides to better the declining trust in the village."

Jiraiya said though he wasn't completely certain that it would all work out. The hatred from the Uchiha had already risen high and it would take a lot of effort to rectify the tensions.

That would take a lot of hidden actions, scape goats, decoys and help from the higher ups. The higher ups would need to work along and that would be hard as Danzo was firmly for a complete massacre.

Izana had already acertained Danzo's nature and seen his hate for the Uchiha. It wasn't surprising that he wanted the Uchiha to disappear. Even then, Izana felt a hidden scheme from Danzo's side with his idea's of a massacre. He wasn't completely certain what those idea's might be, but he was damn sure they weren't something pleasant.


By nightfall, Jiraiya and Izana had made up the plan and would follow accordingly. Itachi would also keep in touch, though he wasn't home that often. Izana wouldn't even be surprised if Itachi would talk him out of it.

The protective nature of his uncle has slightly rubbed off on Itachi, so Izana was quite sure Itachi would try to dissuade him with participating.

When Jiraiya left, Izana was about ready to return as well. He ran back to the Uchiha residence and immediately went to his room. He had gotten a lot of information to think about and steps he had to prepare to make sure the coup could be prevented.

Izana called back his summoned panthers and collected the information they had gathered. Izana glanced through it quickly and his gaze darkened the further he read through it.

The names listed on it were quite high ranked in the Uchiha residence. There weren't a lot of young people involved as only the shinobi's, and only the high ranking at that, were listed.

It was also a relief to see that not all the elders in the Uchiha residence were for the coup. There were a lot that shared the view of his uncle and were working to avoid the coup as much a possible. The opposition was a lot bigger though.

Still, it had to be done. Even if the whole Uchiha residence was planning to go with the coup, Izana would do his utmost to prevent it from happening as he could only see it ending with a bad result.

The panthers dutifully left to continue their intel gathering, though the onces that did it before were sent back to their summoning realm and were replaced by once that were completely rested and ready to go.

Izana sent them on their way and closed his eyes as he himself was also needing for some rest. The day had been long and it had tired him out mentally and physically.

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