Strongest Shinobi

Chapter 30 - Shisui's fortune.

Izana had sent his summoned panthers to keep an eye on the Uchiha's and find out who might be leading the plans for the coup. If worst were to happen, it was imperative that they were stopped, even killed if there wasn't any other option left.

While the panthers were keeping an eye on who the ones planning the coup were, Izana shadowed the elders from the Uchiha.

He had created a lot of shadow clones and kept a close eye on them. It didn't matter if they were hanging out with their family, going around the village or just taking a dump.

He had to know when they would have their meeting, who's idea it was to start the coup and why they even wanted to initiate it. Though he had heard a lot from his aunt, Izana still needed to hear if the reason aunt Mikoto had told him was the same as their reason.

Besides that, Izana needed to know if there was someone acting from the shadows, edging the Uchiha to start the coup. He had to find out if there was such a person, if there was he would make sure to discover the reason for it and make sure he would pay dearly.


A few weeks passed and the Chunin exam finals became closer and closer. Izana had decently prepared for it, as it would be duels with the other finalists. Izana wasn't that worried about the outcome, as his skill level and chakra capacity was higher than the other Genin.

The things he had prepared for, were his usual training regime of body workouts, kenjutsu, and to increase his chara control.

Izana hadn't heard a lot from the panthers and his clones as they all said the same thing. 'They were fed up with the situation in the village and want to bet treated with respect.'

So far he hadn't heard of a a shadow figure, he didn't even find a trace. He did find a few instances in which Danzo was making the situation worse by feeding the dissatisfaction amongst the Uchiha.

It wasn't easy to find out, but he managed it by having a panther hide in the shadow of a Root Anbu.

After that it was easy to see what Danzo was doing. It was obvious he was pushing for the Uchiha's destruction. Every piece of evidence led to that conclusion. He even worked against the Third and Jiraiya when they tried to better the view the village have of the Uchiha.

Every time the Uchiha did something that was beneficial for the village or did a mission that could better the village and how the villagers saw the Uchiha, a Root Anbu would sabotage it and made it seem like that was what the Uhiha were planning. Everyone of the failed missions would be heavily criticized, though it wasn't even a failure to begin with if the Root didn't mess with it.

Even Izana had limits to his patience and it didn't matter how many of the Root Anbu he took out, it still led to a worsening view of the Uchiha. Uncle Fugaku had tried his best in humbling himself before the villagers, helping whenever he could, but he would still be glared at and cursed by some of the villagers.

The situation was very irritating to say the least.

A good point though was that Izana had managed to regrow Shisui's eyes. He'd found a way to use his Yang chakra and let it converge in abundance in Shisui's empty sockets.

It took a few hours but the result was satisfying. Two pristine new eyes were looking at him from the former empty eye sockets. The only downside was that they were only one tomoe Sharingan, but Shisui would surely find a way to quickly regain his former strength. Till that time, Shisui was still covering his eyes as he was cautious of unsavory eyes discovering his situation.

In the time that Izana would be shadowing the Uchiha's, Shisui was finding his way into the Root to discover Danzo's motives and other possible accomplices. Itachi had also been made aware of Shisui's survival and current situation and they were both working hard.

Itachi had stood with tears in his eyes as soon as he saw Shisui completely fine. He'd even tried to return his eye, but Shisui refused as he was certain it would just get stolen again. Besides, he now had a pair of completely new eyes, which were surprisingly easy on the chakra consumption. They were even better than his previous eyes. He was sure he could get them at the same level as his previous eyes within the year.

With the three of them working in the shadow and the Third, Jiraiya and Fugaku working in plain sight, the chance of succes was higher than before.

Izana was prepared to stop the coup for sure. His other objectives were finding a way to kill Danzo a quickly and painfully as possible without others knowing, while also graduating for the Chunin exam. Though that would be pretty easy to do, the Chunin exam. The other had to be seen, but Izana would make sure it would be done within the year. Any longer and Danzo might get up to something again and Izana wouldn't be able to get near him.

With the exam just around the corner, Izana suddenly got a letter. He already knew who it was from, as it was delivered by a small purple snake. The only people Izana knew that used snakes was Orochimaru.

Izana released the seal on it a quickly readd through it.

A smile slowly formed as he finished reading the contents. It seems Orochimaru made progress in cloning. It wasn't much, but there was progress. It was one step closer for Minato and Kushina to come back.

Izana sent his relpy, along with some strange jutsu techniques he had found during his travels with Jiraiya. The techniques consisted of the a few of the Yuki-clan techniques, though they were low C-rank justu's, a list of newly discovered poisons from Suna, along with a summoning scroll from wolves. Though they weren't that special compared to the techniques Orochimaru had already in his possession, but he wouldn't mind it as he was always happy to receive new techniques.

That was one of the things Izana had discovered about Orochimaru, aside from his experimental projects on immortality and senjutsu chakra.

Izana couldn't wait for the Chunin exam to be over as he really looked forward to put an end to Danzo. It didn't help that the other villages were still here, so the only way for the security to slacken was to wait till after the exam.

"How annoying." Izana said, though there was a slight glint of dark humor and evil intent hidden in his eyes. Wait for it Danzo, it won't be long before you will meet your end.

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