Strongest Shinobi

Chapter 35 - Traitor

Arriving by nightfall at the hideout of the Ame nin, Izana and Jiraiya kept a look out for them, waiting for all of them to arrive. After that it was waiting for the traitor to come forward.

The hide out was in a small cabin at the edge of the village. There were open plains on both sides, making sure that the ones inside wouldn't be caught of guard if an enemy was coming. The cabin itself was pretty small, barely enough for six people to gather inside.

Jiraiya and Izana were hiding inside a small toad. The toad was perched just outside the cabin beneath one of the windows. They could hear voices inside, the ones Izana had overheard that afternoon.

"Is he coming?"

"Yes, he should arrive in about an hour or so."

"Good. We don't want to waste anymore time."

"Are the others ready? We don't want to be ambushed once the informant is here."

"They are standing by around the place. Once the enemy is here we'll know."

"They better be. We don't want this thing to be ruined."

The people inside seem to be very irritated and jumpy. The information the traitor had must be important.

Heavy and hurried steps sounded as one of them sounded very excited.

"He's here."

Taking it as their que, the toad moved towards the roof. Once up there, Jiraiya and Izana came out of it to observe the situation outside. In the distance they could see a trio of cloaked people coming their way. One of them was walking with a cane. Finding the figure familiar, Izana kept a close eye on him. Jiraiya seemed to thing so as well seeing from the frown forming on his face.

"What news do you have?" The Ame nin said, getting straight to the point.

"I first need proof that your organization will aid in my plans." The voice of the man who spoke couldn't be more familiar. Izana sneered inwardly as he just knew Danzo was no good. Jiraiya seemed to take it harder, not believing one of the top of the village would conspire with an enemy village.

"You have my word. Our leader has been very interested in the scheme's you are executing."

"Once I've handed over this information, I expect him to take part in my plan as well. The Uchiha are more stubborn than expected. I need to implement my plans faster and to do that I need his help."

"But of course. Now hand over the information."

The Ame nin became impatient. Danzo was being to cautious, he needed that information now.

"Here is it. The whereabouts of the Jinchuriki from the other villages. I have no idea why you would need this information, but I expect to be repaid in kind for this."

The Ame nin chuckled.

"But of course. Our leader will help you once we're done here."

"Good, then I will leave."

Not waiting any longer, Danzo and his party left as soon as possible.

"Izana, You take care of Danzo's men. I'll take care of the information Danzo traded doesn't get in the wrong hands. Once I'm done, I'll meet up with you."

Jiraiya didn't wait as he followed behind the Ame nin who were leaving in a hurry. Likewise, Izana quickly moved after Danzo, the vicious smile Izana had kept hidden came out as soon as Jiraiya was gone.

Infusing lightning chakra in his body while activating his mangekyo, Izana's body began to light up, his hair become a pale white while electricity seemed to spark through his eyes and the rest of his body.

Moving after Danzo at the speed of light, he quickly saw them. They were moving pretty fast, but in Izana's eyes they were as slow as ants. Izana's body burned with every arc of lightning passing through it, but with his mangekyo activated, it was healed almost instantly.

Rushing forward, Danzo's companions seem to notice him as they looked back. The last thing they saw was Izana as he swept his hands, already morphed into pitch black scaly claws, tore their heads from their bodies. Blood spewed outward as their bodies fell limp to the ground. Their limbs twitching slightly until the heart stopped beating.

Danzo looked in shock as one moment his most trusted Anbu were running beside him, followed by their bodies lying on the ground while their blood soaked through his shoes. His eye turned cold as he looked at Izana, the Uchiha child who he had once set his eyes upon.

"Who knew that the child Jiraiya brought back would bring so much disaster. It doesn't surprise me. Treason is in the blood of an Uchiha." Danzo said as he readied himself to attack.

"You have a clouded vision of the Uchiha. You only bring ruin to Konoha and our clan if you remain alive."

"You do not deserve this much power. I will have your eyes as well." Danzo said as the bandage around his arm and eye were loosened. What was revealed made the anger in Izana reach an all time high. Buried in an artificial arm were three Sharingan, while in Danzo's own eye socket was Shisui's right eye.

[Calm down, Izana!] A voice brought him back. Ryuujin yelled at him and the anger lowered.

[Don't you see he wants you to be rash? Think logically. Remain calm and keep thinking how to beat him.]

Ryuujin's words brought clarity back. Still, Izana completely focused on Danzo. He had to kill him and get Shisui's eye back.

Danzo made the first move. He made his hand signs and took in a lot of air. Seeing what was about to happen, Izana dashed forward, moving out of Danzo's reach as he blasted multiple air bullets his way.

The bullets were dodged by a hair width as they penetrated deep into the ground. Meanwhile Danzo moved backwards as Izana moved forward. In his hand appeared a kunai as he parried the sweeping claws coming his way.

"I see Konoha has another monster in its ranks." Danzo muttered as he sliced at Izana after parrying another swipe, cutting deep into Izana's arm and almost cutting it off.

Danzo laughed as the blood flowed down.

"Not so strong are you?" Danzo said as he moved forwards again, though this time he wasn't prepared. A sudden burning pain spread through his body as his arm with the Sharingan's began to corrode. Before he could even react on it, a claw burried deep in his head as Shisui's Sharingan was torn from his socket.

Izana smiled, but soon a stabbing pain brought him back from his senses. Looking over his shoulder, he saw Danzo, alive and kicking with only one Sharingan remaining. The corrosion was gone, but so was a large part of Danzo's arm and Shisui's eye.

"Don't think you have won, Uchiha sc.u.m."

Feeling something spread through his body, Izana looked in curiosity as Danzo watched in glee at the multiple kunai stuck in Izana's body.

"You've poisoned it." Izana remarked as he felt the poison in his body. Black patches of skin were showing and spreading across his body.

Danzo just laughed as he watched the Uchiha slowly turn black. Once he was one, he would take his Sharingan to make up for the loses he made today.

"Hmm... why are you so happy?" Izana said as Danzo had been smiling ever since he had succesfully stabbed him.

As if to mock Danzo's attempts, the kunai seemed to fall out by itself as a piece of healthy skin was revealed. Even the blackening skin was fading away.

"No...that can't be. That was strong enough to take down a Kage. Why won't you DIE!"

Danzo yelled as Izana walked forward, his claws glinstening a vibrant purple.

"Why don't you try some yourself?"

Not waiting for Danzo to answer, Izana plunged his claws in Danzo's c.h.e.s.t. As the poison entered Danzo's body, Izana ripped out the remaining Sharingan from Danzo's arm and crushed them all.

Danzo crashed to the ground, black blood pouring from all seven orifices. His arm which used to have the Sharingan began to sprout into a tree. Yelling in pain, Danzo ripped it from his body.

"It isn't over....yet."

Muttering something, black lines appeared across Danzo's body as ink seemed to seep from it.

Hurrying backwards, Izana was just in time to avoid the huge sphere blasting outward and s.u.c.k.i.n.g everything in its surroundings inside Danzo's body.

In the place where Danzo was laying was a huge crater. In the centre was Danzo's corpse.

"Haah, finally he's gone. The clan should be safe, for now. In the meantime I need to find out who the other person hidden in the shadow is."

Sitting down at the side of the road, Izana waited for Jiraiya.

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