Strongest Shinobi

Chapter 37 - Leaving Ame

Panting in exertion, the red haze before his eyes slowly dissipated. His heightened emotions began to simmer down as Izana looked at the artful scene he had created. Bodies were splattered all over the ground, organs spilling from their respective owners as the blood still mingled with the watery mud.

Looking down at his own hands, the jet black scales began to slowly retract, coloring his hands in a deep crimson red. His hands trembled slightly as he still felt the feeling of him tearing into someone with just his hands. Taking a deep breath, the trembling stopped. Looking around vigilantly, Izana searched for enemy reinforcements. He was too close to Ame for comfort, making him more cautious than ever. He could sense a few people with massive chakra reserves in the village and he didn't intend to meet them.

Seeing none, Izana quickly left. His chakra reserves were half empty, so if he encountered any enemy attack now, he would be in deep trouble. As the rain slowly turned into a drizzle, Izana hurried away. Casting a glance over his shoulder every once in a while, Izana shunshined through the trees, careful enough to wipe out any trace he might leave behind. Even with such careful actions, there was still a great chance the enemy could find him. The only way he would possibly lose track of them was with passing through crowded places, changing his appearance as much as he could.

Hurrying towards the nearest town, Izana blended in with the crowd as he quickly transformed into a ordinary person you could find anywhere. After entering and exiting shops, he continued to transform, often buying some small trinkets to blend in. Till so far, no pursuers to be seen. Though that didn't mean there weren't any. For now Izana had to stay a few days in this town and blend in as best as he could. If someone found out who he was, he could always place them into a genjutsu to make them forget.

When he was sure no one was near, Izana entered an inn and quickly went towards an empty room. Once inside, Izana summoned a small toad. Izana handed the stolen information and other intel to it.

"Deliver this to Jiraiya, he should be in Konoha right now. Deliver this message as well: I don't know when I'll be back, but I'll return as fast as possible."

The toad nodded as it swallowed the scrolls and dissapeared in a puff of smoke.

Glad the information was safe now, Izana's nerves relaxed a bit. Even if he was discovered now, he wouldn't be able to lose the information.

As the sun was still shining, Izana summoned a panther to keep an eye out from the shadows, while he took a quick nap. He hadn't been able to sleep ever since they discovered Danzo three days ago. Sooner or later he would make a mistake, so it was better to take a quick nap, even if it was only for a few minutes.

Leaving everything to the panther, Izana sat down by the window and closed his eyes.

A few hours later Izana was well rested. The panther informed him there were no signs of pursuers and that everything had been calm. Nodding, Izana let the panther retreat in his shadow.

Changing his transformation yet again, Izana left the inn and joined a group of merchants that were moving to another town. The merchants had been in need for labour force and Izana gladly took the task upon himself.

Merchant: "Ah, I'm so glad you could help. We really needed to move on, but or porters were sick. You really helped us out."

Merchant 2: "Hurry up, we need to move in an hour. When you're done there, move on to load those crates in as well."

Merchant 3: "You there! Don't you dare drop it. You'll pay for it if you break it!"

The mood around the merchant caravans was uptight as the hour to depart was drawing closer. After having loaded everything, the caravan departed while Izana and the other porters could take a rest in the carriage. The merchants were moving towards Suna but had a few in between stops in the Land of Rivers. The carriage didn't move very fast, but it was faster than walking. When night fell, they weren't even close to the Land of Rivers. The still had to pass by one town before the border would be crossed.

Setting up camp with the other porters, Izana notice the hired guards around the merchants. As should be expected from Ame merchants, the guards were Ame Shinobi. There were two Chunin one Genin and their instructor, a Jonin. All four of them wore breathing apparatus and were keeping a close eye on their surroundings.

Not wanting to stand out, Izana kept mingling among the other porters. As soon as they entered Takumi Village in the Land of Rivers, Izana would leave with the best chance he had. Even now he had the feeling he wasn't out of the danger yet. He had a faint feeling they were being followed. Even when he sent the shadow panther to secretly investigate, it didn't find anything out of the ordinary. The only question that remained was if they were coming for him or if they were eyeing the merchants. Chances were they were after him.

Sighing internally, Izana could only lament about the state he was currently finding himself in. The mission had gone south the moment they found out Danzo was the informant. After that it was one problem after another. After dinner everyone went to get some rest other than the guards and one merchant. Joining the other porters to take some well earned rest, Izana slept lightly, still vigilant for any sign of his pursuers. Luckily his chakra reserves were almost recovered so it wouldn't be long till he could leave here.

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