Strongest Shinobi

Chapter 40 - Attack on the Uchiha Pt.1

After using the special seal from the Uzumaki's, Izuna and Shima-sama arrived on a building near the Hokage's office. It had already become night, the sky unobstructed by any clouds.

Looking in the distance to where the Uchiha manor should be, Izana could see faint flashes of light, though they were so small that he wouldn't have seen it if he didn't look for it.

"Hurry up, Izuna-chan. Jiraiya-chan is waiting for us." Shima-sama said as she hopped on Izuna's shoulder. Not waiting for her to call out, Izuna dashed across the roof tops.

As Izuna came closer towards the Uchiha manor, Izuna could already see many bodies sprawled across the ground. The bodies belonged to both Uchiha members and shinobi wearing Anbu outfits from all the major villages.

Removing the masks covering their faces, they all were from mixed regions from all over the place, clearly not from the major villages.

Throwing the mask to the side, Izuna moved further into the manor, coming across more of the Uchiha members. He could see further inside people in anbu clothes bent over the fallen Uchiha members.

Their hands were bloody as the held small object in their hands.

Having a suspicion on what they were doing, Izuna rushed forward and attacked the Anbu's who were collecting the Sharinga from the Uchiha's.

When the Anbu noticed something was amiss, they were too late.

The first Anbu to look up had a panorama view of his body, seeing it still standing without its head.

The rest of the Anbu looked in apparant shock at the swift beheading of their companion.

Rushing at the unseen enemy, the Anbu drew their weapons as they observed their surroundings, looking for a path of escape.

Unfortunately, every few stepa they took, a few Anbu would go missing until only one Anbu remained. He looked around cautiously as he already saw his escape route. Rushing forward, the Anbu smirked behind his mask as he knew he had escaped.

As if missing his next step, the Anbu stumbled. Crusing his luck, he cast a short glance back ways. Laying there on the ground was a foot. A trail of blood was leading towards the Anbu. Not understanding it, the Anbu looked down by his next step, when he again stubled.

Footsteps were heard behind the Anbu, which was strange as he hadn't even heard his assailant move when he cut down his allies. Stopping in front of the Anbu was a Uchiha youth. His sharingan activated as the crimson eyes locked on to the Anbu.

Venting out his frustration, Izuna cut the limbs from the man's body in a clean manner, turning the Anbu in a human stick.

"Why don't you find out how it feels to turn blind."

Acting out what he said, Izuna slowly pluck out the eyes from the Anbu. The Anbu couldn't keep his voice down as he finally screamed in pain.

"Too noisy. You're a bad boy."

In a swift motion, Izuna teared of the man's tongue. Patting his hands, Izuna looked down at his handmade human stick, who was currently in deep shock from the pain.

"Haah, I feel a lot better." Izuna replied, as he started to store a away any fallen Uchiha, so at least their remains weren't desecrated. Summoning a panther and a few froggs, Izuna handed a few empty sealing scrolls to them. He didn't have enough time on his hands to safe every fallen Uchiha, so he could only rely on his summons.

Understanding what Izuna wanted, the summons took the scrolls as they spread all over the Uchiha manor to collect the Uchiha dead.

Getting back on track, Izuna ran towards where Fugaku and his family should be. He knew about the hidden shelter which would keep Mikoto and Sasuke safe, so for now he would look for his uncle as he would definately join the fight as well.

What he saw made Izuna's blood run cold. He had been to a lot of scurmishes and battles under the assignments of Jiraiya. He had even taken part in a few as well, knowing how unscrupulous and uncertain such battles were. Whenever he took part in those, he wouldn't feel much, as they were all strangers to him.

To see so many Uchiha laying dead on the ground made his anger boil. This was HIS clan that was being decimated, HIS family that was laying still on the ground. Even if he only really cared about his closest kin, his uncle, aunt and cousins, this was still family.

Glancing at the overconfident enemies, Izuna dashed forward in a frenzy as anger overtook all. Just like when his anger had risen when he fought Danzo and chased the enemy shinobi from Ame, right now Izuna was overcome with rage as well.

The Anbu before him looked at the youth dashing at him in anger and thought nothing of it, only seeing it as another pair of sharingan to their collection. When they prepared to take the youth down, they could only feel their arms or legs losing feeling. When they looked down to that certain part of their body, they were astounded to see it ripped from the body. Not cut, no. It was literally ripped of as pieces of bone could still be seen sticking out of their body.

They couldn't even rely nor retaliate as they lost another limb from their body. The ones who were hit in vital area's or lost their heads were lucky, as the beast they were fighting now was too savage for them to handle.

When they finally spotted the youth who was attacking them, they could see e bright red tailed beast cloak covering his body. The tail, even more irritated than its owner, attacked the Anbu on its own as it pierced their bodies completely through, making a string of bodies to moved back and forth on its end as it continued to run through more enemies.

It was a complete bloodbath, frightening not only the Anbu, but also the Uchiha who had been planning to strike back at the spineless Uchiha from the peacefull side. The leading elder was glad he hadn't taken any action yet, as he knew he wouldn't be able to stop such a monster.

Fugaku had a perfect weapon at his disposal, to be used whenever someone disagreed. They had to be more careful from now on, or else they would be receiving the same ending as their enemies.

Not knowing what his clansmen were thinking, Izuna's mind cleared up a bit when every enemy had been taken down. He sighed in relief as the tailed beast cloak retreated, leaving Izuna rather tired in its wake.

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