Strongest Shinobi

Chapter 41 - Attack on the Uchiha Pt. 2

After catching his breath a bit, Izana lifted his tired body and looked at the remaining Uchiha's. There were more Uchiha lying dead on the ground that those alive, while the ones that were alive were staring at him like he was a monster.

Diverting his gaze, Izana went further inside the Uchiha premises to look for other attackers. Though he was mentally tired, he was still capable enough to protect his home from any invaders.

The Uchiha looked at each other hesitantly before they too spread out and sought for the enemy. The time to question Izana would come later, for now there were families to protect.

Running throught the many hallways and residences in the manor, Izana slayed enemy after enemy who were all dressed as shinobi from enemy villages. Whenever an Uchiha corpse was found, they would only be in two diffenerent states. One, they were simple struck down. Two, they were struck down and their eyes were gone.

Whenever that happened, Izana would let his summons collect the Uchiha corpses and collect the stolen eyes from the enemies. Like that, the night was passinga at a seemingly slow pace. The enemies seemed to be endless as they kept appearing no matter how many they struck down.

From time to time, Izana could feel a fierce gaze staring at him intently, but whenever he had time to search for the owner, there was no one exept him and his enemy. Even the Uchiha that had joined him in fighting the enemies were soon nowhere to be found.

It wasn't really surprising by then that Izana had become tired and he was quickly surrounded. Despite the great amount of enemies, Izana continued to strike them down, as his chakra was anything but depleted. Forming handsign after handsigs, Izana laughed multiple ninjutsu's towards his enemies, burning most of them to a crisp as a great ball of fire was blast towards them.

Seeing a slight gap in their defense, Izana dashed forwards and used his sword to engage the enemy. To be honest, it was more like bullying than a proper fight. Izana had flooded his muscles with lightning, making him able to move faster and react to others attacks. So even when they attacked him, he easily parried and struck back.

Still, the battle lasted for a while as more and more enemies continued to gather around. Not relaxing for a moment, Izana continued his onslaught until help would arrive or the enemy leader showed up. From what he heard from his summons, they were steadily collecting the corpses while also reclaiming the stolen eyes without any problems. This should be noticed by the enemy and they would no doubt look for the root of the cause.

Eventually, a few Uchiha joined Izana in fending of the enemies and managed to slay them or make them run away. Not having the energy to chase them, Izana continued further into the manor and made sure many of the families that had hidden away were safe.

As Fugaku was one of the main actors in making a shelter for the elderly and children, Izana naturally couldn't help himself but look where these shelters might be in case of an emergency, such as now.

Fortunately for as far as Izana could see, there were no cases of ambushed shelters, as all of them were still fully functional and still in use.

Sighing in relief, Izana could now breath a little easier. This whole thing indicated the enemy did not fully know how far the Uchiha had prepared for something like this. They were partly right, as only half of the Uchiha had built shelters. The ones who hadn't built any were those who were planning to go through with the coup.

It pained Izana to see children being slain who were of his own age and below, due to the choice their parents had made. Though there was nothing to be done about that now, Izana still hoped that the ones who were still alive manage to remain alive.

Spotting another shadow moving about, Izana dashed towards it ready to strike the enemy down, but he halted his blade in surprise. Standing in front of him was Itachi. He hadn't seen him for a while and hadn't expected to see him here, as he had heard the Third sent him out for a mission.

Lowering his blade, Izana was happy to see Itachi was fine, but a slight hint of suspicion was still palpable.

"Itachi. I though you were on a mission."

"I was, I just got back when all this happened."

Itachi said. He was clearly a bit overwelmed by the situation as he seemed a bit torn about something.

"Well, It's good you're back. We're under attack. The enemy has disguised itself as enemy shinobi and are harvesting our Sharingan from out corpses."

Izana said as he filled Itachi in on the situation. Itachi became shocked upon hearing the enemies actions as the internal battle inside him was fading as if it hadn't even taken place at all.

"Where is father?" Itachi said as he too became more on guard.

"I haven't seen him yet, but I suspect he is guarding our home to protect aunt Mikoto and Sasuke."

Izana said as he moved towards the direction he had just mentioned.

"The let's go towards father."

Itachi said as he too moved forward, following Izana as the hurried towards their house.

He had long black hair that reached past his shoulders. On his face was a orange mask with black wave patterns. There was only one hole for the eye, with the rest of the face completely covered.


Izana rushed forward as he steadied Fugaku's staggering body.

Izana pressed down on the wound in an attempt to stop the bleeding, but the blood still gushed out freely.

'Ryuujin, what do I do?!' Izana panicked a bit as Fugaku was getting paler by the second.

[Use your Yang technique. Itachi can hold the enemy back while you heal Fugaku.]

Ryuujin calmly said as he encourage Izana to start the treatment.

Izana glaced once at the masked man before he transformed his hands in claws and plunged them in Fugaku's c.h.e.s.t.

While Izana focussed on the treatment, Ryuujin kept an eye out on the situation.

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