Chapter 116 Crazy Killing


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, killed Tier-4 Nine-level Spirit beast ‘Golden Scales’, contains 900000 Points Experience Value, 90000True Force Value Points, 90000 Points Divine Grade Proficiency.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, killed Tier-5 Level 1 Spirit beast ‘Blood Swallowing Beast’, obtain 1000000 Point Experience Value, 100000True Force Value Points, 100000 Point Divine Grade Proficiency.

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, killed Tier-5 Level 2 Spirit beast ‘Three-legged Black Fire Crow’, exposure 2000000 Point Experience Value, 200000True Force Value Points, 200000 Point Divine Grade Proficiency.


The pleasure of constantly upgrade shocked Zhao Fang’s mind and made him intoxicated.

The expression value of “Zhao Fang” is also a number that is soaring to one kind extremely terrifying.

“hēi hēi, I don’t know, if it’s all untied, it can rise a few levels!”

Zhao Fang blinks a little, and she is looking forward to it.

just now.

More than 3,000 Spirit beast spontaneously donated blood.

When they are infinitely weak.

Zhao Fang has lost his experience and gained a lot of experience.

I don’t know why Origin Origin Qi is a big injury, or Noble Young Master Zhao charm.

The next few capture actions, the success rate, is twice as normal.

Just a short moment of the skill, Noble Young Master Zhao’s Spirit beast army added more than twenty new ones.

It is also because of the increase of the Spirit beast army, the experience of Noble Young Master Zhao can be upgraded so fast!

You know, when Zhao Fang turns Spirit beast into his own beast taming battle pet, these strange beast battle pets can also be counted on Zhao Fang’s head Ah!

“hēi hēi, let’s play, so all of them are killed by the brothers! All of them are turned into the Experience Value of the brother level up!”

Zhao Fang sneered at herself and was proud of her heart.

But it is at this time.

Above the tall altar, two black robed figures suddenly appeared.

“Fuck, what the hell? Really damn Someone is manipulating this all behind the scenes?”

Although is in great war, but Zhao Fang’s mind has been placed on the altar.

He knows that the altar is not simple and has been guarded.

But did not expect that in the altar, suddenly there are two people?


Two black shadows, such as the big bird, emptied, and directly moved towards Zhao Fang.

At the same time, the two silhouettes dive.

Zhao Fang noticed their cultivation base.

Suddenly, “8-Star Martial Ancestor ?although is a bit difficult, but now, here is the home of i your father!”

Noble Young Master Zhao coldly snorted, Heart Thought, in the herd, there were more than a dozen Tier-4 Spirit beast rushing out to block the two shadows.

But it is a pity.

The two are not grades at all, the gap is too big!

Those Spirit beasts were photographed and killed by two 8-Star Martial Ancestor!

“Beast Master?”

Mozhao looked at Zhao Fang with a thoughtful look.

“Is it a Beast Master or a beastmaster, and dare to destroy the actions of our Mo Clan, then there is only one dead end!”

Mo 38 said coldly.

“That brat Realm is a bit lower, but if you dare to come here alone, there must be something out of the ordinary. Be careful!”

The 31st is barely fell, and there are many Spirit beasts. The deafening sound not only bleeds their eardrums, but also True Force is stuck and the circulation is not smooth.

An unstable, almost fell from the air.

“Oops! Those Spirit beast seem to be eyeing us!” Mo thirty-one complexion is ugly.

If it’s just a dozen Spirit beasts, Mo 31 is definitely not on the mind.

But if there are dozens of heads, or even thousands of heads…

Even if he is 8-Star Martial Ancestor, he can’t dare to marry him!

Not to mention that there are quite a few Tier-5 existences in the group of Spirit beast!

“retard, let you force it. I dare to fly so big, and the Spirit beast is really Ah!”

Zhao Fang looks at this scene, sneer, but the figure is fierce, and disappears instantly.

The Tier-4 Spirit beast, which had just sacrificed a dozen serious injuries, was designed to expose the two people’s whereabouts to the maddening Spirit beast underneath.

Sure enough, after discovering the thirty-one two people.

The Spirit beasts, who were inexplicably plucked into blood essence, filled with anger and anger, filled with killing intents, seemed to find the source of venting, and simply rushed to the sky, surrounded by thirty-three, thirty-two people.

“damned! Give i your father away!”

The two people are bloody, but the Spirit beast is too numerous to kill.

How long did it last? Mo screamed and screamed, and was stunned by two Tier-5 Spirit beasts.

“I am dead! I won’t let you do it!”

Mo 31’s injury intensified, knowing the fate he will face, but not willingly, being beaten by a brat, roaring, burning within the body Dantian, figure swells several times, such as a black meteorite, move towards Zhao Fang From the electric shot.

“I want to self-destruct pull me back, really damn want more!”

Zhao Fang sneered, and the ten-sword wave wave came out, shooting Dantian with 31.

The original expansion of the thirty-one, after the Dantian broken, like a deflated balloon, the body quickly shrinks, and then killed by the Spirit beast behind.

Qi , Zhao Fang hastened to show ‘Cloud Rising Immortal Step ‘teleport out.

A few breathing skills, once again sneaked into a shade of green, completely cover up the figure.

He doesn’t want to.

After Mo 31 died, become the Spirit beasts and vent their anger!

There is Spirit beast who wants to rely on a keen sense of smell to find Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang, how can they make it happen?

Heart Thought moves, the remaining thirty more pet pets, once again caused a commotion battle.

The commotion together, the attention of those Spirit beast was suddenly transferred.

It didn’t take long for the scene to return to the situation when the thirty-one two people did not appear.

“damn, good risk!”

Zhao Fang took a long breath.

If it is really eyeing those Spirit beasts, he can only use the ‘Cloud Rising Immortal Step’ to escape.

Once left.

He wants to encounter such a situation again, it must be difficult.

There is only one chance!

Grasping it, it is the focus!

“It seems that the people in the altar are alert! I have to attack quickly and smash the Spirit beast here, so that when the real Crisis comes down, there is also a response!”

When I thought about it, Zhao Fang silhouette flickered, and between Form Displacement Transposition, I came back to a hidden tree.

Looking at not far away, there are many Spirit beasts in the big chaos. He chuckles, the ten-sword wave is coming out, the ten-color rays of light are dazzling, but the deadly Crisis!

Suddenly, the ten-headed Spirit beast fell.

Zhao Fang Form Displacement Transposition, ten pulse sword waves come out, ten heads of Spirit beast fall down…

In this cycle, there are five or six hundred Spirit beasts who die under the Zhao Fang ten-word wave.

“This Ten Veins Divine Sword is really a must for Divine Skill Ah!”

Zhao Fang is very fortunate, the first to take out is Ten Veins Divine Sword.

If it is near War God, he is also impossible this time.

Half a day.

More than 3,000 Spirit beasts, less than a thousand.

Smell of blood is rich and pungent.

Even sky, unconsciously, appeared a piece of blood cloud.

It seems that the entire sky is immersed in this layer of blood.

The scene is still chaotic.

Fighting each other’s slaughter, smashing the same kind of corpse, killed by Zhao Fang…

I don’t know why whether to kill red eyes, there are few Spirit beast left!

Zhao Fang was a little numb, and the 10 pulse sword wave didn’t know how many Spirit beasts were harvested. After waving five or six Spirit beasts, Zhao Fang looked back at the altar and his eyes suddenly tightened.

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