Chapter 102 plays Martial Venerable

“Someone else comes!”

Look at the five people who suddenly appeared, Zhao Fang brows.

Despite the perception.

The strength of these five people is stronger than the previous two people.

But he did not have much resignation.

Because, here is still his home!

He also has four 50 heads, Spirit beast battle pet.

However, when five people spread out.

A majestic silhouette, since their respectful expression, suddenly appeared, after the emits out terrifying tyrannical aura, Zhao Fang suddenly did not think so!

“damn, this, this is Martial Venerable’s aura oppression!” Noble Young Master Zhao complexion slightly changed.

He did not think that among the altars, there is this Rank fierce existence.


The majestic silhouette, after seeing Zhao Fang, the silhouette suddenly disappeared on the altar.

“What about people?”

Zhao Fang heart trembled, there is a very disturbing feeling.

Cloud Rising Immortal Step !

In the twinkling of an eye, Zhao Fang activates the teleport mode, and the figure flashes quickly.

Just as Zhao Fang just disappeared in the same place, a True Force Giant Palm appeared and was taken.


The ground was instantly shot in a deep pit, and the picture was like being bombarded by shells.

Those Spirit beasts who are closer together are also affected by this force and are directly killed into minced meat, which instantly dies!

Two kilometer outside.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Fang, heart pēng pēng beats.

“Fuck, i your father is now sure, this is absolutely Martial Venerable, damn, smashed!”

If he had one step at night, it is estimated that at the moment, like the Spirit beast, he was directly photographed as a meat sauce. Latest fastest update

“Hey? It’s very fast!”

Mo Liu stunned and looked at Zhao Fang, “brat, who are you, what movement technique was just being applied?”

He is very curious.

An 5-Star Martial Ancestor can actually avoid him and kill him!

If this is the case, it is simply an impossible thing.

Even if it is peak Martial Ancestor, it may not be able to retreat from the whole body!

However, Mo Liu also saw it.

Zhao Fang was able to dodge, mainly because the movement technique was strange.

“who are you, why should I take action on me?”

Zhao Fang questioned, but the eyes were sloppy and looking for escape routes.

“Hey, brat, who doesn’t know how to be funny, I really thought that if I escaped my blow, would there be a qualification for dialogue with this Venerable?” Mo Liu disdain.

I just asked Zhao Fang, but he was on the rise.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Fang dared to ask him.

This makes him very unhappy!

Mo Liu is not fast, there is only one result.


When the voice fell, Mo Liu silhouette disappeared again.

Zhao Fang looked at the eyelids and jumped, rushing to dodge.

“It’s useless. With the body of your Martial Ancestor, you can’t escape me, even if you have that kind of magic movement technique, you can’t!”

A Giant Palm, suddenly appeared Zhao Fang behind.


Giant Palm directly crushes Zhao Fang.

Seeing this scene, Mo Liu chuckled, but his thoughts were no different. Even if the movement technique was strange, wasn’t he obliterated by himself?

Suddenly, his complexity is slightly changed.

Once again, there is a little shadow of Zhao Fang.

“The afterimage?” I thought of the scene just now, and Mo Liu blinked slightly.

“It’s terrifying, I was almost photographed by you.”

A very fortunate voice rang at the top of Mo Liu.

Mo Liu looked up.

Over the top of his head, Zhao Fang stood still and looked down on him.

For this kind of look up, especially the object that is being looked up, is just a little devil in Martial Ancestor. Mo Liu is very upset, his eyes are cold, “brat, you know, one of the most hated things of this Venerable is that others stand. The top of this Venerable!”

“Do you know what i your father hates most?”


“It’s just cultivation, interrupted by your damn!”

When the words fall, Zhao Fang slams and slams: “Give me promotion!”


The vortex of the tyrannical air suddenly emerged from Zhao Fang within the body and then wrapped in it.

The next moment, a tyrannical aura permeated.

“én? So advanced? This fellow not simple!”

Just as Mo Liu thought about it, a strongerfluctuation broke out in the swirling airflow wrapped around Zhao Fang.

“Let’s rise two levels?”

Mo Liu eyes are slightly coagulated.


As the voice of Zhao Liu fell, the airflow vortex suddenly burst, and a aura belonging to 8-Star Martial Ancestor instantly filled the audience!

“continuously promote 3 levels! this how can it be !”

Mo Liu said in a word, his face was full of shock!

After he was promoted to Martial Ancestor, every time he promoted one level, he spent several years or ten years.

This is still relatively fast.

Most people, for twenty or thirty years, can’t break through.

In front of this brat, but in a short moment of the skill, even breaking Level 3, this situation, let alone see, he did not even think about it!

But now, this kind of thing, really happened to him!

“Is this damn what’s going on?”

Mo Liu dumbfounded.

The five-person combination that flew over was also dumbfounded!

What happened to Zhao Fang was too shocking and somewhat beyond the scope of their understanding.

“8-Star Martial Ancestor is different! Unfortunately, there are nearly a thousand Spirit beasts. If you can kill them all, I might be promoted to Venerable Realm!”

Looking at the distance, because of the Mo Liu imposing manner, and the Spirit beast who was shocked and even escaped, Zhao Fang said without regret.

Mo Liu also reacted at this moment, looking at Zhao Fang, his eyes are very cold, “brat, no matter who you are, no matter what Secret Art you use to enforce the Upgrade Strength, you can’t change, you must die!”

“is it?”

Zhao Fang sneered, “I also want to teach, the so-called Martial Venerable Powerhouse, what is the difference!”

Tough barely fell, Zhao Fang used Ten Veins Divine Sword.

The amazing word wave is coming out from the fingers. If it is thundering, if it falls, it will be very fast, and the killing nails will be the key to Mo Liu’s limbs between the eyebrows.

“Sure enough, it’s a pity. But unfortunately, you are too weak!”

Mo Liu sneered with a sneer, and with one hand, Black power emerged, instantly dissolving the word wave invisible, and Black power continued, rushing to Zhao Fang.

Mo Liu looked stunned and looked at Zhao Fang. He seemed to be ready to see Zhao Fang’s miserable ending under his attack.

You know, his attack is even unable to accept the common 1-Star Martial Venerable, which is amazing, all of a sudden continuously promote 3 levels, but after all, it is just a Martial Ancestor!

But the fact is, he did not see Zhao Fang, only heard a slap in the face, “retard, I thought i your father is playing with you. Please come before you go out, can you bring your brain first!”

Looking at the silhouette that quickly disappeared into the jungle, Mo Liu under the slightest sigh, immediately, the whole face was somewhat distorted, and the shouted, damned little bastard, dare to play this Venerable, this Venerable is going to live. you!”

Em Liu, who is in danger of fluctuation, can directly grasp the movement of Martial Venerable.

The remaining five people, face each other, a bitter smile, followed closely.

Soon, the plains that were originally noisy and chaotic, for one.

The abruptness of the group of Spirit beasts, the disappearance is also extremely abrupt.

Only the Spirit beast corpse, and the blood that flows into the river, and the altar that is still towering and emits with mysterious Rune fluctuation.

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