Chapter 103, Interior Area, Divine Spear Mountain!

call! call!

Dangerously located in the Mo Yun Mountain Range Interior Area.

A silhouette quickly passed by.

Not long after, a black shadow chased over.

For a moment, five more panting figures passed.

Such a chase and escape, in the silent Mo Yun Mountain Range, is a rare sight.

And running at the forefront, looks like the fellow of the difficult situation.

It is our Noble Young Master Zhao.

“damn, how is this fellow, like a dog skin plaster, chasing i your father, one day and one night, actually not giving up!”

Zhao Fang blinked at the shadow of behind not far away, shouting.

“little bastard, you can’t run away. This Venerable will surely catch you and break you down!”

Mo Liu looked at the back of Zhao Fang, and the voice was shouted.

I thought that with his Martial Venerable means, pursuit a Martial Ancestor junior, it was a piece of cake.

Don’t say anything else, just in terms of True Force, he can live and kill each other.

But day and night, Zhao Fang has no signs of weakness.

Conversely is him.

It feels very bad!

He was promoted to Martial Venerable for less than one year, and he did not know much about the mystery of Venerable Realm.

This time, for the purchase of Zhao Fang, regardless of its own Realm, forcible consumption, there is no small damage to himself.

Grand Martial Venerable, even a Martial Ancestor junior can’t catch up.

If it is passed out, he is estimated to have no face.

Moreover, Zhao Fang is just Martial Ancestor, but he can get rid of his pursuit by means of endless means.

Whether he is out of the ordinary or himself, he gets Great Destiny.

Mo Liu can’t let go.

If it is the former, once it is let go, it will definitely be retaliated.

As for the latter, it is more impossible to let go!

Therefore, Mo Liu will be like a hungry wolf who smells slim of blood, hanging in Zhao Fang behind.

When Zhao Fang is relaxed, he will pounce on him and give him a fatal blow!

Suddenly, Zhao Fang, who was running ahead, stopped.

Mo Liu Wei Wei, after seeing the surrounding environment, suddenly laughed. “brat, you would rather choose a place, and even fled to the entrance of Mo Yun Mountain Range Interior Area, but you will continue to escape Ah!”

Zhao Fang complexion is cloudy and uncertain!

Mo Yun Mountain Range Interior Area is the most dangerous place in the Mo Yun Mountain Range.

Tier-5 Spirit beast is more like a dog.

Tier-6 Spirit beast goes everywhere.

Tier-7 Spirit beast is also not a minority.

As for the Tier-8 existence, it is often seen in it.

For today’s Zhao Fang, it is a place of Great Ominous. After entering, vitality!

This is exactly the case, Zhao Fang stopped.

“hēi hēi, there is no place to escape this time! Then obediently stay here, completely buried here!”

Mo Liu grin hideously, as soon as you step forward, you must take a boiled batter that wastes your time.

Looking at Mo Liu, Zhao Fang smiled coldly: “There is no place to escape?”

Wen Yan, Mo Liu Eyelids are slightly jumped, it seems that consciousness goes to what, “Don’t be kidding, you are behind Mo Yun Mountain Range Interior Area, let alone you, even if this Venerable goes in, you are not sure to come out alive…”

“So great! If you don’t want to die, come chase me!”

Zhao Fang sneered, the figure retreats and flies directly into the entrance of the Mo Yun Mountain Range Interior Area, which is like Behemoth’s open mouth. Latest fastest update


Mo Liu is crazy, wants to kill Zhao Fang, but falls to the empty space.

Cooked ducks are flying!

This is the mood of Mo Liu at the moment.

After chasing one day and one night, I thought that Zhao Fang was running out of water.

Unexpectedly, he was really not afraid of death, entering the Mo Yun Mountain Range Interior Area.

“Is it still not chasing?”

Mo Liu stood at the entrance and his expression was cloudy.

Just like the previous Zhao Fang!

Not a moment.

Sōu sōu sōu sōu sōu ~

The five figures fell, revealing the appearance of Mo 26 and others difficult situation.

See them.

Mo Liu remembered Zhao Fang’s calmness when dealing with himself.

Suddenly, the gas didn’t hit one place, pointing to Mo 26 and others. Shantou covered his face and said: “Damn’s strength is left on the belly of the women? When you run this way, you are tired and panting like a cow? If you expect you to purify him , early damn chased it!”

See Mo Liu’s bad mood, a few people who are very interested in silence, no rebuttal.

Mo Liu took a moment to look at the Mo 26 and others, which is a sneak peek.

“Mo Liu Sir, that, what about the brat?”

See Mo Liu stop drinking for them, Mo 26 asked with courage.

“Are you embarrassed, you will not see?” Mo Liu said ill-humoredly.

Mo 26 has a stagnation, and my heart can see it, but also ask you?

I have chased people by myself, but we are mad at us, what is Ah!

Of course, these words, he only dare to think about it.

If it is expressed, Mo 26 can be sure that this narrow-minded Mo Liu Sir will definitely kill himself on the spot!

“That brat, it shouldn’t be into the Mo Yun Mountain Range Interior Area?”

Suddenly, Mo 25 exclaimed.

As soon as this statement came out, the people on the field looked at each other and they didn’t believe it. But when they saw the expression of Mo Liu’s gloomy, they suddenly understood.

“Mo Liu Sir, then we, what now?”

Asked Mo 24.

Others are also looking at Mo Liu.

They don’t want to enter the Interior Area like Death Secret Realm.

Mo Liu glanced at them coldly. “That brat can enter, why can’t we enter? Don’t forget our Task!”

This sentence instantly blocks the retreat they want to go back.

In desperation, under the leadership of Mo Liu, five people, including Mo 26, stepped into the Interior Area with him.


“It’s really Mo Yun Mountain Range Interior Area? It’s no different Ah!”

Zhao Fang entered the Interior Area, be careful for a long time, but did not encounter a Spirit beast, some puzzled.

That being said.

He didn’t mean to relax.

It is rumored to be Death Secret Realm by Outer World, and it must have its truth.

Zhao Fang itself is low, but it won’t be dead.

After a half-day sneak peek, Zhao Fang estimated that he should go deep into the Interior Area.

Still did not see a Spirit beast.

“Fuck, for Mao, I suddenly have a kind of ominous feeling.”

Zhao Fang stopped and looked up at the front, which was like a long spear, traversing the world, but piercing the peak of the sky.

When looking at the mountain, Zhao Fang felt that a cool coolness came from the soles of his feet to his forehead.

“Warning, Warning… There is Great Ominous insurance here!”

Divine Martial Supreme System suddenly issued Warning Sound.

Zhao Fang was shocked and was about to step back.


The loud noise came out, the towering mountain peaks, suddenly cracked, countless gravel, such as the paper blown by the breeze, smashed.

It’s great!

However, this movement did not last long.

When the endless rocks fade, they turn into dust and spread between heaven and earth.

The truth of the mountain peaks finally appeared.

Appeared in the world, appearing in Zhao Fang’s in the eyes.

Then, Zhao Fang was completely Sparta.

“Look… Fuck, this damn is really a gun! Just… how can there be such a gun in the world?!”

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