Chapter 104—Who is dead?

Length of spear kilometer.

Spear shaft above, covered with a layer of ripple glaring golden light, which is mysterious complicated mysterious Rune.

On top of it, patterns of Divine Beast such as Dragon Tiger Phoenix Qilin are also engraved.

There are also some patterns of powerful Race.

It seems that extreme mysterious, extremely terrible!

Such a long spear is estimated to brighten everyone’s eyes.

Zhao Fang even thought, who used this gun?

Is it some mysterious Race?

The spear head is facing down, deep into the earth, like nailing into someone within the body.

“I’ll go, this gun is fine. This is wanting a strong woman to do the earth, no, it is Mo Yun Mountain Range !”

With deep shock and wariness, Zhao Fang quickly retreated.

Because, the handle of the golden long spear, abruptly rotated, spear shaft above, the golden rays of light become more intense.

Even, you can hear the sound of dragon roar Tiger’s Roar from the emears in the spear shaft.

I don’t know what will happen.

But from the imposing manner of the golden gun emits, it should not be a good thing.

Not to mention, Divine Martial Extreme System is always ready, there is Great Ominous here.

Let Divine Martial Supreme System be a great Ominous! How savage should that be?

Zhao Fang can’t imagine!

But he knows that with his present, he is absolutely unable to cope with this Great Ominous!

So Zhao Fang continues to step back.

I want to leave this right and wrong!

Sōu sōu sōu ~

At the same time that Zhao Fang retreats, behind sky-splitting sound sounds.

The next moment, six figures appeared in Zhao Fang not far away. Latest fastest update

I saw Mo Liu, who was headed, and Mo 26 and others, who stood in their behind, complexion whitish.

Noble Young Master Zhao That face, it instantly darkened!

“damn, i your father, why are so bad luck Ah!”

There are tigers in front and wolves in the back.

Even if Zhao Fang wants to escape, there is nowhere to go.

For a moment, Noble Young Master Zhao is caught in a dilemma Realm.

“én? They’s going on?”

What surprised Zhao Fang was that.

After discovering himself, Mo Liu and others did not immediately rush to the murderous aura, but instead stood in the same place, stunned and almost crazy looking at the huge gun.

“This this……”

“Is that the legendary is true?”

Mo Liu thinks of a legend that has been circulated in Clan’s top management but has never been confirmed, some incoherent.

“legendary? What legendary?”

Mo 26 and others dumbfounded, apparently unaware of the legend.

“legendary, in the Mo Yun Mountain Range abyss, there is the Divine Weapon suppression of the Mo Yun Mountain Range Earth Vein. The classic ancient times, once the countless Powerhouse for the Divine Weapon, into the Mo Yun Mountain Range, but no results.”

“I thought it was just a legendary. But I didn’t expect it to be true!”

Mo Liu’s eyes are shining, like the old-fashioned ghosts who have been abstinent for many years, suddenly seeing a beautiful woman who is stripped of light, his eyes are very hungry and very greedy!

I can’t wait to rush to the top and grab the smashing big gun.

“There is still such a legendary!”

Mo 26 and others were shocked when they understood it.

“This is God’s gift to our Mo Clan. This time, this Venerable must bring it to the clan. With it, the rise of Mo Clan is just around the corner, ha ha…” Mo Liu crazy laughing out loud.

“Sir is right!”

“bestowed by heaven we Mo Clan !”

Mo 26 and others are excited and shouting.

“However, in this before, you need to clean some fish!”

Mo 24 said, looking at Zhao Fang, who has been vigilant, is not saying it.

Mo Liu is slightly nod. “Twenty-four said it was good. We got the news of Divine Weapon, and we must not let others know. The guilty of acquittal is not guilty, so we can’t give us Mo Clan a big disaster. So, this brat Must die!”

Pū chī !

When I heard this, Zhao Fan couldn’t help it anymore and laughed.

“What are you laughing at?” Mo Liu looked bad.

“Are you stupid? If you haven’t done anything yet, you start thinking about things later? This This is a good habit, but i your father has to blow you down, so many Powerhouses have failed, just because of you. Goods, can you take it away?”

Zhao Fang ridicules said with a laugh.

Mo Liu complexion changed, still sneer, “That’s not what you brat should worry about. Now, you give I’ll go to die!”

While speaking, Mo Liu is going to take action.

At this moment, long spear suddenly emits glaring golden light, an indescribable aura, spread out from the long spear.

At that moment, Zhao Fang had a feeling.

It seems that it is as high as a mountain, can pierce the long spear of the sky, not a dead thing.

It is like a creature, it seems to be slowly recovering from dormancy!

“Fuck, Mo Yun Mountain Range Interior Area really can’t be messed up, this aura is too terrifying!”

Zhao Fang complained in his heart.

In the imposing manner of the golden gun emits, he has a feeling of breathlessness.

The same is true of Mo Liu and others.

Especially Mo Liu, complexion is more pale, sweat on his forehead, like raindrops.

He squinted and stared at the golden gun of the emits rays of light, and suddenly the body trembled as if he had found something.

“quickly go !”

He snappedly roared.

Mo 26 and others haven’t responded yet.

But one person reacts faster than them.

That is Zhao Fang.

When Mo Liu had not started to talk, he knew that there was Great Ominous insurance here and he was waiting for an opportunity to escape.

At this point, see Mo Liu and others distracted, he immediately seized the opportunity, he with the slightest hesitation retreat!

At the time of Mo Liu start to talk, Zhao Fang figure is ready to cross Mo Liu and others!


Mo 26 and others reacted very quickly, and while the Mo Liu voice fell, with the slightest hesitation, it was pulled back, but it was still one step late.

A faint golden rays of light shot from the golden gun, instantly shrouded the Mo 26 five people.

I don’t see any action.

Pēng pēng pēng !

Mo 26 and others body, suddenly burst, such as glass burst, turned into a countless fragment to dissipate.

As for Mo Liu, it was because of ‘moving’ and escaped One Tribulation!

Looking at Mo 26, who died silently, Mo Liu was in a heavy mood.

Zhao Fang’s mood is also very heavy.

The golden long spear is too strange.

The murder method is even more bizarre.

Especially the killing technique, the strange and creepy.

Mo Liu is standing in place.

At this time, golden light Reappear.

Such as the sunrise rising dawn, quickly drove the last a trace dim, let Chen Hui spill into every corner of the world.

Mo Liu did not respond this time and was directly covered by the gold light cover.

“Do not!”

Mo Liu screamed in horror.

Still can’t stop the fate he will face.


With a soft bang, Mo Liu bursts and shatters without distraction!

At the end of Zhao Fang, I will see this scene.

The mind slammed, and the road stunned on the gun, holding the gold eye of the ultimate Pressure’s Might, and the heart trembled.

“There is nothing left by who, who killed, even Martial Venerable Powerhouse, can’t escape bad luck?”

The scene that happened in front of you was too dreamy and too unreal.

He could not understand, a gun, an Artifact.

How do you have a human character, will there be a golden eye like God’s eye?

What shocked him even more was that the power of the gold eye contain was too strange, too overbearing, and simply is the damn who died!

Unexpectedly, the golden light glides into the shape of Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang has a horrible bone.

In an instant, he felt that the shadow of Death wraps around him!

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