Chapter 105, Conquering God Slayer Spear

Like the golden cast gun, the golden eye of Mo Liu and others, in an instant, looked at Zhao Fang!

Zhao Fang is shocked by the heart.

In an instant, the fear climbed from the soles of the feet to the top of the head and then exploded.

Zhao Fang mind rumbled !

Like the anger before death!

“How can it be like this? What is this damn? i your father doesn’t want to die like this!” Zhao Fang screamed in his heart.

No way, he can’t do anything else except to snarl one or two sentences in his heart.

At the moment of being locked by golden light.

He couldn’t move and stale in the whole place.

It seems to be blocked by an invisible force, and it is like being imprisoned in the Space.

A mysterious force sneaked into Zhao Fang within the body and controlled his body.

Short moments.

Zhao Fang suddenly understood the feelings of Mo Liu and others at the time.

The kind of life and death is not unwilling and angry!

“Warning, Warning, System checks that the Player status is abnormal, forcibly detached?”

“System Prompt, forcibly detached, needs to be reduced at the expense of its own cultivation base to start!”

At this moment, the icy sound of System is like a scorpio in the ears of Zhao Fang, who is almost desperate.

Even the sequelae of forcible departure from the squad, in the face of life and death, become insignificant.

After the level, you can still rise up!

If it is dead.

That’s really over!

“Forcibly detached!”

Zhao Fang without the slightest hesitation.

He also has no choice.

As he roared out of the order, Zhao Fang within the body True Force slammed.

Burn directly 1-Star cultivation base.

After the cultivation base 堕 to 7-Star Martial Ancestor, the burning power swept out in an instant, and after a while in the body, it offset the Death shadow brought by the gold eye.

Zhao Fang restored his freedom.

At the moment of restoring freedom, Zhao Fang quickly showed the Cloud Rising Immortal Step, teleport out of the kilometer.

The move towards Mo Yun Mountain Range is not going back.

He was given frighten by this strange golden gun.

To escape from here!

Moreover, he entered here to avoid Mo Liu.

Now that Mo Liu is dead, he wants to stay here and there is no reason to stay.

A few flashes, Zhao Fang has appeared in a few miles, just about to rush out of the Interior Area –


“Discover Tabo Artifact, whether to collect!”

The sound of the System is always cold.

The meaning of contain in the sound, but let Zhao Fang slightly startled.

“Taboo Artifact? Is that gun?”

With the words of Zhao Fang falling.

There is a picture in his mind.

The picture is a pole and heaven, just like a golden gun to pierce the sky.

It was the one he had seen before.

“Fuck, you damn, why didn’t you just say it, your my father lost Level 1! And, you even dare to accept the things of Defying the Heavens, you damn This is to Heaven Ah!”

Zhao Fang was not shocked.

This scene once again refreshed his understanding of System!


With the last experience of being forced to level up Task, Zhao Fang knows more about the urinary nature of the System.

“damn, just glance at it, you can obliterate a Martial Venerable Powerhouse. This kind of gun that hangs on the sky, of course, your father wants it. But, this is not something that is pitting me again? That is, charging this kind of thing What prerequisites are needed?”

“Requires Player to reach Martial Ancestor cultivation base and consumes 100 million supreme coins!” System indifferently said.

“100 million supreme coins? Fuck, why don’t you grab it? i your father whole body, together with the family, there is not a thousand, where to find you 100 million? It seems that I am not sure to charge it!”

Zhao Fang was glad that he was lost again.

“System can owe it to the Player.”

“Oh… this is fine!”

Zhao Fang is speechless. In this case, he really encountered the first time.

However, how can this be a feeling of strong buying and selling.

Moreover, System is too cooperative in this matter, and Zhao Fang is very upset.

“Forget it. One hundred million supreme coins, the ghost knows when to pay off! I don’t want to be threatened every day!” Zhao Fang shook his head.

“Taboo Artifact, even the entire Martial World, is hard to find the first one, Player is determined to give up?”

Zhao Fang, who originally wanted to give up, suddenly hesitated after hearing this.

He is not an indecisive person.

However, this decision is really difficult for him.

“damn, gamble, big deal, everything goes back to the original!”

Zhao Fang bit his clench one’s teeth and strengthened his beliefs.

“System, you won’t hang me?”

System does not care about him, Zhao Fang suddenly has an ominous feeling.

“Please move the Player to God Slayer Spear and pull up God Slayer Spear!”

“Fuck, are you sure you are not teasing me? That damn is a mountain, how is your father pulled out? And, if you are covered by that golden light cover, is your father still a grade?”

Zhao Fang just did not do it, complained.

System has a look at him, no longer prompted.

Zhao Fang’s expression was not very good-looking, hesitated. He walked two steps forward and walked toward Divine Spear.

After all, he is still not willingly, want to try!

It is also strange to say that the gold eye that threatened him has not appeared again since it appeared once.

Even if Zhao Fang came to the golden big gun, he would not be attacked by it again.

This makes Zhao Fang feel a lot more comfortable.

Zhao Fang The end of the gun’s gun, the transformation of a pair of True Force big hands, grabbed the gun, “Give me up!”

Divine Spear is motionless and steady.


No matter how much force Zhao Fang exerts, how many True Forces can be used to shake Divine Spear little bit.

Just when Zhao Fang is about to give up.

Kā cā Wipe!

On the ground, the sound of a burst suddenly sounded.

What surprised Zhao Fang was.

The spear head that was originally inserted into the ground abyss was pulled out a little.

“Is it really useful?”

In fact, Zhao Fang knows.

This is not uplifted at all, but the System is working hard.

Several attempts through before.

Zhao Fang knows, don’t say that he is a Martial Ancestor, even if it is a Martial Venerable, it doesn’t necessarily shake the Divine Spear.

Spear head slowly pulls out the ground.

Rapid cracks on the ground, one after another terrifying huge cracks.

The surrounding mountains are shaking and swaying violently, as if they are going to collapse at any time.

“Fuck, what’s the situation. Is it a crack?”

Zhao Fang smiled, even if he stopped now, he couldn’t stop the slowly throwing spear head.

Without any choice.

Zhao Fang can only listen to it.

Anyway, the situation is not in his control.

The spear shaft is extremely long, as is the spear head.

Less than 1,500 meters long.

After waiting for a long time, I was completely removed from the ground.

The moment that Divine Spear pulled out of the ground.

There is an extremely deep Black Mist in the ground.

But it disappeared in an instant.

At that moment, Zhao Fang faintly seemed to hear an impudent laughter.

Like a prisoner who has been imprisoned for hundreds of millions of years, suddenly seeing the sky, impudent laughs!


System icy sound, suddenly Zhao Fang mind rang.


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, consumes 100 million supreme coins and conquers God Slayer Spear !”

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