Chapter 1,103, please enter the ranks

“This fellow…” Touba Yang Chong expression is complicated.

“Impossible, this must be fake, he is cheating, it must be like this!” Touba Wang Chung is like madness, and does not believe what the eyes see.

“Touba Lei Feng…” Touba Mu Chen, Touba Bai Tu and others, is really remembering the name.

“How did this fellow do it?” Touba Guan Feng murmured.

“damned!” Touba Yang Yu looks gloomy.

Wasteland above, a thin, temperament calm and calm green robed youth.

After seeing the first name of the Blood List, the green robed youth was silent and stood in the place for more than ten minutes.

“Young master Wei Ran, intelligence ready to find out!”

A middle-aged man, rushing in, not far from the green robed youth, respectfully hands clasped together politely.

Green robed youth Looking up, his face is not handsome, but extremely durable.

On a clean face, with a trace of gentle smile, there is no vain meaning in his name.

“It’s a medium-sized native tribe with four God Kings, seven Half-step God Kings… In addition to more than twenty Divine Monarch Late Stages, more than forty Divine Monarch Middle Stages, more than a hundred Divines Monarch Initial Stage ……”

After that, the middle-aged man’s brow wrinkled. “On our own words, I want to eat this medium-sized native tribe, a little… hard!”

In fact, the middle-aged people want to say overestimate one’s capabilities, but when they see the green robed youth frown, they quickly change their mouths.

“I made a decision!”

Green robed youth start to talk, the sound is calm, can’t hear the anger. Latest fastest update

But scattered around all the Powerhouses, after hearing the sound, they looked at them.

“Get a medium-sized native tribe!”

“But…” The middle-aged still wanted to say something. Green robed youth didn’t give him a chance, turned and left.

The back of the middle-aged man’s face at green robed youth, “What happened to Young master This is?”

“I’m afraid you still don’t know, Young master’s Blood List is the first, and it was won by that Touba Lei Feng!”



Same as for a moment.

Touba Di Yi sat in the foothills, silent for a long time.

When he got up again, the two hundred people appeared silently in his behind.

Touba Di Yi didn’t return, indifferently said, “I want to be the first!”

There are only four words of simple, but the more than two hundred people he behind are smelling the storm of the storm.

One eye reveals bright glow, killing intent!


“Come to Little Zi, take this demon blood Divine Pill, it should be useful for your injury.”

After swallowing Divine Pill, Little Zi was injured and filled with a faint Blood Mist.

Followed by.

Wings that are scratched by bone sticks are recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

See Little Zi’s injury is not a big problem.

Zhao Fang checks what Chu Renxiong has exploded.

Say it.

Chu Renxiong is his second killed King King Powerhouse.

However, compared to the first time facing the death of Liu Batian, the killed Chu Renxiong, although it is also extremely dangerous, but Zhao Fang, but not injured!

This is the result of the Strength Upgrade!

“Twenty thousand Experience Points, let me cultivation base breakthrough 6-Star Heavenly God…”

“Grand Dao’s Fragment… I can’t use it for at least, at least to Divine Monarch Realm, Law evolved Grand Dao. As for this Barbarian Monarch Bone Staff…”

Zhao Fang took out the Barbarian Monarch Bone Staff and took a closer look at the properties of the lower bone stick. The expression immediately became wonderful.

“It’s actually the Absorbed Blood Aura, the enhanced Divine Weapon…absorbs the 10 God King’s Baleful Blood Qi, which can double the bone attack, absorb one hundred, can increase ten times, and achieve a great storm. The extent of the attack can even awaken the soul of the king, making the bones might and approaching Tier-5 Divine Weapon !”

“Ten God King, This is taking God King’s flesh and blood to enhance Barbarian Monarch Bone Staff, but once the refining Barbarian Monarch Bone Staff host dies, the bone stick’s amplification will disappear!”

Zhao Fang rubbed his bones. “Ten God Kings doubled. Twenty God King is x2… It seems to me a good harvest!”

Zhao Fang grinned.

“However, what surprised me the most was this Tribal Chief Summoning Card.”

Zhao Fang takes out one piece card, the front of the card, is the shape of Chu Renxiong.

“This card can summon Chu Renxiong, although only half of his Strength, but obviously more powerful than the ordinary 1-Star God King, is a rare arm help…”

“The only pity is that you can’t bring out the Desolate City Ancient Land. Once you leave the Desolate City Ancient Land, the Chu Renxiong from the summon will collapse immediately!”

Zhao Fang crushed the card and turned it into a bloody mist. Divine Strength’s fierce, Chu Renxiong’s figure appeared in front of Zhao Fang.

“Master be careful !”

Zi Qianshuang, who was suffering from knee injury, yelled and rushed forward.

But the next moment.

She stunned and some did not believe in her own eyes.

“Chu Renxiong pays respect to Master !”

Chu Renxiong pushed Jinshan down the jade column and fell in front of Zhao Fang.


Zi Qianshuang looked silly, but still stood in front of Zhao Fang, staring at Chu Renxiong with vigilance.

“Little Zi, he is not enemy now!”

Zhao Fang smiled and waved his hand.

Zi Qianshuang’s incomprehensible looks at Zhao Fang.

“He abandoned the darkness, understand?”

Zi Qianshuang ordered nod and then shook his head again.

Zhao Fang reluctantly, did not continue to explain, asked, “How is your recovery?”

“Does not affect the battle!”

“Well! Let’s go!”

While speaking, Zhao Fang looks at Chu Renxiong, “You go back to the tribe, bring all the elites of your tribe out, go…”

Chu Renxiong respectfully took the lead and turned away.

“Master, he…”

“Reassure. We are going back to the preparations now, we can’t let the cloud take a half-day skill to put out the array and become a display!”

“Yeah.” Zi Qianshuang nod.

Seeing Zhao Fang and Zi Qianshuang returning safely, Lu Tuo, Touba Liu Yun and others, all sighed with relief.


Everyone has to ask in the future, Zhao Fang expression is awe-inspiring: “All the guards, ready to fight!”

Everyone startedled, and immediately the complexion became cold, without saying anything, began to do all kinds of preparations, greeted the great war!

Not a moment.

Chu Renxiong appeared.

In his behind, he followed four or five hundred people.

In addition to him, the three native Half-step God King, as well as the peak Divine Monarch, the ordinary Divine Monarch, and a large number of Heavenly God backbones, all gathered here.

“Tribal Chief? Where is the thief?”

Asked by a Half-step God King.

Chu Renxiong complexion Indifference looks at the left and right, then points to the front.

The Half-step God King glanced at the eye and took half of the horses to look up.

But he did not go far, he found an abnormality.

“This is human’s array?”

Half-step God King feels the unusual force of the air in the fluid, his eyes are slightly stunned, suddenly remembering something, yelled, “fast retreat!”


An indifferent sound like a knife sounded.

Bang bang bang ~~

A few array light pillars rushed in, and in an instant, there was an array transformation, surrounded by the Half-step God King and his Commander’s more than 300 people!

Same as Time.

Lu Tuo and others, who were hiding in the dark, also came out.

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