The first one hundred and four hundred chapters of the large slave straight tribe!

“It’s counted!”

“Being surrounded!”

Native Powerhouses are complexion ugly.


Behind the familiar screams.

Native Powerhouse turned and saw an incredible scene.

Chu Renxiong Raises his hand and waves the killed native tribe a Half-step God King.

The native tribe Powerhouses were all shocked.

More shocking than knowing that he was erected by human.

“Tribal Chief, what exactly is this’s going on? Why are you killing Second Elder?”

Outside the array, only one of the remaining Half-step God King is staring at Tribal Chief, solemnly asked.

Not only are they confused, but even Lu Tuo and others are puzzled.

Except for Zhao Fang and Zi Qianshuang, no one expected that such a reversal would occur.

Chu Renxiong Indifference to the former clansman, the eyes are indifferent, like watching the dead!

Tribal Powerhouses who are familiar with Chu Renxiong’s temperament, have complexion changes, very ugly.

Chu Renxiong did not answer, continued to raise his hand, waved, and several Divine Monarch natives died.

This time.

Native tribes remaining Powerhouses, this is the reaction.

One by one screamed and fled!

Even if they are trapped, they have never been desperate, because Chu Renxiong, their Tribal Chief is still there!

But now, even Tribal Chief wants to kill them!

Without God King oversee, in the face of the two God King’s siege, there is absolutely no death!


Zhao Fang waved indifferently.

Lu Tuo, Xiao Feng, blood guard A’Jiu Ten 3rd Rank people, is the full power slamming the native powerhouse ready to escape.

They have become a bird of surprise, plus Chu Renxiong take action, in less than ten minutes, nearly 300 people, all lying on the ground!

“There are them!”

Array rumbled, the Half-step God King trapped in it, with brute force, a break array.


In the role of array, they also lost nearly a hundred good hands.

There are only two hundred people left.

When I saw the array, the familiar face of the body, the Half-step God King that rushed out of the array, and others, all dumbfounded!


Chu Renxiong hand dyed blood, one step walked towards them.

“Tribal Chief, what happened?”

“Second Elder, Fourth Elder, how are you dead?”

That Half-step God King stared at her eyes, and seemed to have thought that the battle would end so fast!

Just now, when Chu Renxiong raided the killed Second Elder, he was already covered by the array, and he did not know what was going on outside.

Chu Renxiong did not answer what he meant, complexion indifference.

Half-step God King stared at Chu Renxiong and suddenly shouted. “I understand, it is you, you killed Second Elder Fourth Elder?”

Chu Renxiong stopped.

“With the strength of Second Elder Fourth Elder, even if it is encircled by human, it will be impossible to lose so much. Especially under your leadership, even killing this group of humans is not difficult.”

“The reason why this happens is definitely related to you! Tribal Chief, why do you betray the Horde?”

Half-step God King shouted shouted.

Chu Renxiong expressionless, just slightly raised his hand, the cold killing intent, from its with the body crazy spread.

There are still some native Powerhouses who doubt the Half-step God King words, and immediately wake up!

Tribal Chief betrayed the Horde!

They are in the eyes, twinkling with shock, and an unbelievable expression.

“Quick speed!”

Zhao Fang indifferently spoke.

Half-step God King suddenly looks at Zhao Fang, his eyes are on fire, and the containing killing intent can melt the steel.

“Damned human, you must be a ghost, I want to kill you!”

Half-step God King suddenly roared, it is necessary to rush to Zhao Fang.

Chu Renxiong stood not far from him, and he would let him succeed.

All of a sudden , Half-step God King is instant kill!


Lu Tuo is low-lying.

Little Zi also joined the battle.

This time the battle is faster than just now.

After all the natives have been resolved, Zhao Fang ranks straight, breaking 7-Star, 8-Star and entering the 9-Star Heavenly God Realm world.

At last.

Reach Heavenly God peak.

Experience points are overflowing and you can break through Divine Monarch at any time.

“It seems that I only need to perfect Law into Grand Dao and break through the Divine Monarch!”

From Heavenly God to Heavenly God peak, it’s full, but it’s a month.

This speed, even in the Myriad Domain Territory, is unprecedented!

“Right, it seems that I can incorporate the Law fragment of before obtain into my Blade Law.”

Zhao Fang thinks about it.


“Confirm integration?”


“congratulations Player, the fusion is successful.”

Subsequently, the 1% digital logo appeared on the progress bar of the Blade Law level up Blade Grand Dao.

“Continue to merge!”


After Zhao Fang merged all the Law fragments, Blade Law’s progress reached 40%.

“As long as 100% is reached, Blade Law will be able to implement Evolution Blade Grand Dao, hēi hēi… Look at the entire Myriad Domain Territory, and only me, can use this speed to turn Law into Grand Dao!”

Zhao Fang laughed.

And with the construction of a small native tribe, the Blood List is surging, and the name of Touba Lei Feng appears at the top of the Blood List!

Touba Liu Yun is very excited.

More excited than my name on the list.

Compared to him, Zhao Fang is relatively calm.

“Ninth Brother, how do we go one step?”

Asked Touba Liu Yun.

Everyone on the field, all eyes looked over.

“Two steps, on the one hand, improve one’s strength, on the other hand continue to look for small native tribes.”

While speaking, Zhao Fang’s eyes fell on the body of four or five bodies.

That is his subordinate.

Compared to the six hundred native of the destruction, this Death is completely negligible.

But there are too few people under Zhao Fang.

This battle loses five. If the battle is still like this, it won’t be able to fight a few times. All the soldiers under his hand will be exhausted.

It is imperative that the native will kill, and the strength of each person will also be upgraded!

Originally because of the great victory, and excited about the difficult self-sustaining people, see Zhao Fang so calm, but also consciousness to their own gaffe, depressed heart, respect nod.

Nothing more exciting than they are excited.

Such as Zhao Fang, to sacrifice five people, completely destruction of a small native tribe’s elite action, looking at the entire Tuoba family, is also unique.

“Looking for a small native tribe and hand it to Chu Renxiong, he is an expert in this area. You only need Upgrade itself. I hope that after the fight for Succession, you can still see you!”


Although everyone does not trust Chu Renxiong, but since Zhao Fang speaks, they only have a part of the respect voice.


Under the leadership of Chu Renxiong, everyone came to a secluded mountain to resume their cultivation.

Same as Time.

Zhao Fang found Chu Renxiong and asked about the small native tribes nearby.

“The circumference is within a hundred million miles and is controlled by the large tribe’s ‘slave tribes’, including dozens of medium-sized tribes and thousands of small tribes!”

Chu Renxiong’s words made Zhao Fang secretly scream.

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