The first one hundred and one hundred and seventy-seven chapters are turning wildly and falling down!

2-Star God King is fully committed.

Attack abnormal terrifying!

The forced Purple Lightning Condor could not be approached.

Zhao Fang raises his hand, and the 2-Star God King has a bloody glow, disappearing in place, and moving very fast!

“ha ha ……this God Wang has been guarding you for this move, no such move, I see you, me!”

2-Star God King Blood Cultivator disdain 狞said with a laugh.

Zhao Fang didn’t answer, just the lips, a slight sarcasm.

2-Star God King Blood Cultivator expression gloomy, “Hey, wait until this God King sucks your blood and see how arrogant you are!”

While speaking.

2-Star God King directly burns blood essence, Baleful Blood Aura’s all of a sudden, 2-Star God King’s figure, suddenly doubled.

Dōng dōng ~~

The sound of a battle drums was heard from 2-Star God King within the body.

This bakery drums contain inexplicable flavors. At the time of the sound, Zhao Fang feels that his own blood seems to be somewhat uncontrollable and has to be flushed like a bathtub drums.

“This is what’s going on ?”

“Master, I also have this feeling, but it is not very strong.” Little Zi voiced.

“Is it just a weaker person for the cultivation base?”

As the Purple Lightning Condor receded, the feeling of ‘blood sucking’ weakened.

“Oh… how is my Blood Cultivator’s ‘Blood Displacement’? Unfortunately, this God King is just the first step. If it is a small accomplishment, let alone you, even the Tier-4 godcarving, can’t resist it. The trend of Blood Displacement!”

Called 2-Star God King Blood Cultivator.

“Blood Displacement?”

Zhao Fang blinks in the eyes of the cold light.

The repeated victory of Blood Cultivator made him somewhat forget about the cruel and surprise of Blood Cultivator.

until now.

He remembered that in the name of the Desolate City Ancient Land, the Blood Cultivator, it was the true demon race.

Caused this fierce name.

In addition to their Cultural Technique, they need to be bloodthirsty.

Another point is the strange magic of Blood Cultivator.

The Blood Cultivator is very different from the magic of the Demonic Cultivator.

“Blood Displacement? Inspire opponents within the body to resonate with blood, even control the blood of the opponent, let him self-destruct, or die, can’t survive?”

After listening to this, the grin hideously of the 2-Star God King Blood Cultivator came to an abrupt end.

The face was full of shocked look. “How do you know?”

Zhao Fang is in the heart, cold said with a laugh, “This is the best time for you to killing me, but unfortunately you are not sure, it is destined to become the bone of my under the foot…”

“What a joke!”

2-Star God King cried out in anger.

Zhao Fang raised his finger.

That 2-Star God King immediately turned into a bloody glow.


Zhao Fang didn’t go down, just simply raising more than nothing.

After the discovery of 2-Star God King, the complexion immediately gloomy down.

“You dare to play me!”

“I still dare to kill you!”

When the words fall, Zhao Fang turns cold, “Lock!”

2-Star God King was prepared to go straight to the spot, but just appeared in another place, but found that he could not move.

“This, this can be it be!”

That 2-Star God King complexion greatly changed.

Where does he know that with the power of Little Linzi’s divine sense, it is entirely possible to know in advance where the 2-Star God King is.

“Set! Set!”

After all, the other party is 2-Star God King. In order not to be surprised, Zhao Fang made two more notes.

Same as Time.

Purple Lightning Condor flapped its wings and rushed toward the 2-Star God King with all the horror of the Blood Cultivator.

Bid DD

Island array activate.

The silhouette of Touba Guan Feng, coming out of the island.

In her behind, she also followed more than 600 people, one by one complex, but her eyes were extremely firm.

As soon as they appeared, they saw Purple Lightning Condor carrying Zhao Fang and rushing to the scene of Blood Cultivator 2-Star God King.

“Too rude!”

Zhang Lingmei frowned.

However, what made her wrong was.

In the face of this reckless, act recklessly offensive, the opposite 2-Star God King Blood Cultivator, as scary, squatting in place, unable to move.


Zhang Lingmei and Touba Guan Feng can look at each other and see the shock of the other in the eyes.

2-Star God King, naturally will not be scared by the Purple Lightning Condor’s offensive, the reason why it can not move, it must be a certain secret technique.

Can hold the secret technique of 2-Star God King…

Even Zhang Lingmei has never heard of it.

“It seems that my understanding of this Ninth Brother is really shallow and ignorant.” Touba Guan Feng murmured.

“Rage daring!”

Another 2-Star God King Blood Cultivator, an interest in the battle with Lu Tuo and others.

But from his relaxed and casual posture, he can still see that he still retains strength.

When he saw that his companion was suffering, his booth eyes screamed and he was going to take action.

“Hold him!”

Lu Tuo is fierce.

Chu Renxiong, Xiao Feng, and even the four big guard guards and others, are as crazy as they are, showing their strongest means to keep the 2-Star God King for a moment.

“court death!”

2-Star God King is furious.

Backhand shot a bloody Great Hand Seal, directly shocked everyone, the cultivation base weaker blood guard, Huo Sihai and others, was directly injured and seriously injured.

This is so.

The crowd still did not stop and squatted again.

This scene.

Looking at Touba Guan Feng, his eyes tightened.

She did not think that Zhao Fang subordinate had such cohesiveness.

This is so fearless!

Compared with him, his subordinate…

Touba Guan Feng expression A glimpse of the hand: “Rescue Ninth Young master, killed Blood Cultivator, Aunt Mei, you go help…”

Her words are finished.


Battlefield sent out a terrifying aftermath like a self-destruct.

It was the lightning ball that Purple Lightning Condor spit out, and the 2-Star God King Blood Cultivator was directly injured, leaving only half of the body.

Same as for a moment.

Lu Tuo and others are also heavily injured.

Eyes at at will be killed.

“Aunt Mei, go help them!”


Zhang Lingmei did not hesitate, 2-Star God King Strength completely broke out and rushed straight to Lu Tuo and others.

Same as for a moment.

Touba Guan Feng took everyone around and joined the battle group and began to kill the nearby Blood Cultivator.

Zhao Fang didn’t go to see behind, his gaze, always on the 2-Star God King Blood Cultivator.

“damn it, this is not dead!”

Look at the blood that is still morphing, Zhao Fang cursed, with one hand and one stroke, the Law of FIre based on the six colors flame appears, directly covering the body of 2-Star God King.


A scream of sorrow and pain, from the bloody.

“I beg you, spare me, I am willing to surrender to you, do the horse for you, just ask you to let go… Ah…”

Zhao Fang was unmoved when he heard the rhythm.

Seeing Zhao Fang is indifferent, the blood is trying to escape, but it is completely surrounded by flame, and can’t get out.

Seeking for mercy turns into a vicious curse.

Zhao Fang is still unmoved, but the power of flame is twice as strong as before.

Just a moment.

In the unsuccessful curse, the blood was completely purified.


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed boss’Xue Xing ‘,obtain 20,000 experience points, two thousand Divine Strength values, two thousand Super Divine Skill Proficiency.”

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