Chapter 1,118 says that you may not believe


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed boss’Xue Xing ‘,obtain 20,000 experience points, two thousand Divine Strength values, two thousand Super Divine Skill Proficiency.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed boss’Xue Xing ‘,obtain ‘Grand Dao’s Fragment ‘.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed boss’Xue Xing ‘,obtain ‘Blood Displacement’.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed boss’Xue Xing ‘,obtain ‘Blood Explosion Pill *10’.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed boss’Xue Xing ‘,obtain fourth grade charm ‘Great Blood God Hand Seal ‘.”


“Xue Xing !”

2-Star God King ‘Xue Tian’, who is playing against Zhang Lingmei, saw Xue Xing burned alive and his eyes were red.

During this time, he had several times and wanted to rush to save Xue Xing.

However, the women who were seen by the eyes dragged themselves to death and could not get out.

“I want to kill you!” Xue Tian shouted.

“You don’t have this opportunity!”

Zhao Fang Indifferent to to talk, people have come to the two sides not far from the battle.

Look at figure difficult situation, Zhang Lingmei, Zhao Fang, who has a trace of blood in his lips, is deeply grateful.

If no other party is desperate to block Xue Tian, ​​he wants to burn Xue Xing, which is totally impossible!

“Touba Lei Feng… I remember you!”

Zhao Fang heard this, the instinct didn’t feel good.

Xue Tian is going to escape!


Xue Tian’s Divine Strength is in full swing, and the hidden Mist reveals that it is obviously a technology that is running away.

Zhao Fang coldly snorted, Body Lock Technique clicked on the past.

Xue Tian did not play against Zhao Fang, but Xue Xing gave him a voice before he died, let him be careful Zhao Fang Body Lock secret technique.

Seeing him raise his hand at this moment, I don’t know where it is, Zhao Fang is going to use Body Lock Technique.


Xue Tian both eyes Congestion, low roaring sound, the body instantly burst.

Zhang Lingmei was shocked!

I did not expect it at all.

Grand 2-Star God King Blood Cultivator, was directly a self-destruct scared by Heavenly God.

When this matter is said, no one believes it!

But the next moment.

Her complexion is whitish and face shows desperate.

She was closest to Xue Tian, ​​and the self-destruct diffusion of terrifying power allowed her to smell Death’s aura.

“It’s over!”

This is Zhang Lingmei’s only thought.


at this time.

One is not generous, but an extremely firm silhouette, appearing in front of her.

Same as Time.

That silhouette throws a palm-sized cyan iron piece.

In the sound of the dragon roar, the iron piece turned into a cyan shield with a three-dimensional circumference, which was blocked in front of the two people.

“This is Azure Dragon Divine Shield?” Zhang Lingmei reacted.

I know it because I have seen it.


After the explosion of the terrifying aftermath, bombarded the cyan big shield above.

Cyan has Azure Dragon transformation on the big shield, and Zhang will produce a prestige for the Xue Tian self-destruct, which is swallowed.

The big shield is unscathed!

The two people behind the shield are equally unscathed!

“Don’t let him escape!”

After the wave disappeared, Zhao Fang took away the Azure Dragon Shield and pedaled the Purple Lightning Condor, chasing away in the direction of Xue Tian.


When he was chasing Xue Tian, ​​he encountered the complicated whitish Blood Cultivator that the blood shield fled.

Go straight to a bone stick and send him to the West.

Zhang Lingmei stood in the place, looks at Zhao Fang leaving the silhouette, long time no words, seems to be caught in some kind of konjac.

“He, why do you want to do this?”

Zhang Lingmei murmured.

Xue Tian fled, and other Blood Cultivators have no fighting spirits.

“Kill Ah!”

“Destroy the gang bloodline dirty son of a bitch!”

Blood Guard Shi San was just oppressed by Xue Tian. Xue Tian fled, shook his arms, and refused to take the risk. With more than 200 people, he joined Touba Guan Feng to pursue the wave of Blood Cultivator.

After a while.

Zhao Fang returns, his body is more concentrated.

The same is back.

There is also Touba Guan Feng, and her subordinate.

I witnessed Zhao Fang’s death of two 2-Star God King people. At this moment, looking at Zhao Fang’s eyes, all are the reverence of the weak and the faint doubts.

They don’t understand, obviously only Zhao Fang of Heavenly God peak cultivation base, why can it have more than 2-Star God King’s strength.

The survival of two Blood Cultivator 2-Star God Kings is not allowed to die.

This kind of skill, even the ordinary 3-Star God King can’t do it!

This is also true.

As a Divine Monarch, they will show the complex look to Zhao Fang.

“Ninth Brother!”

“many thanks two sisters help!” Zhao Fang hands clasped together politely.

“We are both a younger brother and an ally of the family. If you see it like this, is it to look down on my second sister?”

Touba Guan Feng is angry.

Zhao Fang didn’t even dare, his eyes swept away Touba Guan Feng behind team, brows slightly wrinkle.

He remembers that at the center of the island, Touba Guan Feng, apparently had eight hundred 50 two people.

There are only six hundred people left.

“How can it be so much less?”

“More than two hundred people were dispelled by me.”


Zhao Fang is surprised at the look at Touba Guan Feng.

Because, that was dispelled, it is called the elite of the Touba Guan Feng team, most of them are Divine Monarch.

He couldn’t understand, what is the reason, let Touba Guan Feng, in this case, in this case, self-destruct the Great Wall.

Touba Guan Feng smiled, did not explain, just said: “I can give you the lives of these people!”

Zhao Fang took a serious look at Touba Guan Feng, a positive color nod.

“Young master !”

Lu Tuo Chu Renxiong and others, have come over.

“Are you okay?” Zhao Fang asked.

“Nothing, fortunately, the Young Master has long been prepared, and in all around the array, we can rely on the array to hold on, otherwise, fierce and less!”

Lu Tuo Road.

Zhao Fang looks at Touba Liu Yun, Touba Liu Yun, and smiles embarrassedly.

“This time the thirteen brothers made great contributions, and for the time being, I will give back to the thirteen brothers a good thing.”

“Good!” Touba Liu Yun said with a laugh , at the same time to Touba Guan Feng, Touba Guanchao salute.

After the cold of simple.

Touba Guan Feng Only noticed Chu Renxiong.

“This is ……”

“native?” Zhang Lingmei expression was surprised.

Although native is the same as human, it is the Divine Strength, through the Spiritual Sea.

But native and human aura, too polarized, are easily identifiable.

Touba Guan Feng and Zhang Lingmei are fine.

Touba Guan Feng’s nearly six hundred people, half of them have changed their expressions and stared at Chu Renxiong with hatred.

Among them, many people’s same side Martial Brother, friends, are dead in the native hands.

Their hatred of native is even worse than the Blood Cultivator!

Chu Renxiong is a tribal Tribal Chief. In the Zhao Fang team, he is only respectful to Zhao Fang.

Others, not at all in the eyes.

Not to mention the group at the moment.

He is coldly staring at them, complexion ice-cold.

“Chu Renxiong !”

Zhao Fang frowned.

Chu Renxiong quickly bowed his head, a respectful gesture.

This looks like a lot of people who are hostile to him dumbstruck.

“Ninth Brother, This is what’s going on?” Touba Guan Feng asked curiously.

The eyes of other people on the field also looked at Zhao Fang, and the eyes were full of curiosity.

“Cough… You may not believe that Chu Renxiong although is a tribe Tribal Chief, but now already is conquered by my personality charm and surrendered to me…”

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