The first one hundred and forty-nine chapters of the fraternity

Personality charm?

You are sure that you are not teasing me…

Touba Guanchao rolled the eyes.

The expressions of other people are also weird.

Zhao Fang expression As usual, a fact is like this. Touba Guan Feng and others are quite speechless.

Touba Guan Feng looked at the insulted subordinates, and said with a laugh: “Since it is the Ninth Brother, it is necessary to get along well.”

Boss speaks, what else can they say, no matter what they think, the surface should be down.


There are still people who hate it, and look at Chu Renxiong’s eyes, full of coldness.

In this regard.

Touba Guan Feng is also very helpless.

Their kinsmen died in the native hands, and Chu Renxiong was the native Tribal Chief. The enemies between the two sides were like the sea. It was like a fire, not a word of hers, it would be resolved.

“Ninth Brother, what are you going to do next?”

Touba Guan Feng asked Zhao Fang.

“Hey Blacksmith!”

“Go to the Cangdo tribe now?” Touba Guan Feng was surprised.


Zhao Fang’s words made some people in Touba Guan Feng unhappy.

They just now and the Blood Cultivator kill, they have suffered a lot, should have rested one or two.

Zhao Fang did not even think about it, but now he is going to fight with the Cang dog tribe.

For the Cang dog tribe, they don’t care much.

They care about the medium-sized tribe Powerhouse who came to the aids.

To deal with this Powerhouse, they are still not sure when they are in full bloom, let alone now?

Touba Guan Feng took a look at the subordinate, black brows slightly knit, and saw Zhao Fang, and Lu Tuo Touba Liu Yun and others, who are ready to go, are ready to go.


Touba Guan Feng gently nod, when the dawn turned to subordinate and others, a little more severe and indifferent.

Don’t use Touba Guan Feng ‘remind’, they also noticed that Touba Liu Yun and others’ status, one by one at the same time, silent!

“This group of fellows just fought with Xue Tian. They were all seriously injured. How do you hear the battle now, just like playing chicken blood?”

“They have their brains in the water?”

They can’t understand Touba Liu Yun and others.

In fact, you don’t need to understand.

This fearless, belligerent atmosphere is perfect for living in the Desolate City Ancient Land and is also prone to infect others!

Just like now…

The fellows who had some complaints in their hearts, when they saw Lu Tuo Touba Liu Yun and others, the expression became awe-inspiring, and the complaints in the heart also dissipated a lot.

Touba Guan Feng saw it, and on the delicate charming face, it took a slight smile and seemed to be somewhat satisfied with their state.

The group packed up Battlefield and, under the leadership of Chu Renxiong, quickly went to the Cangdog tribe.

“The Cang dog tribe is indeed related to dogs.”

On the way, Chu Renxiong refines what he knows. “This tribe is not only backed by the medium-sized Blood Barbarian Tribe, at the same time, but also has some connection with Demon Race’s ‘Shira Shi Quan’.”

“The two parties did not know what kind of agreement was reached. Shi Quan sent adult war dogs to settle in the Cang dog tribe, and lived with the Cang dog tribe to kill…”

“Over time, the tribe’s real name was forgotten. Because of the fierce fighting style of Shi Quan, the name of the dog is widely circulated…”

“It is precisely because there is a squad of Shi Quan to carry out the battle. The strength of the Cangdog tribe is several times stronger than other small native tribes. It is called a small tribe of the Peak. It should not be underestimated…”

Chu Renxiong said, Little Zi added: “I have heard of Shi Quan, their family, like a lion, good control of lightning, the strength of adult Shi Quan, comparable to the Divine Monarch of the ordinary.”

“The descendants of some of the royal family Shi Quan have the power to rival the Half-step God King…”

“The Cangdog tribe has so many Shi Quan, there must be a Shi Quan leader, and it should be Ti Quan of Tier-4 level…”

With the addition of Little Zi, many people’s complexions have become unnatural.

Shi Quan alone has an existence comparable to God King Realm.

Coupled with other Shi Quan, as well as the tribal native Powerhouse, the two-two combination is definitely more powerful than the combination of Zhao Fang and Touba Guan Feng.

Zhao Fang expression As usual, there is not much change.

In this before, he knows these.

“Cang Lei Shi Quan is good at controlling thunder and lightning. You seem to be a beast, you two, who is stronger?” Zhao Fang asked Zi Qianshuang.

Zi Qianshuang swears, “How can a group of pugs that can’t get on the table be compared to me?”

When I heard this, Zhao Fang smiled.

“The mouth said nothing.”

“Hey, Master, you are is smearing my Strength as a Super Divine Beast Purple Lightning Condor!” Little Zi snorted.

“Super Divine Beast?”

Zhao Fang raised his eyebrows. He remembered only the distinction between ordinary Vicious Beast and Divine Beast. Listening to Little Zi now, there seems to be a higher Level Divine Beast.

“Super Divine Beast I have heard…”

Touba Guan Feng said with a laugh, “It is said that Super Divine Beast is a bloodline Divine Ability infinitely close to Zulong’s existence.”

“Zhu Long?”

“Well. Heaven and earth started the first ancestor of Myriad Beasts. It is rumored that the current Super Divine Beast has its a trace shallow bloodline.”

Touba Guan Feng Road.

Zhao Fang glanced at Little Zi and saw that she had no objections.

Can’t help but say: “This ancestor is really fraternal.”

“Bo Ai? Sir Strength is all over the world, what does it have to do with Pok Oi?” Little Zi didn’t understand.

But everyone else laughed and the expression was a bit weird.

Zi Qianshuang although can be transformed into a human form, but in terms of the mind, it is only equivalent to a little girl, and it is impossible to guess the meaning behind this.


She is not stupid.

The strange look of everyone made her very puzzled.

After she threatened a fellow, she finally learned from his mouth that the expression was strange.

“Anyone kind of Super Divine Beast, has the bloodline of Zulong Sir, you don’t think it’s very weird?”

“What about weird?”

“Is the aesthetic hobby of Zulong Sir, is it too broad?”


Little Zi although ignorant, but when it comes to this, I don’t know where this so-called hobby is broadly referred to.

The small face is hot immediately, like a ripe apple.

“Master is really bad… But then again, Zulong Sir really has some… well, fraternity!”

Little Zi thought about it.


Zhao Fang stopped and released the first gift ‘Rising Firmament Palace’ from the Violet Chamber of Commerce.

Rising Firmament Palace, a magnificent transformation, a magnificent, full of fairy-tale Palace, appeared in front of everyone, causing everyone to exclaim.

Even Touba Guan Feng, Zhang Lingmei two people, in the eyes is also a touch of intoxication.

“This is the Rising Firmament Palace?”

“I heard that it was the first gift from the Violet Chamber of Commerce to Ninth Young master!”

“The Violet Chamber of Commerce is really awesome!”

“How good if they can give me such a gift!”


“Go to the Cangdog tribe, there is still a distance, you temporarily enter the inside to practice, waiting for the subsequent great war.”

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