Chapter 112, Instant Killing Zhao Su, Destruction

“So, I decided to kill Yan Clan!”

This statement comes out, everyone on the field, complexion big change.

Yan Donghan’s expression is even more frightening.

He has no doubt about the golden-masked man.

The golden-masked man can easily kill the Stuart family, Chen family, which is more powerful than Yan Clan.

Packing up Yan Clan is not a problem at all.


When Zhao Fang said this, Yan Donghan screamed like a dead mother. “Sir, please ask Sir to look at Zhao Clan and put Yan Clan on a road. Yan Clan is willing to compensate for the loss of senior. .”

“Yan Donghan, what are you talking about? Those things are all my father’s ancestors who have accumulated their efforts. How can they give them?”

There are Clan Elders who are not happy.

“Shut up, it’s a big disaster. You guys are retard, and you still remember those dead things. I think you are all dead, what is the use of those dead things! Do you think that we are Yan Clan than Chen family, Is it stronger than Situ?”

Yan Donghan laughed and angered Clan Elder.

Clan Elder’s expressions have changed dramatically.

They love property.

So, after I heard that Yan Donghan was willing to compensate Zhao Fang for everything.

They reacted fiercely.

I forgot.

The golden-masked man in front of him is a fierce person who can even be killed by the Chen family.

If he has a heart, he will start with Yan Clan.

Yan Clan will inevitably end up with the same as the Situ family and the Chen family.

At this time, you can use the treasure to change the security of Clan.

Although they are very unwilling, they are still acceptable.

So when Yan Donghan put them stinky after cursed.

These Old Mans, who were rare, did not immediately become furious and did not squat to remove the Yan Donghan patriarch position.

Just waiting for silence.

“hehe, do I need your compensation? As long as you kill all of them, what is in the Yan Clan treasury is not mine?”

Zhao Fang cold said with a laugh.

This statement dispelled the last a trace hope of Yan Donghan and others.

Their complexion is ugly, looking angry at Zhao Fang, “What is the truth that Your Excellency really wants to do?”

“This is what you are looking for.”

See Zhao Fang’s determined attitude, not willingly Clan destruction, Yan Donghan, had to turn to the help of Zhao Su.

Zhao Su was slightly indulged, and looked at the pale face of Yan Wanjuan, slightly frowned, looking at Zhao Fang, said solemnly: “Your Excellency, you are too much! Yan Clan is our Zhao Clan Subordinate Clan, you want to destroy They are the provocation to our Zhao Clan!”

“How do you understand it. Even if you want to take action, Yan Clan, I will definitely go out!”

Zhao Fang cold said with a laugh.

Zhao Su’s complexion is even more ugly.

Zhao Fang is so irritated that he has no wariness and does not put Zhao Clan in his eyes.

His extensive wariness is in front of this golden-masked man’s Strength, but the power of this golden-masked man may not exceed him!

Zhao Su sneered a few times, the ring rays of light on his fingers flashed, and a large blood blade appeared in Zhao Su’s hand.

As soon as the blood blade appeared, there was a pungent smell of blood.

Zhao Su holds the knife, the entire person’s imposing manner, and instantly skyrockets.

He was originally just 1-Star Martial Ancestor Strength.

At the moment of holding the knife, there is a strength that is not inferior to 2-Star Martial Ancestor.

“Athough I don’t know, Chen Kaishan is the way to kill you. But Old Man wants to remind you that the 1-Star Martial Ancestor of the ordinary kind like Chen Kaishan can’t be compared with my birth of Zhao Clan’s Martial Ancestor.” Zhao Su expression is proud.

When the voice falls, you will take the action first.

There is no point at all to be modest.

A sharp overbearing knife, wrapped in Berserk’s Martial Dao True Force, strikes Zhao Fang.

In an instant, everyone looked over.

The eyes are staring at the bloody long blade.

Especially Yan Donghan and others, the heart mentioned the eyes of the blind.

The heart is even more eager to scream, kill the golden-masked man, kill the golden-masked man, must kill him!

This is not just a pure knife.

Still pinning all the hopes of Yan Donghan and others.

The blood blade slowly falls, getting closer and closer to Zhao Fang’s head.

Two meters, one meter…

Suddenly, Zhao Fang disappeared.

Everyone was shocked.

Yan Donghan and others, even suddenly complexion pale, no blood.

“pū chī !”

Sword Qi Berserk, directly through the chest of Zhao Su.

Zhao Su holds the knife and slashes, and suddenly stays in place.

He struggled to look down, looking at the chest, the blood hole in the mouth of the bowl, the face shows the shock.

“How, how can it like this?”

Zhao Su’s voice was full of unwillingness and despair, and he did not think that his opponent was so terrifying.

With a single blow, I solved myself.

I knew that, he still dared to smash Yan Clan’s drowning, and he had already run away!

“Isn’t it different from Chen Kaishan? It seems that there is no difference Ah!”

This sentence, for Zhao Su, who was just full of confidence, directly caused a thousand times of crit.

Zhao Su Zhangkou cough up blood, screamed, crashed to the ground, never stood up again.


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, killed ‘Zhao Su ‘, obtain 1000000 Point Experience Value, 100000True Force Value, 100000Divine Skill Proficiency.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘,obtain storage ring.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘,obtain Blood Fiend Blade.”


Scene, quiet terrifying.

Everyone has wide eyes and a horror in his eyes.

That’s in their in the eyes, the high-top, hard-to-reach Martial Ancestor Powerhouse.

In this way, the golden-masked man hit an instant kill?

Don’t say that the crowd is not real.

Even Yan Donghan feels that this simply is a dream.

Zhao Fang looked up and didn’t look at Yan Donghan.

Instead, look at people nearby.

Anyone who is eyeing Zhao Fang is a complexion big change, hurried back, away from Battlefield.

in a blink.

The people who were originally surrounded by Yan Donghan had all escaped.

Only Yan Donghan, and Yan Clan Clan Elder.

Yan Donghan looked at the people who had complimented themselves before, but nowadays, they are like a snake, and they smile.

Then he looked at Zhao Fang, “You killed Zhao Su, Zhao Clan, and certainly will not let you go.”

“This, it will not bother you!”

“Next, it is the moment of bloody slaughter!”

Zhao Fang in the eyes flashed a red light, and his eyes instantly became bloodthirsty.

“Old Man is not going to make you better if you die!”

Yan Clan A middle-aged Elder angrily shouted, rushed straight over.

Zhao Fang doesn’t look at it. The backhand is a punch. It directly cracks the body of the person’s body and turns it into a flesh and blood.

Seeing this scene, a group of clansman complexion is even more desperate, those who have been ready to hide far away, are also eyelids mad, once again fleeing, for fear of being affected.

Zhao Fang’s calm take action does not use the Ten Veins Divine Sword stream, but simply suppresses the opponent with a cultivation base.

Punch the opponent with one punch and one punch.

At the time of venting revenge, the sound in mind is also a constant sound.


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, killed Yan Donghan, obtain 900000 Point Experience Value, 90000True Force Value Points, 90000 Point Divine Skill Proficiency.”


“congratulations ……”

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