Chapter 113, plundering Yan Wanjuan

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Screaming again and again.

The originally festive Zhao family became a human purgatory in the blink of an eye.

Endless bloody aura, emits out.

The people who watched those who fled to the distance and hid in the corner, trembling, only felt a cold air, straight from the bottom of their feet, the whole body was cold.

I saw Zhao Fang’s first look.

They remembered the story of the Gold Mask gold-robed people.

Knowing that he is the murderer of the Situ family and the Chen family.

But they have never seen the situation of gold-robed people slaughtering Situ and Chen.

For the powerful and fierce of gold-robed people, they just imagine nothing more.

I never thought about it.

One day, they could see it with their own eyes.

See this scene that makes people so scared!

Yan Clan is one of the three Great Influences of Blue Sky County City.

But in front of the gold-robed people.

Whether it is Yan Donghan or Yan Clan other Clan Elder.

Like the mole cricket and ants, they are easily crushed and have no resistance.

This is a one-sided slaughter!

Regardless of how Yan Clan resists, the massacre that cannot be changed!

This scene of cold-blooded cruel, let the 2nd rate patriarchs of Blue Sky County City see the heartbeat and tremble!

“Hey, Yan Clan…”

Yan Wanjuan’s eyes are already sluggish, the pride that the little face once had, and now all become awkward, and angry!

Her madness looks at that road like Shinigami, can to move unhindered. In the words of Clan people, every time they raise their hands, they can take away a lively gold-robed person, giving a shrill scream, the whole person Like an angry female cat, rushed up without skill.


The result is no exception.

She was shocked by Zhao Fang.

However, Zhao Fang did not kill her.

When taking the action, I retained most of the strength, just stunned her.


This scene, in the other people in the eyes, is a golden-masked man killing big hair, a fist hit Yan Wanjuan.

The bloody feast continues.

Because Zi Shan was taken away, and the embarrassment and remorse that was picked up, it gradually calmed down in this crazy slaughter.

After half an hour.

All of Yan Clan’s masters are all in the air!

As for the weaker ordinary disciple, Zhao Fang did not take action again.

Without the high-level strengths such as Yan Donghan, these people, like the grasshoppers after the fall, can’t reach a few days.


He killed Yan Donghan.

Its main purpose is to report Yan Donghan’s betrayal of his own hatred.

Second, it is for experience!

Finally, it paved the way for the Zhao family to enter Blue Sky County City.

Zhao Fang stopped and looked at the body of Yan Donghan and others, and said indifferently: “Yan Donghan, if you have not betrayed me, betrayed my Zhao Fang brother, how can it fall to this point? All this is your own!” ”

Then, he looked indifferently, hiding in the corner of the corner of the crowd, coldly snorted.

Those people were suddenly complexion pale, such as being hit, mind rumbled, sitting on the ground, panic.

Wait until they react.

Zhao Fang has long been missing.

Even Yan Wanjuan disappeared!

Only the blood donation and the body were left.

Yan Clan, the last behemoth of Blue Sky County City, also fell under the sword of Zhao Fang.

Everyone looked stunned and looked at it all eagerly.

The mood is difficult.

“The killing god just said that Yan Clan was robbed because he betrayed him, and his brother Zhao Fang? Do you think that this Zhao Fang is familiar?”

“Listen to what you said, it seems to be really a little!”

“I remembered, in the Water Ceremony City Zhao family, there seems to be a brat called Zhao Fang. The talent is very outstanding. Later, patriarch, ah, Yan Donghan also wanted to refer Yan Wanjuan to him! “

“What! Is it that Zhao Fang of the golden-masked man mouth is this person?”

“Go to Water Ceremony City and check out the Zhao family. I want detailed information.”

Immediately there was the patriarch who told the men.

After that, he quickly added, “The secret to check, must not be discovered by the Zhao family. If found, you must not offend the Zhao family!”

Other patriarch suddenly reacted.

They sent their masters to Water Ceremony City to investigate.

When confirming the Zhao Fang of the gold-robed person, the young talent of the Water Ceremony City Zhao family.

Zhao Fang, even the Zhao family.

Immediately become the object that these people can’t provoke.

Even, there are a few Clan, self-declining status, and the former with the Zhao family.

Of course, this is all afterward.


On the official road outside Blue Sky County City ten li.

A golden figure, wrapped in a woman, quickly flashed through the official road, broke into the jungle on both sides of the official road.

Soon after entering the jungle.

The golden figure will leave the woman casually still on the ground, indifferent said: “My take action, very measured. If you are not dead, don’t pretend in front of me.”

Women Wen Yan, the eyelashes are shaking.

Slowly open your eyes.

The eye that has been moving in the past is full of gloom and hatred.

“I am Yan Clan and you are innocent, you, why are you killing my family?”

This man and woman are not others.

It is Zhao Fang, and Yan Clan Yu Yan, Yan Wanjuan!

“Nothing is innocent?” Zhao Fang sneered. “Your father, even Yan Clan, in order to protect yourself, when I supply the Zlan of my Zhao Fang brother, your destiny is already destined!”

Wen Yan, Yan Wanjuan smiled.

At the time, Slaughter Tavern, the two major Martial Ancestor Assassin, was on the door, and Yan Clan was up and down, and was half-dead by the name of Slaughter Tavern.

I dare to hide it.

Afterwards, the alliance also regretted.

But I thought that solving a gold-robed person by Slaughter Tavern is inevitable.

But I did not think of it.

The gold-robed people did not die, and Yan Clan conversely was destroyed.

Thinking of this, Yan Wanjuan smile is even more bleak, “Why, why not kill me? I am also a person of Yan Clan!”

“You still have the value of survival!”

Zhao Fang glanced at Yan Wanjuan, the mood that had been calmed down by slaughter, when I saw Yan Wanjuan, I saw the feminine expression of sorrow, the sultry body, and the corner of her chest were torn apart. When the glittering white light appeared, Zhao Fang’s inner evil fire rose again.

It seems to be aware of Zhao Fang’s burning gaze, Yan Wanjuan slightly startled.

Immediately, the little face shows a taunting color. “I will die if I die.”

“There are many things in this world, more terrifying than Death!”

Zhao Fang said indifferently and then regained his gaze.

His heart is secretly sighed.

Yan Wanjuan Worthy is Yin Cauldron Nourishing Life Body, born with a bone, this I saw the feeling of pity, almost let him give birth to a kind of feeling to care for it!

“You killed me, killed Zhao Clan to come to pick up Emissary, Yuanzong Young Master, and Zhao Clan Powerhouse, certainly will not let you go, even if I am dead now, or how long, you will be sent by them Come down for our Yan Clan!” Yan Wanjuan coldly said.

“Compared with this, I advise you to pay more attention to yourself. I can tell you very responsibly, as long as I am willing, I can have a thousand ways to make you die!”

When I heard this, Yan Wanjuan finally changed.

The little face instantly became pale, and the color was sinful and suddenly exposed.

“You, what do you want to do?”

After all, she still couldn’t overcome Scared, the scared, and screaming.

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