Chapter 1,123 Great Blood God Hand Seal!

Touba Yang Yu.

It is not the first Young master who Zhao Fang entered the Tuoba family to offend.

It is the most powerful one.

On the day of Prince Yu, if not Touba Yanghong appeared, take action.

Really want life and death to fight.

Zhao Fang’s chances of defeat are relatively large!


Touba Yang Yu is one of Touba San Jiao. The Influence and Strength gathered by his body, coupled with the strength of his father, make him a younger generation in the Tuoba family, such as the stars, is the real Supreme Talent!

This kind of character, not the current Zhao Fang, can compete.

To be honest, Zhao Fang doesn’t want to go to Touba Yang Yu right now.

The other party is not a weak person. It is really necessary to carry out a team battle. Even if Zhao Fang eats it, he will be thrown out of his blood.

There will be a lot of power in one’s own side, and the loss will be in this internal friction.

But now, it is impossible for him!

Touba Yang Yu took action very ruthless, and attacked the key. If he had the god of Kobayashi, he would probably be surrounded by layers of beast tide and would not know who was the black hand!

This behind-the-scenes enemy is too dangerous!

Only safety measures can only be killed as soon as possible!

“Hey, want to kill me, it depends on whether you have this life!”

Touba Yang Yu Sneer, Driving Beast Divine Flute puts on the lips, a strange sound, coming out from inside, like ripples, sweeping all directions.

Vicious Beast, who heard the snoring, became mad at all of a sudden.

Originally Scared Heavenly Fire might, the Vicious Beasts who dare not dare, the blood eyes dyed a layer of blood, and stepped on Heavenly Fire.

There will be a lot of Vicious Beast on the spot!

But the rich smell of blood did not let them retreat, but made them even more crazy!

Just in the scream of this painful and violent tyranny.

A pair of gold-cleared Tiger’s Roar sounds, Vibration!

next moment.

A white tiger with a shape of over 100 meters, the fire is on the way, the mountain is as smooth as a mountain, and several skills that jump and jump from the severe hundreds of miles away to Zhao Fang not far away.

Make the tiger Vicious Beast slay the prey and kill it directly.

Not near yet.

The bloody power of rich blood and Geng Jin, such as countless, sharpness sword, straight to Zhao Fang.

All around the forest, Vicious Beast, under the cover of this bloody force, was immediately crushed into powder!

Zhao Fang complexion is slightly changed.

He is clear to Sense, the power of this tiger beast.

It is a Tier-4 Initial Stage peak!

This is the leader of this beast tide, comparable to human 3-Star God King Realm powerful existence !

To call out the all of a sudden, the Touba Yang Yu will carefully return to the illusion.

Only the voice of disdain and indifference echoes between heaven and earth. “With you, I want to fight with me? Overestimate one’s capabilities !”

Zhao Fang didn’t have a skill to take care of him.

The attack of the tiger beast is coming!


The tiger beast comes with a fierce battle, and it is unstoppable!

Zhao Fang didn’t want to confront it.

The only consolation is that the Tigers’ Explosive Power is strong, but in terms of speed, it is still inferior to Purple Lightning Condor.

Purple Lightning Condor rushed away and entered the herd.

The tiger beasts follow.

Both sides made a hard hit in the herd.

The afterglow of terrifying immediately injured dozens of Vicious Beast.

Purple Lightning Condor was also injured, and the difficult situation was reversed!

All of a sudden, the Purple Lightning Condor rushed back and rushed toward the other beast.

that’s it.

Under the traction of Purple Lightning Condor, the tiger beast is constantly fighting with it in the herd, and the Vicious Beast, which has been killed by the two sides, has no less than a thousand.


Purple Lightning Condor is getting worse.

It is now just the equivalent of 1-Star God King peak, and occasionally it can play the strength of 2-Star God King.

But with the tiger beast north, it is obviously inferior.

“This time absurate kill it!”

Zhao Fang can feel the weakness of Purple Lightning Condor and know that he can’t drag it down.

In order to give the tiger beast the most deadly and sharp blow.

Zhao Fang has been waiting for it to wait until it is exhausted.

At that time, it was when he killed the tiger beast.

Although it is still not a good time.

But dragging it down is not good for Purple Lightning Condor.


Tiger’s Roar Shakes the forest, the tiger eyes are bloody, almost crazy!

Zhao Fang was very surprised and had a very deep wariness for Driving Beast Divine Flute.

But he also knows.

The tiger beast is now an arrow at the end of its flight, and such a bloody explosion will not last long.

Once the blood is declining, it is the day of its death.

I don’t know if it was a coincidence or a coincidence, and Zhao Fang once again retreated to the opposite side of the hillside where Touba Yang Yu was.

In the magical array of the hillside, the voice of Touba Yang Yu was heard. “Are you not very strong? How can you be jumped up and down by a beast?”

Zhao Fang turned and looked at the direction of the illusion, looking like a knife.

At this moment, the tiger beast jumped up, and the imposing manner was not as good as before.

Open the sharpness of the teeth and head to Zhao Fang and Purple Lightning Condor.

“Master be careful!” Purple Lightning Condor yelled.

“Idiot!” The voice of Touba Yang Yu came out of the illusion.

“Who Idiot said.”

“Idiot says you!”

“Oh…” Zhao Fang stretched the volume.

Touba Yang Yu This is the reaction, one piece face is black as the bottom of the pot!

But as soon as he saw the tiger beast that Zhao Fang behind culled, he laughed again. “The waste of the force of the tongue, you are dead!”

“Is it?” Zhao Fang sneered at the corner of his lips.

Do not know why.

Seeing the expression of Zhao Fang, Touba Yang Yu did not come up with a kind of uneasy emotion.

Even if he is in the illusion, even if there are dozens of Powerhouses around him, he still has no sense of security. The kind of uneasiness is conversely more and more intense!

How can it like this ?

Touba Yang Yu Some don’t understand.

He stared at Zhao Fang, wanting to see, this fellow can still turn up the storm before he dies.

Zhao Fang removes one piece of blood from the backhand.

At the moment when the tiger beast culled, light shouted: “Pro!”

The Tier-4 Rune, the Great Blood God Hand Seal, burst into a palm of infinity.

Shoot to the tiger beast.

This Great Blood God Hand Seal is obtained by Zhao Fang killed Blood Cultivator God King Xue Xing and Xue Tian.

There are two in total.

Belongs to the Tier-4 Middle Grade Rune.

Can play the strength of the God King Middle Stage Powerhouse.

Originally, Zhao Fang did not intend to use it, it felt too wasteful.

But the tiger beast is too aggressive. With other means, Zhao Fang is not sure to hit him ko.

The most important thing is that there is Touba Yang Yu next to it.

He not only wants to kill the tiger beast, but also to shock Touba Yang Yu.

The bloody Great Hand Seal smashed out, not yet close to the tiger beast, tiger eyes, mouth and nose, hair… spurting blood!

It seems that endless blood is not controlled!

The tiger beast in the eyes is pouring out a fear!

It wants to escape!

Can’t escape!

Great Blood God Hand Seal approaching, the fear of the tiger beast, reaching the limit.


Its body uncontrollably pops open.

The flesh and blood are all integrated into the Great Blood God Hand Seal.

The scene is very strange and frightening!

Zhao Fang expression Indifferent, did not look at the back, but after the bloody Great Hand Seal swallow, the tiger looked at Touba Yang Yu, indifferently said: “Next, it’s your turn!”

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