The first thousand one hundred and twenty-four chapters Idiot will believe


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed King King Boss ‘Dark Moon White Tiger Divine Beast ‘,obtain 30000 spirit points, three thousand Divine Strength value, three thousand Super Divine Skill Proficiency.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed King King Boss ‘Dark Moon White Tiger Divine Beast ‘,obtain ‘Dark Moon White Tiger Divine Beast bloodline ‘,whether to fuse ?”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed King King Boss ‘Dark Moon White Tiger Divine Beast ‘,obtain ‘Tiger Skin Skirt ‘.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed King King Boss ‘Dark Moon White Tiger Divine Beast ‘,obtain ‘Tiger King’s Mountain Card’.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed King King Boss ‘Dark Moon White Tiger Divine Beast ‘,obtain ‘Shooting Tiger Divine Spear ‘.”


After the Dark Moon White Tiger Divine Beast was killed, the Great Blood God Hand Seal did not stop.

Conversely Because the blood of the Dark Moon White Tiger Divine Beast was absorbed, the fingerprints were more solid and rolled toward the opposite herd.

Even the Dark Moon White Tiger Divine Beast can’t stop the blood-sucking’s ‘blood-sucking’ power, not to mention other Vicious Beast.


Without any Vicious Beast, it can resist the attraction of bloody handprints.

On the occasion of the bloody handprints, they died on their own!

One or two is not a big deal.

But if it is hundreds or thousands…

The resulting picture is shocking!

at that moment.

There were no other sounds on the field, only the buzz of the Vicious Beast when it exploded, the rich smell of blood, and the entire mountain range.

The mountains are full of blood, turning into a new world of blood!


The bloody Great Hand Seal crashed into the ground.

The circumference of the ten miles, the violent tremors, and hundreds of Vicious Beasts can’t escape when the smoke is rushing, and this is made into a meat!

Wait until the smoke has dispersed.

Great Blood God Hand Seal Falling position, there is a huge palm deep pit, deep bottomless.

The rest of the Vicious Beast is also stimulated by this amazing picture.

Li Xiao was suddenlydened by roared.

I want to avoid the big hole in the blood!

Touba Yang Yu of the Magic Array looks silly!

The Powerhouses around him are also dumbfounded!

“How can this be?”

“That brat just used the rune…”

“What kind of charm is this damn, is there such a powerful and weird audience?”

“This seems to be the charm of the Blood Cultivator!”


Zhao Fang didn’t see the scene of behind.

His gaze always falls on the illusion of the above.

The dust settled.

Zhao Fang start to talk, the voice is cold and ruthless, “Next, it’s your turn!”

He did not name his name.

But Touba Yang Yu in the aysss illusion has a chilling feeling.

In particular, after seeing that Zhao Fang had the same bloody character as the previous one, the look of horror and horror became more and more intense.

“He took out another rune!”

“It’s the same as just now!”

“If he uses this blood to deal with us, this magical array will not stop, we also difficult to escape death!”

Touba Yang Yu yelled at the Powerhouse.

Thinking of the Fearful Might revealed by the blood now, the complexion of these people becomes very ugly, just like the dead mother.

Even the old-hearted God, Wang Wang, is full of solemn.

His only is God King.

But just the Initial Entry God King Realm, can’t stop the blood.

after all.

This is equivalent to the goddess of God King Middle Stage Powerhouse Full strength strike.


Touba Yang Yu although frightened, but after all, reason has overcome fear.

He also understands that pure fear cannot save himself.

crucial moment.

Still need to be calm.

“I still have Divine Object left by father, he can’t kill us!”

Touba Yang Yu said solemnly.

“Divine Object left by Elder Xiu?”

I heard that it was the thing left by Touba Yang Yu father. The original gray expression of these people became bright and bright.

It seems that as long as it is something left by this person, no matter how strong the enemy is, it can be defeated.

“Of course, as my father’s favorite son, this time I participated in the Fight for Succession, I was highly hoped that this Driving Beast Divine Flute is the gadget that Father sent me!”

Touba Yang Yu.

The voice inside the magic array was originally isolated, and no one else could hear it.

But this is hard to beat Zhao Fang.

To be precise, it is hard to live with Little Linzi.

He wants to hear, let alone the Tier-4 Divine Array, even the Tier-5 Divine Array is useless.

“Driving Beast Divine Flute is just a gadget?”

Zhao Fang’s face is quiet, but his heart is secretly vigilant.

Driving Beast Divine Flute provoked the power he had just learned.

Without the Great Blood God Hand Seal, he wanted to kill a bloody road in the 茫茫beast tide, and it was not an easy task.

So Dican Object, which is comparable to the Ordinary God King Middle Stage, is actually called a gadget. How strong is the real life-saving technique?

“No matter what life-saving technique he has, today is to dificult to escape death!”

Zhao Fang looks like a cold electricity, Void Hand squats, blood is suspended in front of him.

Touba Yang Yu and others, who are in the illusion, saw this scene and immediately scared a cold sweat.

A squinting look at Touba Yang Yu, I hope he will take out the life-savings.

At this time DD

Zhao Fang start to talk, “Touba Yang Yu, the feud between you and me, can’t be resolved. As long as you unlock the ‘soul dreams of Little Jing’, we are two!”

Wen Yan, Touba Yang Yu is shocked and heart-warming.

What is shocking is that Zhao Fang knows even the dreams.

The heart of the heart is the proposal of Zhao Fang!

“I do have Divine Object body protection from Father, but that thing can only be used once. It is used here, and it is a pity to use it on this brat…”

Touba Yang Yu gaze shimmers, I think Zhao Fang proposed a good, but the only pity is that the solution is not on his own, but in his father ‘Elder Xiu’.

“I promised your proposal, but I don’t believe you. You need to swear by Martial Dao to ensure that you don’t use blood on me anymore. I choose to avoid hatred with you!”

Touba Yang Yu said that he still has some wariness blood.


Zhao Fang without the slightest hesitation promised, in the face of Touba Yang Yu vowed, let the Touba Yang Yu feel a little unreal.


I thought that this fellow would indeed swear by the heart of Martial Dao, and certainly wouldn’t be tempted to use the blood of the Heavenly Dao backlash.

He also gave a sigh of relief to the Powerhouses.

“The unraveling thing, no longer in my hands, in my father’s hand, wait for the Fight for Succession to end…”

Touba Yang Yu said that the voice suddenly became sharp. “You, what do you want to do? Do you want to violate the Martial Dao vow?”

“Since the solution is not on you, what is the use for you?”

Zhao Fang is indifferent. “As for Martial Dao vows? I will lie to you, Idiot will believe, you should not believe it?”

After refining the new Martial World, Zhao Fang is far more than the commons of Heavenly Dao.

Peek into the secret of a trace Heavenly Dao.

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