The first one hundred and thirty-three chapters

From the beginning of the battle.

Zhao Fang’s complexion shows a kind of morbid paleness, such as frosty snow whiter, white scary, white terrifying.

He is not injured!

The reason for this reaction was caused by the Body Lock Technique backlash.

In order to make quick decisions, the crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood will defeat the confidence of the Cangdog tribe native Powerhouse.

On the occasion of the Tiger King’s patrol, Zhao Fang used the Body Lock Technique.

Take Heavenly God peak’s Realm and ban a 窜Heavenly God monkey comparable to 3-Star God King.

It’s okay to say it once.

The constant imprisonment is also a huge load for him.


This pay, finally paid off!

On the occasion of the impact of other Vicious Beasts, the Dark Moon White Tiger Divine Beast came to the 窜Heavenly God monkey.

Apart from anything else, the golden tiger claws, wrapped in the focus of Yue, shot to Heavenly God monkey.

“Quan Wang, save Lord Sehn Hou!”

The native Tribal Chief Grey Wolf finally reacted and rushed to the side of the lion, Quan Wang suddenly roared.

He can’t let the 窜Heavenly God monkey die, at least not in his own tribe.

Otherwise, the Blood Barbarian Tribe Powerhouse is angry and the Crowd Tribe must become history.

When Wang Wang was on the native Tribal Chief suddenly roared, he took action.

Endless thunder and lightning gathered to form a lightning bolt, at the same time at the tiger’s claws, to meet the tiger’s claws.

Lightning bone spear might is strong, but wants heavy injury or killed Dark Moon White Tiger Divine Beast This Tier-4 Divine Beast is obviously not qualified.

Simply, the main purpose of Quan Wang is not to kill the Dark Moon White Tiger Divine Beast, just to stop, in order to save the Heavenly God monkey.

Pā pā pā ~~

However, while the Lightning Spear is about to arrive at the Dark Moon White Tiger Divine Beast, a ‘Thunder Tiger’ mouth swallows the Lightning Spear.

In the flashing of lightning, Thunder Tiger and Lightning Spear disappeared at the same time.

Grey Wolf looks away, complexion gloomy like water.

Purple Lightning Condor took action and solved the full strength strike of Quan Wang!


The Tiger King’s claws fell, and the head of the Heavenly God monkey, like a ripe watermelon, in the all of a sudden encounter with the golden claws, bursting open, endless flesh and blood.

The Golden Claw offensive is still there.

The proudly fascinating Heavenly God monkey, not only his head was broken, but the body was also torn into countless pieces.

In the muffled sound of the cockroach, it became a very inconspicuous one in the ground countless corpse.


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed boss’窜Heavenly God monkey’,obtain 30,000 experience points, three thousand Divine Strength values, three thousand super Divine Grade Proficiency.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed boss’窜Heavenly God monkey’,obtain ‘窜Heavenly God monkey bloodline ‘,whether to fuse ?”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed boss’窜Heavenly God monkey’,obtain ‘Cleansing Spirit Monkey Hat ‘.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed boss’窜Heavenly God monkey’,obtain ‘窜Heavenly God monkey Remnant Spirit ‘.”


Tiger King licks the deadly Heavenly God monkey, and his cold eyes immediately sweep to the lion, Quan Wang.

Quan Wang figure is a tremor, and subconscious is back.

To kill 窜Heavenly God The Tiger King after the monkey, Fearful Might is more intense, and Quan Wang does not dare to look at it or even dare to fight it.

He wants to escape!

“Don’t kill it, we can’t escape!”

Native Tribal Chief Grey Wolf yells.

Quan Wang, the lion, pressed the fear of his heart and sneaked down and ordered his subordinate Shi Quan to attack this wave of Vicious Beast.

The native Tribal Chief is also in the amnesty order.

Under their efforts.

The Shi Quan knight army, composed of Shi Quan and the Native Powerhouse, suppressed the fear of the heart and attacked the beast tide.

But these are just useless.

After consuming more than a hundred Vicious Beasts, the only remaining Shi Quan knights in the Cangdog tribe were killed in the battlefield.

The impact of the beast tide, in an unstoppable posture, was crushed towards the native Tribal Chief, Quan Wang.

Two Kings complexion 煞 white.

Although I know that this is not the best time to escape.

The fear of the heart is too strong, they do not have any fighting **, turn and escape!

set! set!

Two consecutive fingers, two silhouettes stay in place.

Just a blink of skill.

By the end of the Body Lock Technique aging, the Vicious Beast army had already been around.

They are not 窜Heavenly God monkeys, even after being surrounded by the beast tide, even after struggling to kill, after killing more than 400 Vicious Beast, they themselves were seriously injured.

With the arrival of the Tiger King, the tiger’s claws were swung twice in succession. The two Kings, like the previous 窜Heavenly God monkey, fell in a pool of blood.

Become a member of an unknown body.


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed boss’ Quan Wang ‘,obtain 20,000 experience points, two thousand Divine Strength values, two thousand Super Divine Skill proficient.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed boss’ Quan Wang ‘,obtain ‘Quan Wang bloodline ‘,whether to fuse ?”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed boss’ Quan Wang ‘,obtain Tier-4 ‘Myriad Thunder Great Divine Seal ‘.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed boss’ Quan Wang ‘,obtain ‘Demonic Mountain Map ‘.”



“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed boss’Tribal Chief Grey Wolf ‘,obtain 20,000 experience points, two thousand Divine Strength values, two thousand super Divine Grade Proficiency.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed boss’Tribal Chief Grey Wolf ‘,obtain ‘Grand Dao’s Fragment ‘.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed boss’Tribal Chief Grey Wolf ‘,obtain ‘Spider Divine Blade ‘.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed boss’Tribal Chief Grey Wolf ‘,obtain ‘eye of Grey Wolf’.”


As the two Kings died.

The other kings of the Horde or Powerhouse were scared by Tiger King’s invincible Fearful Might, and they dared not confront each other and fled!

After half an hour.

The Cang dog tribe is native, and most of them die in the wave of the Tiger King.

The Cang dog tribe, once a small tribe, has become history.

Also at the same time.

There are Cangpo tribes Powerhouse, fleeing, fleeing to nearby tribes, and the Blood Barbarian Tribe.

The Blood Barbarian Tribe was spotted as the Heavenly God monkey, and with the Cangdog tribe Powerhouse coming in, the Blood Barbarian Tribe Powerhouse was furious.

Immediately dispatched the Deputy Tribal Chief Commander three thousand native to collect the power of three small native tribes nearby and encircle Zhao Fang.

For these, Zhao Fang, who has already destructed the Cang dog tribe, is still not aware of it.

But he knows.

Once the Cangdog tribe is known to be destroyed, the Blood Barbarian Tribe will definitely act.

Although there was a Tiger King patrolling the mountain this time, the two teams did not die.

However, some people are seriously injured and need to step up Time conditioning.

“Bing is fast!”

Zhao Fang looks at Touba Guan Feng.

Touba Guan Feng immediately subordinate the consignment and left the Cangdo tribe with extremely fast speed.

Not long after they left.

Two black robed man, appearing out of the Canggu tribe out of thin air, two people overlooking the Cangdog tribe, and the rays of light in their eyes flash, and there are countless scenes flashing in them.

Among them, there are pictures of Zhao Fang and Cangdog tribe Powerhouse great war.

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