The magnificent funeral of the first one hundred and thirty-one chapters!

The Cangdog tribe is thousands of miles away.

Blood Barbarian Tribe Goes to the must-go road of the Cangdog tribe.

Zhao Fang and Touba Guan Feng and others have been ambushing for a long time.

“Blood Barbarian Tribe although is the weakest medium-sized tribe, but also has two 4-Star God King-class Powerhouses. If I didn’t guess, I’ll be at least one person.”

Touba Guan Feng Road.

“In order to shock?”


Touba Guan Feng nod, with a sorrowful look, continues.

“After the start of Fight for Succession, the small tribes suffered, and the Blood Barbarian Tribe dignity was damaged. Especially this time, we killed the Heavenly God monkey, which is equivalent to beating the Blood Barbarian Tribe, the native of vengeance. It won’t let us go.”

Although the two sides joined forces, they have six God Kings.

Three of them are 2-Star God King.

Three 1-Star God King.

Absolutely able to sweep a small native tribe.

But in the face of medium-sized tribes, Touba Guan Feng lacks confidence.

Medium-sized tribes are not only stronger than small tribes themselves, but they can also call on other small tribes.

Although there are not many small tribes called up.

For them, it is also a huge pressure!

Zhao Fang looked back and saw the direction of the array fluctuation not far away.

“This time there is a senior Tier-4 array, plus my Heavenly Cycle Stars Great Array, you can kill four directions!”

Zhao Fang said with a laugh.

When Zhang Lingmei laid out the array, Zhao Fang also arranged the Heavenly Cycle Stars Great Array.

With the big Dao Law, the heart of the 50 stars is condensed.

Zhao Fang left the Grand Dao’s Fragment originally reserved for Divine Monarch Realm swallow on the Heavenly Cycle Stars Great Array.

For sure, of course, to seek more Grand Dao’s Fragment.


In the distance, a flash of light flashed, bringing an amazing wind and sweeping.


Zhao Fang both eyes.

Touba Guan Feng has a good spirit.

Lightning close, revealing the Purple Lightning Condor’s figure.


After seeing the appearance of Purple Lightning Condor, Zhao Fang complexion immediately became gloomy.

Purple Lightning Condor has a wing, pierced by a giant spear, blood sprinkled all the way, extremely stern.

“Little Zi, what happened?”

Zhao Fang went forward and asked Pill Medicine to suppress the injury of Purple Lightning Condor.

“Blood Barbarian Tribe sent Powerhouse. I was discovered in the investigation. There is also a Blood Cultivator in it. The Master is careful.”

Finish this sentence.

Little Zi fainted in the past.

Zhao Fang complexion is chilly.

“Blood Cultivator is mixed with bloody?”

Touba Guan Feng also felt a little unbelievable.

Blood hatred hates Blood Cultivator more than human.

Human killed native is for military work.

Blood Cultivator kills native, but it is for bloodsucking, and even flesh is swallow clean.

It can be said.

Native has such a big hatred for humans, and has some relationship with Blood Cultivator.

And now.

The blood savage actually went with the Blood Cultivator.

This is beyond everyone’s expectations.

“Blood Blood Cultivator teamed up, it seems that they are a must for us!”

Zhao Fang expression solemn, the eyes are cold as a knife.

“War, is it still?”

Asked Touba Guan Feng.

Zhao Fang is hesitant.

If it is only blood, it is natural to fight in the end!

With the addition of Blood Cultivator, he is not sure.

The rational choice is naturally to avoid the edge. After all, only knowing ourselves and knowing each other can be a battle!

Zhao Fang does not want to give up this rare ambush opportunity.

“Purple Lightning Condor is exposed, bloody and Blood Cultivator Powerhouse, will sniff the blood of Purple Lightning Condor all the way, tracking this.”

Touba Guan Shan start to talk, all eyes looked at him, the old god is in 2-Star God King, expression is still indifferent, “In other words, our immediate is exposed, this ambush plan is lost!”

Everyone frowned.

But I have to admit that the analysis by Touba Guan Shan makes sense.

“Ninth Brother, what do you think?” Touba Guan Feng looked at Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang looked at the stunned Purple Lightning Condor and his voice was calm. “The blood can only be washed with blood!”

Touba Guan Shan frowned and was about to say something more.

Zhao Fang flipped it and took it out.

Driving Beast Divine Flute.

Touba Guan Shan closed his mouth immediately.

Touba Guan Feng took a deep look at Zhao Fang, nod said: “I support you!”

“Thank you two sisters!”

Subsequently, the injured Light Lightning Condor was sent to the Rising Firmament Palace.

Listening to the footsteps of the drums in the distance, Zhao Fang looked cold and played the Driving Beast Divine Flute.

The snoring is faint, obviously not very loud.

But with one kind of unimaginable fluctuation, quickly spread circumference tens of thousands of miles.

Roaaar ~~

The buzzing sounds.

Countless contain Vicious Beast with powerful blood, approaching Zhao Fang’s location.

“Next, get ready to fight!”

Touba Guan Feng waved, and the others immediately sneaked aside. Only Zhao Fang was alone, still standing in the same place, quietly playing the Driving Beast Divine Flute.


The footsteps like drums are getting clearer and clearer.

Zhao Fang even saw that a thousand miles away, the bloody flag that floated.

And the black-pressed Knight Legion under the flag.

And the drum-like footsteps are the voice of the Cavaliers.

Across a thousand miles, Zhao Fang smelled the rich Baleful Blood Qi spread by the other team.

“Blood Cultivator…you don’t want to leave today!”

Zhao Fang’s lips tweeted with a cold arc.


Same as for a moment.

Two black robed man hiding in the dark, quietly looking at this scene.

“That is the Driving Beast Divine Flute, which is what Elder Xiu gave to Touba Yang Yu!”

A black robed man is voiced.

“It seems that the death of Touba Yang Yu is indeed related to him!”

“With the trivial power of thousands, but want to block the bloody Blood Cultivator coalition of 5,000 people, it is really recklessly!”

“He is my Tuoba family clansman after all, or else, can we help him once?”

“No! There are words in the rules. We must not intervene in Fight for Succession. Once found, you and I will be severely punished!”

“But we don’t take action, he will die!”

“He is dead or alive, it has nothing to do with us. We are only responsible for the investigation. Now that we have the result, it is best to return to Touba City now.”

Indifference sounds indifferently said.

After that, the indifferent black robed man no longer talks, turns and leaves.

Another black robed man quietly looked at Zhao Fang and finally sighed.

“There are two 4-Star God Kings, nearly 10 God King Initial Stages, and hundreds of Divine Monarchs, and even if you have Driving Beast Divine Flute, you can’t find any benefit.”

Black robed man Gently shake his head and leave quietly.

They don’t know.

As they left, Zhao Fang’s gaze looked at the direction of the two people, in the eyes revealing a thoughtful look.

But soon, when I saw the blood brigade coalition getting closer and closer.

When I smelled the bloody baleful qi in the air, Zhao Fang’s booth eyes gradually became cold.

“Speaking, it really hasn’t been used for a long time!”

Zhao Fang said this sentence, all around the air, seems to have a tendency to condense.

“Come on, come and welcome the gorgeous funeral I have prepared for you!”

next moment.

Zhao Fang spits out a sound like Freeze Time Space, “Ice Age!”

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