The first thousand one hundred and thirty two chapter glacial might!

Man Kuwu is the Deputy Tribal Chief of the Blood Barbarian Tribe.

Position is second only to Tribal Chief.

The Blood Barbarian Tribe is recognized as the second Powerhouse.

In a reasonable way, in his capacity, the vibrating arm will be heard, and the inevitable ringers will gather.

This time, the Human Race can be conquered. He recruits small tribes, but he has few followers.

At the end of the day, only four small native tribes sent Powerhouse support.

This makes Man Kuwu’s face very unfortunate.

In particular, I heard that the small tribes who refused to call were now more angry after surrendering to the Yanyan tribe!

The Wanyan tribe is also a medium-sized tribe.

On the history alone, he is afraid of being the youngest of all medium-sized tribes.

Blood Barbarian Tribe also looked down on this ‘little brother’, but after the Powerhouse became a medium-sized tribe, the territory of Strength was more than the Blood Barbarian Tribe.

Even the Blood Barbarian Tribe Tribal Chief does not dare to provoke the Yanyan tribe.

Not to mention him?

Man Kuwu, who had nowhere to vent, pointed his anger at Zhao Fang.

“Damned Human Race, you can kill the Cangdo tribe, and dare to kill the Heavenly God monkey, so ignore my Blood Barbarian Tribe, which will let this Tribal Chief face go? Do not kill you, it is difficult to eliminate this Tribal Chief The hate of the heart!”

“Tribal Chief, found that the wounded god eagle traced, just in the valley not far away!”

At this time, there is a tribal native and Blood Cultivator.

Man Kuwu directly ignores the Blood Cultivator.

Although bloody and some of the Blood Cultivator, but both physically and psychologically, he is despising to this blood-sucking group!

If it were not the death order issued by Tribal Chief Sir, he would be dead and would not want to work with Blood Cultivator.

“Good! The whole army is ready to attack!”

Man Kuwu in the eyes flashed cold killing intent.

Huh ~~

Suddenly, there was a gust of wind blowing.

In the Fleshy Body, the natives of Demon Race are only inferior. When the scrape is regressing, the chill of the bones invades the skin, and many native Blood Cultivator complexions become pale and suffocate.

“what’s going on?”

Asked Man Kuwu.

No one answered.

He looks at Xue Wanli.

He is the highest person in charge of these Blood Cultivators.

Xue Wanli Looking at the valley, the complexion sinks like ice.

Soon, he is like Sense, complexion, huge change, “not good! fast retreat!”

Almost at the same time he slammed the exit.

In the distant valley, a cold voice came out.

Ice Age !

The sound of all the a sudden, countless white ice-cold gas, accompanied by the cold wind reverberating outside the valley, invaded the bloody brigade.

Kā kā kā ~~

The sound of icing, starting from outside the valley, is constantly approaching the bloody brigade!

The bloody squadron was shocked.

Cangjie retreats.

But under the influence of Cold Ice’s power, their speed was weakened and slowed down a lot.

The retreating speed cannot be equal to the icing speed at all.

Kā kā kā ~~

The sound vibrates the valley, and the bloody squadron has the feeling of coming to the land of eternal bitterness. In the eyes are all shocked and fearful.

There are many bloody squadrons.

But among them.

But most people are just Heavenly God level.

Zhao Fang will activate cultivation base Berserk to the level of 7-Star Divine Monarch at the time of activate Ice Age.

It can be said.

This Age Age, in addition to God King Middle Stage above the presence.

other people.

Even 3-Star God King can’t escape nightmare!


Wait until the white chill retreats.

On the court, there are only two people who can still be active.

Man Kuwu, Xue Wanli!

The look of the two people, both extremely gloomy.

They are staring at the subordinate covered by Cold Ice, and the complexion is ugly.

And on their bodies, there are also Cold Ice crumbs.

If the two people did not respond quickly, they used their own Grand Dao and suppressed Cold Ice. Even at this moment, they were frozen by Cold Ice just like this group of subordinates.

“In the valley!”

Man Kuwu stared at the valley and rushed to Xue Wanli. “You look at here, I’ll go the valley!”

Xue Wanli nod.

Two people are inconsistent and rarely speak.

But now obviously is not the time to care about these.

Xue Wanli left to melt Cold Ice with Daao Law and wanted to rescue his subordinate.

The great war broke out in the valley.

There was a burst of terrifying fluctuation.

But soon, it was silent.

Xue Wanli stopped melting Cold Ice, and he felt that Man Kuwu’s aura seemed to disappear!

“how can it be?”

Xue Wanli is incredible.

“Man Kuwu is 4-Star God King, even if it meets 5-Star God King, it is easy to be killed, is it who?”

Xue Wanli produced a trace retreat in her mind.

The situation in front of us is really weird!

Just at the same time he retired.


The indifferent sound of ice suddenly came from the valley.

This voice is like a giant knife, squatting on the iceberg above the Freeze Five Thousand Bloods.

Kā cā ~

The iceberg cracked into a deep gully.

Xue Wanli complexion has become ugly.

He knows very well that once the iceberg bursts open, the five thousand blood-stricken coalition forces that are inside Freeze will die!

But he can’t do anything at all.

Unless killing the operator.

If Man Kuwu aura has not disappeared, he must be ready to rush out.

but now……

He hesitated!

Kā cā ! Kā cā ~~

Iceberg Vibration, cracking out a dozen 狰狞terrifying cracks.

Almost for a moment, the huge iceberg was cut into dozens.


In the eyes of Xue Wanli wariness, it bursts open!

The bloody squadrons of the Freeze by Freeze, all turned into ice slag and fell to the ground.

Move, kill five thousand bloody army!

Xue Wanli is among the ice-cold!

Even if he is, he can’t do such a crisp and destructive five thousand people.

He turned and left.

“Cough… oh!”

In the valley, there was a sudden burst of light cough that had been suppressed for a long time, and cough up blood.

Xue Wanli flashed in the light, and turned all the way to a sudden, suddenly turned into a flowing light, went straight to the valley.

“After killing five thousand blood brutal coalition forces, Man Kuwu, that secret Powerhouse, must have been a heavy injury, I must seize this opportunity!”

Xue Wanli’s eyes flashed through excitement.

He can be sure that the other party is 5-Star God King Powerhouse.

Only this kind of existence can be unexpectedly, in a moment, killed Man Kuwu.

Only this kind of existence can kill five thousand bloody squadrons.

“ha ha … injured 5-Star God King, if I can swallow him, my cultivation base, maybe you can break through to the level of 5-Star God King, then…”

Xue Wanli Double eye reveals amazing ray of light.

When he was close to the valley, he still didn’t slow down.

He wants to use Thunder’s arrogance, heavy injury 5-Star God King, and only in this way, to achieve the ultimate victory.


Upon entering the all of a sudden in the valley, he burned directly two thirds of the blood with the body.

In the screaming sound, Xue Wanli transpires a piece of Blood Mist.

The body is instantly thin and thin, leaving only skinny.

But his aura, in an instant, skyrocketed to the level of 5-Star God King.

This is his strongest strength!

It is also the main reason why he dared to kill the valley.

“hēi hēi, 5-Star God King, I’m Xue Wanli…come!” Xue Wanli grinned, and this smile matched the thin, ghostly expression.

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