The first thousand one hundred 50 chapter remote live broadcast!

“impossible !”

Looking at the still unscathed Zhao Fang, Lei Qianjue complexion has a trace gloomy.

“Nothing is impossible.”

Zhao Fang expression Indifferent, clinging to God Slayer Spear, low roaring sound in the mouth, “Antiquity Slaughter Immortal !”

Antiquity Slaughter Immortal by 7-Star Divine Monarch, which can threaten the presence of God King Late Stage.

Lei Qianjue is just 5-Star God King, how can I block this gun.

In the midst of extreme shock, he was shot with a shot.

The blood of countless is falling, and the blood is stained with the sky.

Among them, there is a very inconspicuous blood light that goes straight to the entrance outside the valley.

Not yet arrived at the entrance, a glass silhouette, in front of it.

“Lei Qianjue, are you not killing me? What are you fleeing now?”

Although the complexion was pale, Zhao Fang still looked at the indifference of the blood light.

“brat, I admit that this time I planted it, I have to spare someone to spare people, let me go, I promise, I will not find you trouble again!”

The voice of Lei Qianjue is heard inside the blood light, still with loneliness.

“If you are forgiving, you will spare people?”

Zhao Fang smiled. “I like it more, weeding the roots!”

The all-a sudden of the ‘root’ exit, the God Slayer Spear suddenly spurs, the spear head spreads a lot of flame, and instantly surrounds the blood light.


There is no chance to respond to Lei Qianjue at all.

Little Linzi divine sense suppresses Lei Qianjue, supplemented by six colors flame. After more than ten minutes, this blood light is refining and completely evaporated.


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed boss’Lei Qianjue ‘,obtain 50,000 experience points, five thousand Divine Strength values, five thousand super Divine Grade Proficiency.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed boss’Lei Qianjue ‘,obtain ‘Golden Thunder Bone Hammer ‘.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed boss’Lei Qianjue ‘,obtain ‘Space array ‘.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed boss’Lei Qianjue ‘,obtain ‘Thunderbird Rune’.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed boss’Lei Qianjue ‘,obtain Grand Dao’s Fragment *20.”


Zhao Fang raised a smile on her lips.

Turn around and look at the Vicious Beast, long spear swept away by the two people, and swarm into the herd, like no one Realm!

After a while.

Vicious Beast was slaughtered.

The valley waterfall in the quiet and full of fairy rhythm is filled with the rich smell of blood.

After taking Pill Medicine, Zi Qianshuang has already suppressed the injury and does not affect the action.

She came to Zhao Fang, and looked at the Vicious Beast corpse everywhere, the eyes of the ray of light, “Master is amazing!”

Zhao Fang smiled. “Go, let’s go to the Vulture Tribe!”

Glazed Divine Body Great Accomplishment, Zhao Fang will have ready to control the singularity of Fleshy Body emits.

The two people rushed toward the Vulture Tribe.

Halfway through, I saw the wolf smoke rising from the Vulture Tribe.


Dozens of flowing light rushed toward the Vulture Tribe.

Zhao Fang fixed his eyes and looked a little dumb.

These dozens of flowing lights are a natural powerhouse.

“Since I saw it, I can’t let it go.”

Zhao Fang raises the gun, God Slayer Spear cold light, like the Black Dragon show, he is dancing in the air, forming a gun net, can not breakthrough.

Dying is dead!

“Human, get out!”

There is a native God King roaring, looking at behind from time to time, with panic, as if there is something terrifying behind the behind, in the pursuit they are the same.

Zhao Fang feels free and smiled.

They are not others, it is Xue Wanli!

“The dirty Blood Cultivator has to catch up. I can’t wait any longer. Everyone takes the action and smashes the barrier of trivial Heavenly God. It will be easy!”

Natives take full action.

Can make them unexpected.

In addition to God King, anyone who touches the shadow of the sky will instantly sift through the sieve.

Even Half-step God King is no exception!

Such a picture, suddenly surprised a lot of people, complexion whitish, eye reveals incredible color.

“Native dog Bastard, you Xue Wanli Grandfather is coming!”

At the rear, the rainbow is booming, and at the same time, there is a violent bloodthirsty voice.

Hearing this voice, the native faces showed a frightened expression.


Not waiting for them to respond, the rainbow is already approaching, the endless Baleful Blood Qi, covering all the native.

This time, even God King, is complexion solemn.

Zhao Fang eyes bright bright, and Xue Wanli before and after the attack, just a round of rushing, leaving a lot of bodies.

There are only a few God King natives, and the injury is still fleeing.

When they left, they looked at Zhao Fang’s eyes very cold, full of killing intent taste, against this smashing human, full of killing intent!

However, Xue Wanli pursued too tightly. They had no chance to kill Zhao Fang. They had to escape.

“Master ?”

Xue Wanli horrified looks at Zhao Fang.

“How is the Vulture Tribe?”

“It has been leveled, only the remains!”

“Well, they gave it to you, and one can’t stay!”

Xue Wanli wanted to say something, only nod at the moment, “Yes!”


Touba City.

“fuck, no, Touba Lei Feng’s Merit points have increased!”

“Not only him, but Touba Guan Feng!”

“The other Young masters are always coming back, including the young master Wei Ran who has broken his arm, and the young master Di Yi who has been seclusion since he came back. Today, only Lei Feng Young master and Guan Feng Young master are left outside. They two of them are not killed?”

The people whispered.

Three Great Influences, even the best of the Young masters, had to be returned to Touba City.

It’s too dangerous to stay outside.

At this point, from Touba Wei Ran, you can get rid of a trace.

“Young master Wei Ran did report revenge, but also lost more Powerhouse, and some are not worth the candle!”

“Young master Di Yi is surrounded by the most cruel mammoth Xiang Xiang Chu. According to the truth, even if he escapes, he should be suffered heavy losses. He never thought that he was a whole body and retired. What else is there in the end? What do you know?”

“These are not important, they are all ready to come back. And Lei Feng Young master and Guan Feng Young master, two people are still outside, plus this Blood List change, three Great Influences must be aware of it, if it is to him Form a circle, when the time…”

The crowd did not say anything, but the face was full of fear.

“Only one of the three Great Influences is easy to deal with. If the three Great Influences form a circle, even if Teddy Elder Di Jia goes, there is no benefit!”

There are many people talking.

Just talking about it.

Hōng hōng DD

Outside the sky outside Touba City, a harsh whistling sound, a flowing light, to break the sound of the sound, almost in the blink of an eye, rushed outside Touba City.

Eyes at at, you have to enter Touba City.

at this time.

A copy of Blade Qi emerges out of thin air, lying in the flow light above.

“It’s Touba Guang Sheng Elder take action!”

However, it is not until they are excited, Blade Qi smashed the flow light, the broken flow light, and even broke the silk, paved a crystal light barrier, presented in front of everyone in Touba City.

Touba City was amazed when it came to seeing the flashing figures in the light barrier.

“That, is that Touba Lei Feng?”

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