The first thousand one hundred 50 chapter is an irreversible battle situation?

Outside Touba City.

The flowing light was smashed by Blade Qi and quickly spread into a huge curtain of thousand zhang.

In the picture, there is the silhouette of Touba Lei Feng, Touba Guan Feng and others.

“Great, my god, what is this Divine Ability?”

“Who did it?”

Everyone in Touba City was amazed and talked about it.

But when it comes to seeing the situation of Touba Lei Feng and others, Touba City is quiet for a few seconds.

Followed by.

Qu Zhentian, many people’s faces are unbelievable and worried.

“how can it be?”

“Touba Lei Feng was surrounded by three Great Influences?”

“This is dead!”


On the Blood List platform, rays of light flash.

Since the first pass, it has been seclusion research Touba Guang Sheng of ‘Mountain Breaking Blade’, as well as Touba Yang JIan, Touba Di Jia three people, appearing on the Blood List platform.


The three people also looked at the thousand zhang light barrier , complexion solemn .

“This is ‘Mysterious Light Technique’, Divine Race’s Divine Ability’.”

Touba Di Jia squints his eyes. “Three eyes, the combat power, second only to the mammoth king, but in the natural talent Divine Ability, it is not a little bit more powerful than the mammoth king.”

“Demon Race is obviously sending a mammoth king. In fact, there are three eyes, this is troublesome!”

Touba Yang JIan expression gloomy.

“With Demon Race’s mind, it’s definitely not so cunning, and someone will be behind it.” Touba Di Jia said.

“These are not the main points.”

Touba Guang Sheng phoenix eyes In the eyes, the in the eyes is more prosperous and waved: “The three-eyed gods show Mysterious Light Technique in Touba City, or the scene of Touba Lei Feng being confined, to kill chickens and monkeys, mess My military heart. It is a matter of urgency to solve this matter!”

The other two people, nod no.

The Tuoba family is captured in the Desolate City Ancient Land.

This is to sharpen the discipline.

However, if there is a discrimination, it is killed by the strong Great Influences of Desolate City Ancient Land.

Moreover, it is still in front of all the extensions of clansman.

This prestige for the Tuoba family, as well as the confidence of the other younger generation against the native, is a huge blow!

“I hope that the little fellow can win, obviously not very likely! Desolate City Ancient Land Three Great princes, and all of them have gone out of the God King Middle Stage Powerhouse, he has no chance of winning!”

Touba Di Jia gently shook his head. If you look closely, it is not difficult to find out, his in the eyes, but also a touch of regret.

In his view, Touba Lei Feng, the Tubar family generation Supreme Talent, allowed him to grow and even surpass Touba Di Yi.

Such outstanding talent, but now has to be linked to the native Demon Race Demonic Cultivator to kill, how not to make people sigh!

“Even if you die! Tuoba family can’t be humiliated!”

Touba Yang JIan both eyes inside the sword light flashes.

“I am with the rescue, you two people stay behind!”

Touba Guang Sheng looks like a knife.


Two people at the same time refused.

“Three-eyed gods will hit Mysterious Light Technique in Touba City. In addition to chaosing my army, there must be a sense of support. As soon as you move out, you may be surrounded by three Great Influences!”

Touba Di Jia has always had a calm face, revealing a firm and unquestionable expression, “So, I won’t allow you to go!”

“although I also want to save that brat, but the safety of Touba City is more important!”

Touba Yang JIan sighs, immediately expression expression, said solemnly: “You left to guard Touba City, I bring people to save!”

Touba Guang Sheng shook his head. “I have been acquainted with the ‘Mountain Breaking Blade’ for a few days. I have gained a little, and the bottleneck has been loose. Just take this and do it well.”

“No!” two people still refused.

“I am not talking to you! Don’t forget! I am the real responsible person of Touba City, This is the order!”

Touba Guang Sheng said solemnly.


The bloody Vulture Tribe.

Zhao Fang joins Touba Guan Feng to completely remove the remaining Powerhouse from the Vulture Tribe.

Ready to evacuate quickly!

The fact that a group of people made such a big move in Vulture Tribe will definitely attract the attention of other Powerhouses.

Especially in the case of three Great Influences.

They must take advantage of the Time that the three Great Influences have not yet responded to, and leave quickly, otherwise they will be blocked.


Shortly after leaving the Vulture Tribe, Zhao Fang frowned.

“Ninth Brother, what’s wrong?”

Touba Guan Feng, wearing a red Azure Dragon A, a heroic, and versatile person, noticed that the Zhao Fang expression was different and couldn’t help but wonder.

Zhao Fang looked back and looked more and more frowning. “Xue Wanli went to chase the native tribe God King Powerhouse. In fact, it should be back!”

I heard this.

Touba Guan Feng’s complexion is also somewhat ugly.

“what happened to you?”

“After you reminded me, I remembered that Guan Shanshu went after a native God King and didn’t seem to be back!”

Wen Yan, Zhao Fang The brow wrinkles more tightly.

Xue Wanli pursues the God King, which is the 1-Star 2-Star God King of the ordinary.

With the strength of Xue Wanli, this group of people is completely crushed.

What’s more, they are scattered and escape, in the case of a single-on-one, a few rounds can be divided.

In the sense, Xue Wanli should have returned soon!

The two people gradually cast a shadow on their hearts.

Instead of staying at the Vulture Tribe, they arrived at the Zhao Fang before seclusion waterfall, waiting for the return of Touba Guan Shan and Xue Wanli two people.

This kind of waiting has lasted for more than an hour.


Touba Guan Feng’s bracelet is slightly radiant.

Her charming face is slightly changed, and the divine sense is explored into the bracelet.

After a while.

She looked at Zhao Fang and her voice was low. “The major event is not good!”

“what’s going on?”

“Guan Shanshu is surrounded by the herd, and Xue Wanli!”

“How did they get together!” Zhao Fang sighed, “Save!”

Having said that, in his heart, it is a great alert.

Touba Guan Shan doesn’t say that he is just 2-Star God King.

Xue Wanli is a genuine 4-Star God King, and can even play the role of 5-Star God King.

With him, he can still be surrounded.

This herd is too strong too!

The group was briefly retouched and wrapped up in the victory of the destruction Vulture Tribe, rushing to the location of Touba Guan Shan.

About two hours later.

Zhao Fang, a group of people, came to a group of ancient peaks full of fairy tales.

These peaks are strangely shaped, or as weapon, or as Vicious Beast, or as other objects, all kinds of, extremely different.

“In front of!”

Zi Qianshuang, who has recovered most of his injuries, points to two valleys in the center of the mountain where two male lions sit.

A group of people rushed away.

With Time, other people have not lost their vigilance, carefully watching all around.


Suddenly, Little Linzi was stunned.

“What did you find?” Zhao Fang expressionless, asked the voice.

“This place is weird!”

Zhao Fang rolled the eyes, “Is this different?”

“I mean, here, it seems to be a natural array! Look closely, all around the weapon peak, and the arrangement of the Vicious Beast peak, like the ranking of the array?”

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