The first thousand one hundred 50 eight chapters all extinct three Great Influences!

Xiang Chu is dead!

The terrifying fluctuation before dying, spread throughout the array World.

On the field.

In addition to Touba Guan Feng and others, who was protected by Zhao Fang.

The three great influences of the people, and only the 寥寥God King remains.

The rest, all killed by Xiang Chu’s self-destruct before his death, became the funerary of Xiang Chu.

The only remaining God King, all dumbstruck.

Unbelievably looking at the bloody rain that fell in the sky, the eyes flashed with shocking colors, and now it is also unable to believe, that Weihe, the flamboyant Xiang Chu, is so dead.

Not dead in the hands of the blood ancestors.

Nor is it dead in the hands of native God King.

Not to die in the hands of Touba Guang Sheng.

Instead, he died in the hands of a silent Tuoba family.

Everyone feels incredible!

Zhao Fang complexion Pale, straight body, eyes, flames and flames, like an invincible War God, overlooking all directions, no one can stop!

this moment.

Even if cruel is greedy and violent, such as Xue Yaxi, it also produces great fearful thought and terrifying for that pale.

He is self-proclaimed, and after the complete explosion of Strength, he can resist Xiang Chu for a period of time.

But absolutely impossible tied with the other side.

As it is now, killing each other is even more impossible.

Not to mention him.

Even if Lei Qianjue, even another 5-Star God King Blood Cultivator, he is not sure!

But now…


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed King King Level Boss ‘Mammoth King’, obtain 50,000 experience points, five thousand Divine Strength values, five thousand Super Divine Skill Proficiency.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed King King Level Boss ‘Mammoth King’,obtain ‘Mammoth Idol bloodline ‘whether to fuse ?’

“Kong Jia” ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed King King Level Boss ‘Mammoth King’, obtain Tier-5 Divine Weapon ‘great war like a gun.’

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed King King Level Boss ‘Mammoth King’,obtain ‘great war 铠’.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed King King Level Boss ‘Mammoth King’, always ‘Dragon Elephant Spirit’.”


“You, you dare to kill Xiang Chu, my Demon Race and you irreconcilable until death!”

The three-eyed god stunned and reacted quickly, screaming and rushing straight out of the array.

He knows it well.

Zhao Fang Since it is possible to kill Xiang Chu with array, it is not difficult to kill yourself!

Suddenly roared of the three-eyed god, awakened the other people who were immersed in Zhao Fang and killed Xiang Chu under the mighty power.

They looked up, the look at the complexion, the indifferent youth, in the eyes were all horrified.

Only Xue Yaxi, staring at Xiang Chu’s broken Fleshy Body, double eye reveals a strange rainbow.

“I have let you go!”

Zhao Fang The voice is indifferent, and when the sound is heard, the weapon phantom, which is suspended from the top of the head, is like a winding arrow, showing a chill and a sharp edge.

Those who originally wanted to escape the Powerhouse were stunned by this chill, and did not dare to move.

The three-eyed gods rely on the natural talent Ability, which has already torn the natural array into a gap, and will escape the next moment, and naturally will not stop.

“Hey! human brat, this King remembers you! See you next time, take your life!”

Leave a swear word, the three-eyed gods follow the gap.

But just as he broke into the gap of all of a sudden.

call out!

There is a strong wind breaking space coming.

The three-eyed god saw that it was an ancient sword war soul.

Its momentum is like the wind, and the aggression is like a fire. It was originally far away from the three-eyed gods, but it was myself for a moment, and it was kneeling on the back of the three-eyed god.


The three-eyed god Fleshy Body was immediately split in two.

But he is not dead.

A scorpion divine sense wrapped in flowing light, with aura’s weak, and directed away from the distance.


Zhao Fang coldly snorted, he still underestimated the three-eyed god.

The true combat power of this fellow may be can’t compare with Xiang Chu, but in terms of escape, it is by no means comparable to Xiang Chu, an idiot that only uses brute force.

“Forgive me for the time being! Let’s take your life next time!”

Zhao Fang expression Indifferent, turned to look at the field.

The remaining native God King and the Blood Cultivator God King are all chilly by Zhao Fang’s cold-eyed eyes.

There are some native God Kings, and even want to go down and make a second third Chu Renxiong.

Zhao Fang cold at the sight at Xue Yaxi, the lips reveal a trace sarcasm.

“Xue Yaxi, do you want to take Xiang Chu Fleshy Body?”

Xue Yaxi is a singer in the heart of this gaze, doing with a a laugh, “cough… I don’t know what you are talking about!”

“In the Blood Cultivator, there is a Divine Ability that specifically motivates the other person, called Blood Displacement…”

Zhao Fang is slow.

Xue Yaxi heard this, the complexion suddenly became chilly.

“How do you know? Xue Wanli tells you? This traitor!”

Xue Yaxi is very careful, she doesn’t alarm anyone, as long as she gets the life source blood essence of Xiang Chu, she can break through the 6-Star God King level.

Coupled with Blood Cultivator’s unique Bloodblowing Ability, he even has a short-lived 7-Star God King.

At that time, even if it is a natural array, he can break open.

This is also true.

In other God King Powerhouses, in the face of Zhao Fang’s retreat, Xue Yaxi took the risk and secretly sought Xiang Chu blood essence.

I never thought that my own hidden behavior was discovered by Zhao Fang.

“Swallowing Xiang Chu blood essence, taking the opportunity to breakthrough, and even reversing the battle, you are a good calculation, but unfortunately, you met me!”

Zhao Fang’s eyes are suddenly changing ice-cold. “So, you can only have one ending, that is, die!”

All of a sudden.

The weapon-shaped Martial Soul phantom, which was ready to move, swarmed up and rushed toward Xue Yaxi.

Xue Yaxi complexion greatly changed.

Separately a blade soul, Jiang Chu will be killed.

Nowadays, so many Martial Soul rushed to themselves, even if Xue Yaxi had a life saving divine technique, she was scared to scalp and fled directly!

Did not dare to stay little bit!

If you are at Outer World, you can really escape with the Yaze Yaxi’s Ability and Means.

But here is the array space.

He does not have the unique natural talent ability of the three-eyed god.

In the face of the killing intent in the cage, as a bird in the cage, there is no chance of rebellion.

Directly by the number of Martial Soul phantom swallow, there is no residue.

Not only him.

Other God Kings remaining on the field also suffered a purchase from Martial Soul phantom.

In the face of the vast power of the natural array, even if the God King Late Stage comes, there is no benefit.

Not to mention them?

Not surprisingly.

It took just over ten minutes.

Those people are all killed.

This is the end.

The three Great Influences of the siege of Zhao Fang, except for the three-eyed god escape, the rest are all!

Touba Guan Feng and others looks at all around Bloodied Battlefield, and the God King Powerhouse that fell to the ground.

Feeling shocked!

She never dreamed that it would be the ending!

“Fast, quickly remove the contact with the array and dissipate the array!”

Not waiting for Zhao Fang to breathe, Little Linzi’s rushing voice suddenly sounded in Zhao Fang’s ear.

Zhao Fang is clearly aware that this always-awaited Myriad Domain Territory Number One Powerhouse, with a trace of panic in the words at the moment.

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