The first thousand one hundred 50 nine chapters are just Luck?

“What happened?”

Zhao Fang quickly asked, at the same time, cut off the connection with the natural array.

The natural array over the valley dissipates itself, and God Slayer Spear restores the quaint attitude and falls into the hands of Zhao Fang.

“Under this natural array, it suppresses a peerless thing.”

Little Linzi is silent for a long time, slowly.

A peerless creature?

Zhao Fang between the eyebrows, I don’t think I’m going to be such a bad luck, just borrowing a natural array and pressing nothing more. Is it necessary to make a peerless thing?

“Is it strong?”

Zhao Fang asked, frowning.

Despite knowing, This is a nonsense.

But he still wants to know, how terrifying is the peerless creature in Little Linzi’s mouth!


Little Linzi without the slightest hesitation.

Paused, he added: “If it is born, even a seriously injured body can easily kill everyone in the Desolate City Ancient Land!”

Zhao Fang has a cold back!

“This place should not stay for a long time!”

He turned, look at Touba Guan Feng and others, “We are quickly go!”

Don’t need him to say.

Touba Guan Feng and others, have long wanted to leave.

Under the leadership of Zhao Fang.

The pedestrians rushed out of the valley to the edge of the most Outer Circle.

After being completely away from the Lion Peak, the suppressed terrifying feeling that haunted the heart gradually weakened.


Touba Guan Feng faintly saw some clues, see Zhao Fang did not elaborate, but did not ask, just looks at Zhao Fang said: “Without the cover of natural array, we must return to Touba City as soon as possible!”

The two sides joined forces and originally had more than a thousand people.

After a series of killings, there are more than four hundred people.

Most of them died in Lion Peak Ravine.

Although Zhao Fang battle became famous, it killed three Great Influences, but this did not make them resurrect.

The surviving people are grateful at the same time, and they feel guilty. If they don’t know themselves, whether will fall to this end.


In the escape of Lion Peak Ravine, everyone’s complexion’s shocking surprise looks gradually.

Instead, it is utterly confusing, and the pain of a trace!

Zhao Fang also noticed that the team needs to be comforted at the moment.

I ordered nod. “The second sister is very worried. You are going to the Rising Firmament Palace for a while. I am on a road with Little Zi. It will take a long time to get back to Touba City.”

Touba Guan Feng does not deny Zhao Fang this Ability.

But she still has some concerns: “Is your injury no problem?”

Lion Peak Ravine battle, Zhao Fang’s superb victory, Xiang Chu, three-eyed god, Xue Yaxi these Powerhouse, did not hurt him.

But Touba Guan Feng knows that the natural array is extremely powerful and it is not an easy task to manipulate it.

This can be seen from the whitish face of Zhao Fang and the figuration of the tremor.

“No problem!”

Zhao Fang squeezed out a trace smile and tried to recover.

But as Touba Guan Feng guessed, the natural array is too strong and powerful, even if Zhao Fang can control it, it is also enough to be backlash.

If he did not cultivate the Glazed Divine Body, the Fleshy Body is strong, comparable to the ordinary God King peak Powerhouse.

Just now the backlash of the natural now array, you can easily take his life.

“I am with you!”

Touba Guan Feng said solemnly, see Zhao Fang what else to say, she looked a bit more harsh. “Now is not a time to be reluctant, I walk with you, and each other can also have a care.”

“Good!” Zhao Fang sighed and ordered nod.


Touba City.

A dead silence!

Touba City everyone, staring at the mirror, the bloody, Battlefield across the body, his face showed an incredible look of shock and fear.

The look of the young masters is ugly.

‘damn it, I thought Xiang Chu take action, can solve the two strong enemies of Touba Lei Feng and Touba Guan Feng, but damn did not expect… actually fulfilled them! ‘

‘Old Thief Heaven, are you teasing me? How can this be? ‘

‘Single Destroy Three Great Influences… Is this fellow still human? ‘

The Young masters were shocked, and there were no spiral slowly recovers for a long time.

They are still immersed in, just now, in the mirror, the figure is not a stalwart god, but there is a man who is invincible, for a long time without words.

“This time, we really look away!”

Touba Di Jia smiled bitterly, but in the eyes shimmered with amazing rays of light.

“I didn’t think that this fellow was so perverted, and how good Luck was, and unfortunately, found a natural array, and even destroyed Xiang Chu Xue Yaxi and others!”

Touba Yang JIan takes a deep breath, which seems to calm the heart.

“Luck doesn’t say that this fellow can actually control the natural array, look at the array’s might, it should not be inferior to the ordinary Tier-4 Top Level array…”

Touba Di Jia said, similar to Touba Yang JIan, two people in the eyes, revealing a slight invisible bright glow.

Just while speaking.

The crowd suddenly rioted.

What’s going on ?

Two people looked over.

But seeing that there is already some illusory black mirror, there is a cyan silhouette of aura like a dragon.

I saw the silhouette of the same time, Di Jia Yang Jian two people, at the same time laughed.


Zhao Fang is as close to the enemies as he feels the cyan silhouette of the aura.


But Touba Guan Feng is very excited.

“It’s my second uncle coming!” Touba Guan Feng called.

Wen Yan, Zhao Fang stunned, and the Aura was compared with Touba Guang Sheng aura in his memory. It was found to be somewhat similar.

the difference is.

At this moment, the terrifying aura that is getting closer is more of an Attack Power.

It’s like a scabbard knife, and it’s sharp!


The green silhouette, with the overwhelming terrifying Pressure’s Might, came to the audience.

Zhao Fang is far away and can see the true face of the green silhouette.

Touba Guang Sheng.

“second uncle !”

Touba Guan Feng exclaimed excitedly.

All the way to the dust, but the complexity of the cool Touba Guang Sheng, after seeing Zhao Fang and Touba Guan Feng, slightly stunned.

Immediately, the tight, cold face was slightly relieved, revealing a smile.

“Are you okay?”

“Nothing!” Touba Guan Feng said with a laugh.

After determining that two people had nothing to do, Touba Guang Sheng said: “How did you escape? Xiang Chu Xue Yaxi? Tell me where they are, dare to encircle me Tuoba family disciple, bully me Tuoba family no one?”

Touba Guang Sheng said this, it is not very flustered, just a few words of simple, even some dull.

But in the words, it was full of ruthless and ruthless killing, and the two people felt trembled.

“They… are all dead!”

Touba Guan Feng looked at Touba Guang Sheng and whispered.


Touba Guang Sheng brows, “what’s going on?”

“He killed…”

Touba Guan Feng refers to Zhao Fang.

Touba Guang Sheng is more curious.

Under the curiosity of Touba Guang Sheng and with the pressure of Pressure’s Might, Zhao Fang smiled and had to say what happened to just now, simple.

“Natural array? You are Luck!”

Touba Guang Sheng After listening to it, I looked deeply at Zhao Fang and the complexion was weird.

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