The first thousand one hundred and sixty chapters

“Natural array? You are Luck!”

Touba Guang Sheng After listening to it, I looked deeply at Zhao Fang and the complexion was weird.

“hēi hēi, my Luck has always been good.”

Zhao Fang laughed.

“You are fine.”

Touba Guang Sheng is obviously relieved.

The two people also saw that Touba Guang Sheng was coming to rescue them, and they were all moved.

“Then we are back to Touba City now?” Touba Guan Feng asked.

“go back?”

Touba Guang Sheng The smile on his face disappeared, and a touch of coldness appeared.

He shook his head and looked into the distance.

Zhao Fang vaguely remembers that Touba Guang Sheng seems to be a medium-sized native tribe.

“Three Great Influences Don’t be skinny, join forces with my Tuoba family disciple. If it’s so easy, they really are really weak when we Tuoba family!”

Touba Guang Sheng expression

Upon seeing it, Touba Guan Feng smiled and shook his head.

His second uncle, always has been whispering, but it is a real killer.

In the Desolate City Ancient Land, there is no shortage of people to kill and destroy the people.

Now I have eaten such a big and boring loss, naturally impossible to swallow this breath easily.

“I will send you back to heal.” Touba Guang Sheng although killing is blazing, still clear and prioritized.

Zhao Fang shook his head. “The soldiers are very fast. Since Elder is willing to take action, I am willing to take a shot at Elder behind and kill some fish.”

Touba Guang Sheng Wen Yan laughed.

“It’s so mad! That’s it! Start!”

Touba Guang Sheng has no nonsense and no questions about Touba Guan Feng.

This makes Touba Guan Feng very helpless.


She doesn’t care much about this.

The three people, led by Touba Guang Sheng, was almost a moment of skill and came to a nearby medium-sized native tribe.

The most Powerhouse of this tribe is just an 5-Star God King peak Powerhouse.

If in the past.

Touba Guang Sheng wants to clean up him, and he will definitely have to pay for it.

But this time.

Touba Guang Sheng only took a knife and put the other person under the horse.

Other tribes in the tribe also recognized the identity of Touba Guang Sheng and were afraid of the slaughter madman at the bottom of this might shake Wasteland.

Under the intimidation of Touba Guang Sheng with the victory, the entire medium-sized tribe collapsed!

No fighting spirit!

The tribe was in chaos, and Zhao Fang slammed it.

Instead, it has harvested a lot of people.

Not an hour.

Three people are coming to a tribe.

The same is a knife.

The Tribal Chief of the native tribe, even if he didn’t show his housekeeping skills, he screamed.

Half a day.

Three people visited four medium-sized tribes.

The medium-sized tribe became a human purgatory and completely turned into history.

Wait until other medium-sized native tribes react and start to be alert.

Touba Guang Sheng took Zhao Fang and visited some of the ordinary towns where Blood Cultivator was located.

There is Touba Guang Sheng, this Powerhouse.

As long as the God King Late Stage does not appear, you can almost walk sideways.

And God King Late Stage Powerhouse, placed in the three Great Influences, that is the most Peak’s combat power, the entire ethnic group does not have a few, naturally not Chinese cabbage, feel free to meet.

Touba Guang Sheng smashed several Blood Cultivator nests and destroyed several Demon Race sites.

When the three Great Influences reacted and the anger prevented the Powerhouse from fighting back, it was only leisurely, with Zhao Fang Touba Guan Feng, back to Touba City.

After returning to the city, the two people enjoyed the same treatment as Hero.

Touba City Others, looking at the two people, especially looking at Zhao Fang’s eyes, is particularly complicated.

Envy, envy, reverence, and fear!

Touba Lei Feng, who has been silent for a long time, has become famous because of Lion Peak Ravine battle!

Become the Tuoba family, the most pedestrian’s talent!

Its glory, even the Tuoba family’s veteran talented Total Diuba, can not compete with it.

After returning to Touba City.

Under the arrangement of Touba Guang Sheng, Zhao Fang lives in a relatively large house in the inner city.


However, there are quite a few Young masters who come to visit and want to make friends.

In this regard.

Zhao Fang did not refuse.

The people who visited were in constant stream.

Not only the Young masters of the Tuoba family, but also the Elder of the Tuoba family, many people come to visit.

What makes Zhao Fang surprised is that many of them have deliberately and unintentionally revealed that they will fully support Zhao Fang’s success!

To know.

Success is not an empty slogan.

To do this one step requires a lot of human strength.

Even though they have witnessed the potential of Zhao Fang in Lion Peak Ravine, there are very few people who dare to be so discouraged and put all their bodies on a junior.


Still so many people, jointly bet on the treasure.

The strangeness in this matter is not allowed to ask a few words by Zhao Fang.

“We have followed the Lei Hai Young master…”

This is the Elders, something that is extremely similar.

Zhao Fang understands.

I learned that they were in the Tuoba family because of the extension of Lei Hai, they did not feel comfortable, they agreed!

This is the end.

Zhao Fang is no longer alone.

Originally reduced to only the 50-60 people’s team.

Under these Elder arrangements, it suddenly increased to more than 400 people.

Most of them are Heavenly God peak, or Divine Monarch.

If Zhao Fang does not want to raise too many idlers, the number of breakthroughs is a thousand, it is also easy.

Stayed in Touba City for four or five days.

Zhao Fang extremely leisurely.

But the Touba City high-level conference hall will be overwhelmed by him.

The best fight for Succession is the first level, because Zhao Fang’s bloody slaughter brings great trouble to other Young masters.

In the end, the three Great Influences came together, forcing the first level to have to pause.

What can I do after I can suspend?

Continue the first level…

Young master has been killed and injured enough.

There is no need to continue at all.

The main thing is that Touba Guang Sheng’s crazy revenge completely angered the three Great Influences. If they found the Touba City disciple, they would be like a mad dog.

To continue, it is equal to let these youth talents die.

Noisy for four or five days.

Finally, a result is arguing.

“The first level is over, and the ranking is ranked by the Blood List!”

Many people are extremely dissatisfied with this.


Daxie spoke, and the Young master couldn’t shake the end even if he was not willing.

In this way, Zhao Fang ranked first in the Young master above with a huge value of nearly 20 million Merit points!

Touba Guan Feng relied on Touba Guang Sheng to fight the autumn wind to harvest the head, Merit points over the second Touba Di Yi, and completely stepped on him.

Ranked second with nearly 10 million Merit points.

Touba Di Yi, seven million Merit points, ranking third!

Touba Wei Ran, five million Merit points, ranking fourth.


The first off the grass is over.

Some of the young masters who were originally preparing for the Late Stage, the extreme grievances, are full of strength, ready to be in the second level, a ride on the dust, fully revealing their own Strength, Touba Lei Feng, Touba Di Yi and others , completely step on the under the foot.


After learning the second level assessment requirements.

All Young masters are dumbfounded!

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